参考线提供器: ReferenceLineProvider
本小节主要介绍参考线提供器的功能,参考线提供器主要完成的工作是计算车辆在规划路径上的短期可行路径。在控制规划地图Pnc Map中,有一个功能是路径段RouteSegments生成最终路径Path,这个Path就是车辆在规划路径上的可行路径,但是路径是以std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d> segments_
和std::vector<MapPathPoint> path_points_
的离散形式存在的,如果还不了解,可以参考Pnc Map模块进行了解。而本节参考线提供器就是对上述的Path进行样条函数Spline插值,得到平滑的路径曲线。
除了参考线平,参考线提供器还提供参考线拼接的功能。参考线拼接是针对不同时刻的RawReference,如果两条原始的RawReference是相连并且有覆盖的,那么可以不需要重新去进行平滑,只要直接使用上时刻的平滑参考线,或者仅仅平滑部分anchor point即可。
控制规划地图Pnc Map根据当前车辆状态与Routing模块规划路径响应可以得到当前情况下,车辆的可行驶方案Path的集合(每个RouteSegments生成对应的一个Path)。在Path中路径以std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d> segments_
和std::vector<MapPathPoint> path_points_
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/reference_line_provider.cc
void ReferenceLineProvider::GetAnchorPoints(const ReferenceLine &reference_line,
std::vector<AnchorPoint> *anchor_points) const {
// interval为采样间隔,默认max_constraint_interval=5.0,即路径累积距离每5m采样一个点。
const double interval = smoother_config_.max_constraint_interval();
// 路径采样点数量计算
int num_of_anchors = std::max(2, static_cast<int>(reference_line.Length() / interval + 0.5));
std::vector<double> anchor_s;
// uniform_slice函数就是对[0.0, reference_line.Length()]区间等间隔采样,每两个点之间距离为(length_-0.0)/(num_of_anchors - 1)
common::util::uniform_slice(0.0, reference_line.Length(), num_of_anchors - 1, &anchor_s);
// 根据每个采样点的累积距离s,以及Path的lane_segments_to_next_point_进行平滑插值,得到累积距离为s的采样点的坐标(x,y),并进行轨迹点矫正
for (const double s : anchor_s) {
anchor_points->emplace_back(GetAnchorPoint(reference_line, s));
anchor_points->front().longitudinal_bound = 1e-6;
anchor_points->front().lateral_bound = 1e-6;
anchor_points->front().enforced = true;
anchor_points->back().longitudinal_bound = 1e-6;
anchor_points->back().lateral_bound = 1e-6;
anchor_points->back().enforced = true;
auto ref_point = reference_line.GetReferencePoint(s);
首先采样点坐标计算与Pnc Map中Path::InitWidth
的函数包装,但是计算过程是一模一样的,可以参考Pnc Map模块
- 计算车辆宽度adc_width和半宽adc_half_width
const double adc_width = VehicleConfigHelper::GetConfig().vehicle_param().width();
const double adc_half_width = adc_width / 2.0;
- 计算车道距左边界距离left_width和距右边界距离right_width
double left_width = 0.0;
double right_width = 0.0;
waypoint.lane->GetWidth(waypoint.s, &left_width, &right_width); // Hd Map中查询得到
double total_width = left_width + right_width; // 当前位置,车道总宽度
- 计算车辆应该右移或者左移(矫正)的距离
// shift to left (or right) on wide lanes
if (!(waypoint.lane->lane().left_boundary().virtual_() ||
waypoint.lane->lane().right_boundary().virtual_()) &&
total_width > adc_width * smoother_config_.wide_lane_threshold_factor()) {
// 靠右行驶模式
if (smoother_config_.driving_side() == ReferenceLineSmootherConfig::RIGHT) {
shifted_left_width = adc_half_width + adc_width * smoother_config_.wide_lane_shift_remain_factor();
} else {
// 靠左形式模式
shifted_left_width = std::fmax(
total_width - (adc_half_width + adc_width * smoother_config_.wide_lane_shift_remain_factor()));
纠正一下,上图中的下标错了,A:靠右行驶, B:靠左行驶
- 当driving_side为RIGHT时
m = adc_half_width + adc_width * smoother_config_.wide_lane_shift_remain_factor()
- 当driving_side为LEFT时
m = adc_half_width + adc_width * smoother_config_.wide_lane_shift_remain_factor()
这样的方式在车道宽度差异比较大的时候,车联靠边行驶,距离边界的距离(total_width - m),这个距离不好控制。更不如使用一种更好的方法,同样是计算m,但是m的意义是距离最近边界线的距离,即靠边行驶与边界的距离,这个距离相对来说就比较好控制。只需要做一个更简单的改动,将上述代码的if-else判断条件交换一下即可,wide_lane_shift_remain_factor可以设置小于0.5的值。保证车辆边界与车到边界有一定距离(间隙)。
// shift away from curb boundary
auto left_type = hdmap::LeftBoundaryType(waypoint);
if (left_type == hdmap::LaneBoundaryType::CURB) {
shifted_left_width += smoother_config_.curb_shift();
auto right_type = hdmap::RightBoundaryType(waypoint);
if (right_type == hdmap::LaneBoundaryType::CURB) {
shifted_left_width -= smoother_config_.curb_shift();
ref_point += left_vec * (left_width - shifted_left_width);
auto shifted_right_width = total_width - shifted_left_width;
anchor.path_point = ref_point.ToPathPoint(s);
double effective_width = std::min(shifted_left_width, shifted_right_width) -
adc_half_width - FLAGS_reference_line_lateral_buffer;
anchor.lateral_bound = std::max(smoother_config_.lateral_boundary_bound(), effective_width);
anchor.longitudinal_bound = smoother_config_.longitudinal_boundary_bound();
x = f i ( s ) = a i 0 + a i 1 s + a i 2 s 2 + a i 3 s 3 + a i 4 s 4 + a i 5 s 5 x = f_i(s) = a_{i0} + a_{i1}s + a_{i2}s^2 +a_{i3}s^3 + a_{i4}s^4 + a_{i5}s^5 x=fi(s)=ai0+ai1s+ai2s2+ai3s3+ai4s4+ai5s5
y = g i ( s ) = b i 0 + b i 1 s + b i 2 s 2 + b i 3 s 3 + b i 4 s 4 + b i 5 s 5 y = g_i(s) = b_{i0} + b_{i1}s + b_{i2}s^2 +b_{i3}s^3 + b_{i4}s^4 + b_{i5}s^5 y=gi(s)=bi0+bi1s+bi2s2+bi3s3+bi4s4+bi5s5
在这里是分别对x和y用多项式函数拟合,函数的参数a和b的下标i表示哪一个段(两个knots之间的anchor point)
