
Spark SQL----SORT BY子句


SORT BY子句用于返回按用户指定的顺序在每个分区中排序的结果行。当有多个分区时,SORT BY可能返回部分排序(partially ordered)的结果。这与ORDER BY子句不同,后者保证输出的总顺序。


SORT BY { expression [ sort_direction | nulls_sort_order ] [ , ... ] }


  • sort_direction
 [ ASC | DESC ]
  • nulls_sort_order
    如果指定了NULLS FIRST,则无论排序顺序如何,都会首先返回NULL值。
    如果指定了NULLS LAST,那么不管排序顺序如何,最后都会返回NULL值。


CREATE TABLE person (zip_code INT, name STRING, age INT);
    (94588, 'Zen Hui', 50),
    (94588, 'Dan Li', 18),
    (94588, 'Anil K', 27),
    (94588, 'John V', NULL),
    (94511, 'David K', 42),
    (94511, 'Aryan B.', 18),
    (94511, 'Lalit B.', NULL);

-- Use `REPARTITION` hint to partition the data by `zip_code` to
-- examine the `SORT BY` behavior. This is used in rest of the
-- examples.

-- Sort rows by `name` within each partition in ascending manner
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person SORT BY name;
|    name| age|zip_code|
|  Anil K|  27|   94588|
|  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
|  John V|null|   94588|
| Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
|Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
| David K|  42|   94511|
|Lalit B.|null|   94511|

-- Sort rows within each partition using column position.
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person SORT BY 1;
|    name| age|zip_code|
|  Anil K|  27|   94588|
|  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
|  John V|null|   94588|
| Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
|Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
| David K|  42|   94511|
|Lalit B.|null|   94511|

-- Sort rows within partition in ascending manner keeping null values to be last.
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age NULLS LAST;
| age|    name|zip_code|
|  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
|  27|  Anil K|   94588|
|  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
|null|  John V|   94588|
|  18|Aryan B.|   94511|
|  42| David K|   94511|
|null|Lalit B.|   94511|

-- Sort rows by age within each partition in descending manner, which defaults to NULL LAST.
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age DESC;
| age|    name|zip_code|
|  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
|  27|  Anil K|   94588|
|  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
|null|  John V|   94588|
|  42| David K|   94511|
|  18|Aryan B.|   94511|
|null|Lalit B.|   94511|

-- Sort rows by age within each partition in descending manner keeping null values to be first.
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age DESC NULLS FIRST;
| age|    name|zip_code|
|null|  John V|   94588|
|  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
|  27|  Anil K|   94588|
|  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
|null|Lalit B.|   94511|
|  42| David K|   94511|
|  18|Aryan B.|   94511|

-- Sort rows within each partition based on more than one column with each column having
-- different sort direction.
SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person
    SORT BY name ASC, age DESC;
|    name| age|zip_code|
|  Anil K|  27|   94588|
|  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
|  John V|null|   94588|
| Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
|Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
| David K|  42|   94511|
|Lalit B.|null|   94511|