A. 预处理:如何划分段,或者说设置knots?
简单,anchor point是对原始Path进行采样,采样间隔为smoother_config_.max_constraint_interval()
uint32_t num_spline = std::max(1u, static_cast<uint32_t>(length / config_.qp_spline().max_spline_length() + 0.5));
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i <= num_spline; ++i) {
t_knots_.push_back(i * 1.0);
const double scale = (anchor_points_.back().path_point.s() -
anchor_points_.front().path_point.s()) /
(t_knots_.back() - t_knots_.front());
std::vector<double> evaluated_t;
for (const auto& point : anchor_points_) {
evaluated_t.emplace_back(point.path_point.s() / scale);
不难理解,就是将自变量s从[0,length_]区间按比例映射到[0,num_spline]区间,这样每个段内anchor point的s都属于[a,a+1]内,如果在减去knots[a]那么所有自变量的取值范围就是[0,1],事实上代码中也是这样做的。
for (const auto& point : anchor_points_) {
const auto& path_point = point.path_point;
xy_points.emplace_back(path_point.x() - ref_x_, path_point.y() - ref_y_);
B. 如何设置约束条件?
多项式最高阶数为5(qp_spline.spline_order: 5),所以每个多项式共6个参数,参数总和:(spline_order+1)*2*num_spline
使用每个段内的anchor point去拟合多项式函数,自变量范围[0,1],应变量相对于第一个anchor point的相对坐标。所以最后拟合出来的函数f和g的结果是相对于第一个anchor point的相对坐标。
- 预测的x’和y’需要保证在真实x和y的L轴lateral_bound、F轴longitudinal_bound领域内
- 第一个anchor point的heading和函数的一阶导方向需要一致,大小可以不一致,但是方向必需一致!
- x和y的n段函数之间,两两接壤部分应该是平滑的,两个函数值(位置)、一阶导(速度)、二阶导(加速度)必须一致。
B.1 边界约束
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/qp_spline_reference_line_smoother.cc
bool QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother::AddConstraint() {
// all points (x, y) should not deviate anchor points by a bounding box
if (!spline_constraint->Add2dBoundary(evaluated_t, headings, xy_points,
longitudinal_bound, lateral_bound)) {
AERROR << "Add 2d boundary constraint failed.";
return false;
每个anchor point相对第一个点的相对参考系坐标为(x,y),方向为heading。而该点坐在的段拟合出来的相对参考系坐标为(x’,y’),坐标的计算方式为:
x ′ = f i ( s ) = a i 0 + a i 1 s + a i 2 s 2 + a i 3 s 3 + a i 4 s 4 + a i 5 s 5 x' = f_i(s) = a_{i0} + a_{i1}s + a_{i2}s^2 +a_{i3}s^3 + a_{i4}s^4 + a_{i5}s^5 x′=fi(s)=ai0+ai1s+ai2s2+ai3s3+ai4s4+ai5s5
y ′ = g i ( s ) = b i 0 + b i 1 s + b i 2 s 2 + b i 3 s 3 + b i 4 s 4 + b i 5 s 5 y' = g_i(s) = b_{i0} + b_{i1}s + b_{i2}s^2 +b_{i3}s^3 + b_{i4}s^4 + b_{i5}s^5 y′=gi(s)=bi0+bi1s+bi2s2+bi3s3+bi4s4+bi5s5
其中i是anchor point所在的knots段,i=1,2,…,n(n=num_spline)
- 真实点(x,y)F和L轴投影计算
x p , l a t e r = ( c o s ( θ + π / 2 ) , s i n ( θ + π / 2 ) ) ⋅ ( x , y ) x_{p,later} = (cos(\theta+\pi/2), sin(\theta+\pi/2))·(x, y) xp,later=(cos(θ+π/2),sin(θ+π/2))⋅(x,y)
const double d_lateral = SignDistance(ref_point[i], angle[i]);
double Spline2dConstraint::SignDistance(const Vec2d& xy_point, const double angle) const {
return common::math::InnerProd(xy_point.x(), xy_point.y(), -std::sin(angle), std::cos(angle));
是第i个anchor point的相对参考系坐标,angle[i]
注意一点,代码中的方向向量是(-sin(angle), cos(angle)),其实也可以等价为(cos(angle+pi/2), sin(angle+pi/2)),很明显,代码中的方向向量是在L轴的,所以在计算L轴上的投影距离是,直接将heading传入即可,不需要额外加上一个pi/2。最终代码的计算方式与公式是一致的。
y p , l o n g i = ( c o s ( θ ) , s i n ( θ ) ) ⋅ ( x , y ) y_{p,longi} = (cos(\theta), sin(\theta))·(x, y) yp,longi=(cos(θ),sin(θ))⋅(x,y)
const double d_longitudinal = SignDistance(ref_point[i], angle[i] - M_PI / 2.0);
- 函数预测点(x’,y’)F和L轴投影计算
x = S A x = SA x=SA
y = S B y = SB y=SB
S = [ 1 , s , s 2 , s 3 , s 4 , s 5 ] S = [1, s, s^2, s^3, s^4, s^5] S=[1,s,s2,s3,s4,s5]
A = [ a i 0 , a i 1 , a i 2 , a i 3 , a i 4 , a i 5 ] T A = [a_{i0} ,a_{i1}, a_{i2}, a_{i3}, a_{i4}, a_{i5}]^T A=[ai0,ai1,ai2,ai3,ai4,ai5]T
B = [ b i 0 , b i 1 , b i 2 , b i 3 , b i 4 , b i 5 ] T B = [b_{i0} ,b_{i1}, b_{i2}, b_{i3}, b_{i4}, b_{i5}]^T B=[bi0,bi1,bi2,bi3,bi4,bi5]T
const uint32_t index = FindIndex(t_coord[i]);
const double rel_t = t_coord[i] - t_knots_[index];
const uint32_t index_offset = 2 * index * (spline_order_ + 1);
上述过程index是计算公式中的i,也就是计算n个拟合段中anchor point所属的段。rel_t是anchor point累积距离s相对于下界knots累积距离s的相对差,说白了就是自变量归一化到[0,1]之间。
index_offset是该段拟合函数对应的参数位置,我们可以知道n段拟合多项式函数的参数总和为 2*(spline_order+1)*n。所以第i个拟合函数的参数偏移位置为2*(spline_order+1)*i。
- [2*(spline_order+1)*i, 2*(spline_order+1)*i+(spline_order+1)]是x多项式函数的参数,共(spline_order+1)个,即向量A;
- [2*(spline_order+1)*i+(spline_order+1), 2*(spline_order+1)*(i+1)]是y多项式函数的参数,共(spline_order+1)个,即向量B
std::vector<double> longi_coef = AffineCoef(angle[i], rel_t);
std::vector<double> longitudinal_coef = AffineCoef(angle[i] - M_PI / 2, rel_t);
std::vector<double> Spline2dConstraint::AffineCoef(const double angle, const double t) const {
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
std::vector<double> result(num_params * 2, 0.0);
double x_coef = -std::sin(angle);
double y_coef = std::cos(angle);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
result[i] = x_coef;
result[i + num_params] = y_coef;
x_coef *= t;
y_coef *= t;
return result;
l o n g i c o e f = [ − s i n ( θ ) S , c o s ( θ ) S ] = [ c o s ( θ + π / 2 ) S , s i n ( θ + π / 2 ) S ] longicoef = [-sin(\theta)S, cos(\theta)S] = [cos(\theta+\pi/2)S, sin(\theta+\pi/2)S] longicoef=[−sin(θ)S,cos(θ)S]=[cos(θ+π/2)S,sin(θ+π/2)S]
l o n g i t u d i n a l c o e f = [ − s i n ( θ − π / 2 ) S , c o s ( θ − π / 2 ) S ] = [ c o s ( θ ) S , s i n ( θ ) S ] longitudinalcoef = [-sin(\theta-\pi/2)S, cos(\theta-\pi/2)S] = [cos(\theta)S, sin(\theta)S] longitudinalcoef=[−sin(θ−π/2)S,cos(θ−π/2)S]=[cos(θ)S,sin(θ)S]
x q , l a t e r = ( c o s ( θ + π / 2 ) , s i n ( θ + π / 2 ) ) ⋅ ( x ′ , y ′ ) = ( c o s ( θ + π / 2 ) , s i n ( θ + π / 2 ) ) ⋅ ( S A , S B ) x_{q,later} = (cos(\theta+\pi/2), sin(\theta+\pi/2))·(x', y') = (cos(\theta+\pi/2), sin(\theta+\pi/2))·(SA, SB) xq,later=(cos(θ+π/2),sin(θ+π/2))⋅(x′,y′)=(cos(θ+π/2),sin(θ+π/2))⋅(SA,SB)
x q , l a t e r = [ − s i n ( θ ) S , c o s ( θ ) S ] ⋅ ( A , B ) = l o n g i c o e f ⋅ ( A , B ) x_{q,later} = [-sin(\theta)S, cos(\theta)S]·(A, B) = longicoef · (A, B) xq,later=[−sin(θ)S,cos(θ)S]⋅(A,B)=longicoef⋅(A,B)
y q , l o n g i = ( c o s ( θ ) , s i n ( θ ) ) ⋅ ( x ′ , y ′ ) = ( c o s ( θ ) , s i n ( θ ) ) ⋅ ( S A , S B ) y_{q,longi} = (cos(\theta), sin(\theta))·(x', y') = (cos(\theta), sin(\theta))·(SA, SB) yq,longi=(cos(θ),sin(θ))⋅(x′,y′)=(cos(θ),sin(θ))⋅(SA,SB)
y q , l o n g i = [ − s i n ( θ − π / 2 ) S , c o s ( θ − π / 2 ) S ] ⋅ ( A , B ) = l o n g i t u d i n a l c o e f ⋅ ( A , B ) y_{q,longi} = [-sin(\theta-\pi/2)S, cos(\theta-\pi/2)S]·(A, B) = longitudinalcoef · (A, B) yq,longi=[−sin(θ−π/2)S,cos(θ−π/2)S]⋅(A,B)=longitudinalcoef⋅(A,B)
- 约束条件设置
|d_lateral - longi_coef·(A, B)| <= lateral_bound
|d_longitudinal - longitudinal_coef(A, B)| <= longitudinal_bound
- L轴上界不等式
d_lateral - longi_coef·(A, B) <= lateral_bound
整理得到:longi_coef·(A, B) >= d_lateral - lateral_bound
- L轴下界不等式
d_lateral - longi_coef·(A, B) >= -lateral_bound
整理得到: -longi_coef·(A, B) >= -d_lateral - lateral_bound
- F轴上界不等式
d_longitudinal - longitudinal_coef·(A, B) <= longitudinal_bound
整理得到:longitudinal_coef·(A, B) >= d_longitudinal - longitudinal_bound
- F轴下界不等式
d_longitudinal - longitudinal_coef·(A, B) >= -longitudinal_bound
整理得到:-longitudinal_coef·(A, B) >= -d_longitudinal - longitudinal_bound
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 2 * (spline_order_ + 1); ++j) {
// upper longi,设置L轴上界不等式系数
affine_inequality(4 * i, index_offset + j) = longi_coef[j];
// lower longi,设置L轴下界不等式系数
affine_inequality(4 * i + 1, index_offset + j) = -longi_coef[j];
// upper longitudinal,设置F轴上界不等式系数
affine_inequality(4 * i + 2, index_offset + j) = longitudinal_coef[j];
// lower longitudinal,设置F轴下界不等式系数
affine_inequality(4 * i + 3, index_offset + j) = -longitudinal_coef[j];
affine_boundary(4 * i, 0) = d_lateral - lateral_bound[i]; //设置L轴上界不等式的边界
affine_boundary(4 * i + 1, 0) = -d_lateral - lateral_bound[i]; //设置L轴下界不等式的边界
affine_boundary(4 * i + 2, 0) = d_longitudinal - longitudinal_bound[i]; //设置F轴上界不等式的边界
affine_boundary(4 * i + 3, 0) = -d_longitudinal - longitudinal_bound[i]; //设置L轴下界不等式的边界
等同于: [longi_coef, -longi_coef, longitudinal_coef, -longitudinal_coef]
等同于: [d_lateral-lateral_bound, -d_lateral-lateral_bound, d_longitudinal-longitudinal_bound, -d_longitudinal-longitudinal_bound]
affine_inequality * [A1,B1,A2,B2,..An,Bn] >= affine_boundary
B.2 方向约束
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/qp_spline_reference_line_smoother.cc
bool QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother::AddConstraint() {
// the heading of the first point should be identical to the anchor point.
if (!spline_constraint->AddPointAngleConstraint(evaluated_t.front(),
headings.front())) {
AERROR << "Add 2d point angle constraint failed.";
return false;
第一个anchor point的heading应该和第一段的多项式函数f1和g1的偏导数方向一致,大小可以不一致。也就是: heading = argtan(g1’(s), f1’(s))。从上述代码可以看到,参入的参数是第一个点。
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_2d_constraint.cc
bool Spline2dConstraint::AddPointAngleConstraint(const double t,
const double angle) {
const uint32_t index = FindIndex(t);
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
const uint32_t index_offset = index * 2 * num_params;
const double rel_t = t - t_knots_[index];
第一步还是计算第一个anchor point所属的函数索引index,index_offset是该段函数参数(Ai,Bi)所在的位置偏移,rel_t是第一个点的自变量,归一化到[0,1]。为了确保方向一致,代码中使用两个约束来保证这个方向一致的约束问题:
- L轴分量为0,保证方向相同或者相反
- 验证同向性
- L轴分量为0,保证方向相同或者相反
bool Spline2dConstraint::AddPointAngleConstraint(const double t,
const double angle) {
// add equality constraint
Eigen::MatrixXd affine_equality = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, total_param_);
Eigen::MatrixXd affine_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, 1);
std::vector<double> line_derivative_coef = AffineDerivativeCoef(angle, rel_t);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < line_derivative_coef.size(); ++i) {
affine_equality(0, i + index_offset) = line_derivative_coef[i];
std::vector<double> Spline2dConstraint::AffineDerivativeCoef(
const double angle, const double t) const {
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
std::vector<double> result(num_params * 2, 0.0);
double x_coef = -std::sin(angle);
double y_coef = std::cos(angle);
std::vector<double> power_t = PolyCoef(t);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_params; ++i) {
result[i] = x_coef * power_t[i - 1] * i;
result[i + num_params] = y_coef * power_t[i - 1] * i;
return result;
微分矩阵 $ D = [0, 1, 2s, 3s^2, 4s^3, 5s^4] $
line_derivative_coef = [-sin(theta)D, cos(theta)D]
可以得到L轴方向分量的计算方式为 line_derivative_coef · (A, B) = 0
- 验证同向性
真实点的方向为heading,拟合多项式在该点的一阶导数为 (D·A, D·B)。代码中对heading做一个处理,规则化到[0, 2*pi]
计算heading的方向向量sgn = [x_sign, y_sign],计算方法为:
- 如果正则化heading在[0, pi/2]: sgn = [1, 1]
- 如果正则化heading在[pi/2, pi]: sgn = [-1, 1]
- 如果正则化heading在[pi,3*pi/2]: sgn = [-1, -1]
- 如果正则化heading在[3*pi/2, 2*pi]: sgn = [1, -1]
只需要最后的内积 sgn·(D·A, D·B) > 0
其实有更加简单地方式,heading方向对应的单位向量为(cos(heading), sin(heading)),所以需要要如下代码就可以:
x_sign = std::cos(angle)
y_sign = std::sin(angle)
B.3 各函数接壤处平滑约束
f i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − f i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 f_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - f_{i+1}(0) = 0 fi(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−fi+1(0)=0
g i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − g i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 g_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - g_{i+1}(0) = 0 gi(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−gi+1(0)=0
f ( 1 ) _ i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − f ( 1 ) _ i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 f^{(1)}\_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - f^{(1)}\_{i+1}(0) = 0 f(1)_i(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−f(1)_i+1(0)=0
f ( 2 ) _ i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − f ( 2 ) _ i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 f^{(2)}\_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - f^{(2)}\_{i+1}(0) = 0 f(2)_i(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−f(2)_i+1(0)=0
g ( 1 ) _ i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − g ( 1 ) _ i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 g^{(1)}\_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - g^{(1)}\_{i+1}(0) = 0 g(1)_i(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−g(1)_i+1(0)=0
g ( 2 ) _ i ( k n o t s [ i + 1 ] . s − k n o t s [ i ] . s ) − g ( 2 ) _ i + 1 ( 0 ) = 0 g^{(2)}\_i(knots[i+1].s-knots[i].s) - g^{(2)}\_{i+1}(0) = 0 g(2)_i(knots[i+1].s−knots[i].s)−g(2)_i+1(0)=0
x ′ = f ( 1 ) _ i ( s ) = 0 + a i 1 + 2 a i 2 s + 3 a i 3 s 2 + 4 a i 4 s 3 + 5 a i 5 s 4 x' = f^{(1)}\_i(s) = 0 + a_{i1} + 2a_{i2}s + 3a_{i3}s^2 + 4a_{i4}s^3 + 5a_{i5}s^4 x′=f(1)_i(s)=0+ai1+2ai2s+3ai3s2+4ai4s3+5ai5s4
x ′ ′ = f ( 2 ) _ i ( s ) = 0 + 0 + 2 a i 2 + 6 a i 3 s + 12 a i 4 s 2 + 20 a i 5 s 3 x'' = f^{(2)}\_i(s) = 0 + 0 + 2a_{i2} + 6a_{i3}s + 12a_{i4}s^2 + 20a_{i5}s^3 x′′=f(2)_i(s)=0+0+2ai2+6ai3s+12ai4s2+20ai5s3
函数值系数: $ Ds_0 = [1, s, s^2, s^3, s^4, s^5] $
一阶导系数: $ Ds_1 = [0, 1, 2s, 3s^2, 4s^3, 5s^4] $
二阶导系数: $ Ds_2 = [0, 0, 2, 6s, 12s^2, 20s^3] $
D s 0 A i − [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] A i + 1 = 0 Ds_0A_i - [1,0,0,0,0,0]A_{i+1} = 0 Ds0Ai−[1,0,0,0,0,0]Ai+1=0
D s 1 A i − [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] A i + 1 = 0 Ds_1A_i - [0,1,0,0,0,0]A_{i+1} = 0 Ds1Ai−[0,1,0,0,0,0]Ai+1=0
D s 2 A i − [ 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] A i + 1 = 0 Ds_2A_i - [0,0,2,0,0,0]A_{i+1} = 0 Ds2Ai−[0,0,2,0,0,0]Ai+1=0
D s 0 B i − [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] B i + 1 = 0 Ds_0B_i - [1,0,0,0,0,0]B_{i+1} = 0 Ds0Bi−[1,0,0,0,0,0]Bi+1=0
D s 1 B i − [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] B i + 1 = 0 Ds_1B_i - [0,1,0,0,0,0]B_{i+1} = 0 Ds1Bi−[0,1,0,0,0,0]Bi+1=0
D s 2 B i − [ 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] B i + 1 = 0 Ds_2B_i - [0,0,2,0,0,0]B_{i+1} = 0 Ds2Bi−[0,0,2,0,0,0]Bi+1=0
// guarantee upto second order derivative are joint
bool Spline2dConstraint::AddSecondDerivativeSmoothConstraint() {
if (t_knots_.size() < 3) {
return false;
// 6个等式,affine_equality是系数,affine_boundary是值。约束函数数量:6 * (n-1), n=t_knots_.size()-1
Eigen::MatrixXd affine_equality = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6 * (t_knots_.size() - 2), total_param_);
Eigen::MatrixXd affine_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6 * (t_knots_.size() - 2), 1);
// 相邻两个knots对之间的多项式拟合函数进行约束
for (uint32_t i = 0; i + 2 < t_knots_.size(); ++i) {
// 计算第一个曲线的自变量:t_knots[i+1].s-t_knots[i].s
const double rel_t = t_knots_[i + 1] - t_knots_[i];
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
const uint32_t index_offset = 2 * i * num_params;
// 函数值系数: [1, s, s^2, s^3, s^4, s^5]
std::vector<double> power_t = PolyCoef(rel_t);
// 一阶导系数: [0, 1, 2s, 3s^2, 4s^3, 5s^4]
std::vector<double> derivative_t = DerivativeCoef(rel_t);
// 二阶导系数: [0, 0, 2, 6s, 12s^2,20s^3]
std::vector<double> second_derivative_t = SecondDerivativeCoef(rel_t);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_params; ++j) {
affine_equality(6 * i, j + index_offset) = power_t[j]; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点函数值
affine_equality(6 * i + 1, j + index_offset) = derivative_t[j]; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点一阶导
affine_equality(6 * i + 2, j + index_offset) = second_derivative_t[j]; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点二阶导
affine_equality(6 * i + 3, j + index_offset + num_params) = power_t[j]; // 第二个多项式y曲线终点函数值
affine_equality(6 * i + 4, j + index_offset + num_params) = derivative_t[j]; // 第二个多项式y曲线终点一阶导
affine_equality(6 * i + 5, j + index_offset + num_params) = second_derivative_t[j];// 第二个多项式y曲线终点二阶导
affine_equality(6 * i, index_offset + 2 * num_params) = -1.0; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点函数值 - 第二个多项式x曲线起点函数值
affine_equality(6 * i + 1, index_offset + 2 * num_params + 1) = -1.0; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点一阶导 - 第二个多项式x曲线起点一阶导(速度一致)
affine_equality(6 * i + 2, index_offset + 2 * num_params + 2) = -2.0; // 第一个多项式x曲线终点二阶导 - 第二个多项式x曲线起点二阶导(加速度一致)
affine_equality(6 * i + 3, index_offset + 3 * num_params) = -1.0; // 第一个多项式y曲线终点函数值 - 第二个多项式y曲线起点函数值
affine_equality(6 * i + 4, index_offset + 3 * num_params + 1) = -1.0; // 第一个多项式y曲线终点一阶导 - 第二个多项式y曲线起点一阶导(速度一致)
affine_equality(6 * i + 5, index_offset + 3 * num_params + 2) = -2.0; // 第一个多项式y曲线终点二阶导 - 第二个多项式y曲线起点二阶导(加速度一致)
return AddEqualityConstraint(affine_equality, affine_boundary);
C. 如何设置cost函数?
$$ cost = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \Big( \int\limits_{0}^{t_i} (f_i''')^2(t) dt + \int\limits_{0}^{t_i} (g_i''')^2(t) dt \Big) $$
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/conf/qp_spline_smoother_config.pb.txt
qp_spline {
spline_order: 5
max_spline_length : 25.0
regularization_weight : 1.0e-5
second_derivative_weight : 200.0 // 二阶导cost函数权重
third_derivative_weight : 1000.0 // 三阶导cost函数权重
x = f k ( s ) = a k 0 + a k 1 s + a k 2 s 2 + a k 3 s 3 + a k 4 s 4 + a k 5 s 5 x = f_k(s) = a_{k0} + a_{k1}s + a_{k2}s^2 + a_{k3}s^3 + a_{k4}s^4 + a_{k5}s^5 x=fk(s)=ak0+ak1s+ak2s2+ak3s3+ak4s4+ak5s5
x ′ = f k ( 1 ) ( s ) = 0 + a k 1 + 2 a k 2 s + 3 a k 3 s 2 + 4 a k 4 s 3 + 5 a k 5 s 4 x' = f_k^{(1)}(s) = 0 + a_{k1} + 2a_{k2}s + 3a_{k3}s^2 + 4a_{k4}s^3 + 5a_{k5}s^4 x′=fk(1)(s)=0+ak1+2ak2s+3ak3s2+4ak4s3+5ak5s4
x ′ ′ = f k ( 2 ) ( s ) = 0 + 0 + 2 + 6 a k 3 s + 12 a k 4 s 2 + 20 a k 5 s 3 x'' = f_k^{(2)}(s) = 0 + 0 + 2 + 6a_{k3}s + 12a_{k4}s^2 + 20a_{k5}s^3 x′′=fk(2)(s)=0+0+2+6ak3s+12ak4s2+20ak5s3
x ′ ′ ′ = f k ( 3 ) ( s ) = 0 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 24 a k 4 s 1 + 60 a k 5 s 2 x''' = f_k^{(3)}(s) = 0+ 0 + 0 + 6 + 24a_{k4}s^1 + 60a_{k5}s^2 x′′′=fk(3)(s)=0+0+0+6+24ak4s1+60ak5s2
D s 0 = [ 1 , s , s 2 , s 3 , s 4 , s 5 ] Ds_0 = [1, s, s^2, s^3, s^4, s^5] Ds0=[1,s,s2,s3,s4,s5]
D s 1 = [ 0 , 1 , 2 s , 3 s 2 , 4 s 3 , 5 s 4 ] Ds_1 = [0, 1, 2s, 3s^2, 4s^3, 5s^4] Ds1=[0,1,2s,3s2,4s3,5s4]
D s 2 = [ 0 , 0 , 2 , 6 s , 12 s 2 , 20 s 3 ] Ds_2 = [0, 0, 2, 6s, 12s^2, 20s^3] Ds2=[0,0,2,6s,12s2,20s3]
D s 3 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 6 , 24 s , 60 s 2 ] Ds_3 = [0, 0, 0, 6, 24s, 60s^2] Ds3=[0,0,0,6,24s,60s2]
A k = [ a k 0 , a k 1 , a k 2 , a k 3 , a k 4 , a k 5 ] T A_k = [a_{k0}, a_{k1}, a_{k2}, a_{k3}, a_{k4}, a_{k5}]^T Ak=[ak0,ak1,ak2,ak3,ak4,ak5]T
B k = [ b k 0 , b k 1 , b k 2 , b k 3 , b k 4 , b k 5 ] T B_k = [b_{k0}, b_{k1}, b_{k2}, b_{k3}, b_{k4}, b_{k5}]^T Bk=[bk0,bk1,bk2,bk3,bk4,bk5]T
$$ cost = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \Big( \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} (Ds_3A_k)^T(Ds_3A_k) dt + \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} (Ds_3B_k)^T(Ds_3B_k) dt \Big) $$
$$ cost = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \Big( \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} {A_k}^T{Ds_3}^TDs_3A_k dt + \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} {B_k}^T{Ds_3}^TDs_3B_k dt \Big) $$
∫ 0 t k A k T D s 3 T D s 3 A k d t = A k T ( ∫ 0 t k D s 3 T D s 3 d t ) A k \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} {A_k}^T{Ds_3}^TDs_3A_k dt = {A_k}^T\Big(\int\limits_{0}^{t_k} {Ds_3}^TDs_3 dt\Big)A_k 0∫tkAkTDs3TDs3Akdt=AkT(0∫tkDs3TDs3dt)Ak
P P k = ∫ 0 t k D s 3 T D s 3 d t PP_k = \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} {Ds_3}^TDs_3 dt PPk=0∫tkDs3TDs3dt
现令:$Pk = {Ds_3}^TDs_3 $ 可以思考一下,Pk中的任意一个元素 P k i j Pk_{ij} Pkij,他的完整计算方式为:
KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \[ at position 16: Pk_{ij} = Ds_3\̲[̲i\] * Ds_3\[j\]…
上述公式中的参数 $ c = i*(i-1)*(i-2)*j*(j-1)*(j-2) $
∫ 0 t k P k i j d t = ∫ 0 t k c s i + j − 6 d t = c i + j − 5 s i + j − 5 ∣ _ s = t k − c i + j − 5 s i + j − 5 ∣ _ s = 0 = c i + j − 5 s i + j − 5 ∣ _ s = t k \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} Pk_{ij} dt = \int\limits_{0}^{t_k} cs^{i+j-6} dt = \left. \frac{c}{i+j-5}s^{i+j-5} \right| \_{s=t_k} - \left. \frac{c}{i+j-5}s^{i+j-5} \right| \_{s=0} = \left. \frac{c}{i+j-5}s^{i+j-5} \right| \_{s=t_k} 0∫tkPkijdt=0∫tkcsi+j−6dt=i+j−5csi+j−5∣∣∣∣_s=tk−i+j−5csi+j−5∣∣∣∣_s=0=i+j−5csi+j−5∣∣∣∣_s=tk
上述公式需要满足条件: i, j必须都大于等于3
PPk = Qk(同kernel_third_order_derivative_) · Rk(同term_matrix)
C.1 积分导数系数矩阵Q计算
- 在三阶导系数矩阵中,每个位置元素的计算方式为:
KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \* at position 19: …{i,j} = \frac{i\̲*̲(i-1)\*(i-2)\*j…
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_seg_kernel.cc
void SplineSegKernel::CalculateThirdOrderDerivative(const uint32_t num_params) {
kernel_third_order_derivative_ = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_params, num_params);
for (int r = 3; r < kernel_third_order_derivative_.rows(); ++r) {
for (int c = 3; c < kernel_third_order_derivative_.cols(); ++c) {
kernel_third_order_derivative_(r, c) =
(r * r - r) * (r - 2) * (c * c - c) * (c - 2) / (r + c - 5.0);
- 在二阶导系数矩阵中,每个位置元素的计算方式为:
KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \* at position 19: …{i,j} = \frac{i\̲*̲(i-1)\*j\*(j-1)…
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_seg_kernel.cc
void SplineSegKernel::CalculateSecondOrderDerivative(const uint32_t num_params) {
kernel_second_order_derivative_ = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_params, num_params);
for (int r = 2; r < kernel_second_order_derivative_.rows(); ++r) {
for (int c = 2; c < kernel_second_order_derivative_.cols(); ++c) {
kernel_second_order_derivative_(r, c) =
(r * r - r) * (c * c - c) / (r + c - 3.0);
C.2 多项式矩阵R计算
R = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , s , s 2 ] T [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , s , s 2 ] R = [0, 0, 0, 1, s, s^2]^T[0, 0, 0, 1, s, s^2] R=[0,0,0,1,s,s2]T[0,0,0,1,s,s2]
R = s ⋅ [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , s , s 2 ] T [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , s , s 2 ] R = s · [0, 0, 0, 1, s, s^2]^T[0, 0, 0, 1, s, s^2] R=s⋅[0,0,0,1,s,s2]T[0,0,0,1,s,s2]
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_seg_kernel.cc
void SplineSegKernel::IntegratedTermMatrix(const uint32_t num_params,
const double x,
const std::string& type,
Eigen::MatrixXd* term_matrix) const {
if (term_matrix->rows() != term_matrix->cols() ||
term_matrix->rows() != static_cast<int>(num_params)) {
term_matrix->resize(num_params, num_params);
std::vector<double> x_pow(2 * num_params + 1, 1.0);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 2 * num_params + 1; ++i) {
x_pow[i] = x_pow[i - 1] * x;
if (type == "fx") {
} else if (type == "derivative") {
} else if (type == "second_order") {
} else {
for (uint32_t r = 3; r < num_params; ++r) {
for (uint32_t c = 3; c < num_params; ++c) {
(*term_matrix)(r, c) = x_pow[r + c - 5]; // 每个元素本来为 r-3+c-3,积分过后指数加1,变成r+c-5
(*term_matrix).block(0, 0, num_params, 3) = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_params, 3); // 前三列置0
(*term_matrix).block(0, 0, 3, num_params) = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, num_params); // 前三行置0
C.3 cost函数计算
$$ cost = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \Big( {A_k}^T(Q_k·R_k)A_k + {B_k}^T(Q_k·R_k)B_k \Big) $$
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_2d_kernel.cc
// AddNthDerivativeKernelMatrix是计算cost函数的总系数矩阵,对应上述公式中的sigma,一共n-1段函数
// n = num_spline = t_knots_.size() - 1
void Spline2dKernel::AddNthDerivativeKernelMatrix(const uint32_t n, const double weight) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i + 1 < t_knots_.size(); ++i) {
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
Eigen::MatrixXd cur_kernel =
n, num_params, t_knots_[i + 1] - t_knots_[i]) *
kernel_matrix_.block(2 * i * num_params, 2 * i * num_params, num_params,
num_params) += cur_kernel;
kernel_matrix_.block((2 * i + 1) * num_params, (2 * i + 1) * num_params,
num_params, num_params) += cur_kernel;
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/math/smoothing_spline/spline_seg_kernel.cc
// SecondOrderDerivativeKernel是计算每一个段的多项式拟合函数的系数矩阵 Q_i · R_i
Eigen::MatrixXd SplineSegKernel::SecondOrderDerivativeKernel(
const uint32_t num_params, const double accumulated_x) {
if (num_params > reserved_order_ + 1) {
Eigen::MatrixXd term_matrix;
IntegratedTermMatrix(num_params, accumulated_x, "second_order", &term_matrix);
return kernel_second_order_derivative_.block(0, 0, num_params, num_params)
.cwiseProduct(term_matrix); // 计算Q·R,点乘
x = [ A 0 , B 0 , A 1 , B 1 , . . . , A n − 1 , B n − 1 ] x = [A_0,B_0,A_1,B_1,...,A_{n-1},B_{n-1}] x=[A0,B0,A1,B1,...,An−1,Bn−1]
参数的个数一共:2 * (spline_order + 1) * num_spline
此外,Apollo还设置了2,3阶复合cost函数,同样的每一段的cost系数(Qk · Rk) * weight
。最后的三阶导数cost值就为 x^T * kernel_matrix_ * x
c o s t = x T ∗ H 1 ∗ x + x T ∗ H 2 ∗ x cost = x^T * H_1 * x + x^T * H_2 * x cost=xT∗H1∗x+xT∗H2∗x
; H_2为二阶导系数矩阵,权值为third_derivative_weight(1000)
C.4 正则化项
- L1正则:$ fx $
- L2正则:$ x^Tfx $
qp_spline {
spline_order: 5
max_spline_length : 25.0
regularization_weight : 1.0e-5 // L2正则系数
second_derivative_weight : 200.0
third_derivative_weight : 1000.0
// customized input output
void Spline2dKernel::AddRegularization(const double regularization_param) {
Eigen::MatrixXd id_matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(kernel_matrix_.rows(), kernel_matrix_.cols());
kernel_matrix_ += id_matrix * regularization_param;
1 2 ⋅ x T ⋅ H ⋅ x + f T ⋅ x s . t . L B ≤ x ≤ U B A e q x = b e q A x ≤ b \frac{1}{2} \cdot x^T \cdot H \cdot x + f^T \cdot x \\ s.t. LB \leq x \leq UB \\ A_{eq}x = b_{eq} \\ Ax \leq b 21⋅xT⋅H⋅x+fT⋅xs.t.LB≤x≤UBAeqx=beqAx≤b
D. 如何优化求解系数
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/qp_spline_reference_line_smoother.cc
bool QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother::Smooth(
const ReferenceLine& raw_reference_line,
ReferenceLine* const smoothed_reference_line) {
// Step A
// mapping spline to reference line point
const double start_t = t_knots_.front(); // 原始ReferenceLine的起点,第一个anchor point,也是平滑后的ReferenceLine起点
const double end_t = t_knots_.back(); // 原始ReferenceLine的终点,最后一个anchor point,也是平滑后的ReferenceLine终点
const double resolution = (end_t - start_t) / (config_.num_of_total_points() - 1); // 采样精度,一共采样500个点。
double t = start_t;
std::vector<ReferencePoint> ref_points; // 采样点保存
const auto& spline = spline_solver_->spline();
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/qp_spline_reference_line_smoother.cc
bool QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother::Smooth(
const ReferenceLine& raw_reference_line,
ReferenceLine* const smoothed_reference_line) {
// Step A
// Step B
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < config_.num_of_total_points() && t < end_t; ++i, t += resolution) {
const double heading = std::atan2(spline.DerivativeY(t), spline.DerivativeX(t)); // 采样点速度大小
const double kappa = CurveMath::ComputeCurvature( // 采样点曲率,弧线越直曲率越小;弧线越弯,曲率越大
spline.DerivativeX(t), spline.SecondDerivativeX(t),
spline.DerivativeY(t), spline.SecondDerivativeY(t));
const double dkappa = CurveMath::ComputeCurvatureDerivative( // 曲率导数,描述曲率变化
spline.DerivativeX(t), spline.SecondDerivativeX(t),
spline.ThirdDerivativeX(t), spline.DerivativeY(t),
spline.SecondDerivativeY(t), spline.ThirdDerivativeY(t));
std::pair<double, double> xy = spline(t); // 求解累积距离为t时曲线的坐标,也是相对与第一个点的偏移坐标
xy.first += ref_x_; // 加上第一个anchor point的世界系坐标,变成世界系坐标
xy.second += ref_y_;
common::SLPoint ref_sl_point;
if (!raw_reference_line.XYToSL({xy.first, xy.second}, &ref_sl_point)) {
return false;
if (ref_sl_point.s() < -kEpsilon || ref_sl_point.s() > raw_reference_line.Length()) {
ref_sl_point.set_s(std::max(ref_sl_point.s(), 0.0));
// 将点封装成ReferencePoint,并加入向量
ReferencePoint rlp = raw_reference_line.GetReferencePoint(ref_sl_point.s());
auto new_lane_waypoints = rlp.lane_waypoints();
for (auto& lane_waypoint : new_lane_waypoints) {
lane_waypoint.l = ref_sl_point.l();
hdmap::MapPathPoint(common::math::Vec2d(xy.first, xy.second), heading,
new_lane_waypoints), kappa, dkappa));
// 去除过近的冗余点,最终将vector<ReferencePoint>封装成ReferenceLine
if (ref_points.size() < 2) {
AERROR << "Fail to generate smoothed reference line.";
return false;
*smoothed_reference_line = ReferenceLine(ref_points);
return true;
至此,knots分段与二次规划进行参考线平滑阶段已经全部完成,可以看到平滑参考线其实依旧是一个采样的过程,为什么不对原始的参考线直接进行更细粒度的采样(与anchor point和knots采样一样)?这里的理解是使用平滑参考线可以实时计算参考线上每个点的速度,曲率,曲率导数等信息,可以进一步描述车辆的运动状态信息。例如,车辆在平坦或者弯道部分(查询kappa)?车辆正要进入弯道还是脱离弯道(查询dkappa)?
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/reference_line_provider.cc
bool ReferenceLineProvider::IsReferenceLineSmoothValid(
const ReferenceLine &raw, const ReferenceLine &smoothed) const {
constexpr double kReferenceLineDiffCheckStep = 10.0;
for (double s = 0.0; s < smoothed.Length();
s += kReferenceLineDiffCheckStep) {
auto xy_new = smoothed.GetReferencePoint(s);
common::SLPoint sl_new;
if (!raw.XYToSL(xy_new, &sl_new)) {
AERROR << "Fail to change xy point on smoothed reference line to sl "
"point respect to raw reference line.";
return false;
const double diff = std::fabs(sl_new.l());
if (diff > FLAGS_smoothed_reference_line_max_diff) {
AERROR << "Fail to provide reference line because too large diff "
"between smoothed and raw reference lines. diff: "
<< diff;
return false;
return true;
平滑参考线拼接是针对不同时刻的RawReference,如果两条原始的RawReference是相连并且有覆盖的,那么可以不需要重新去进行平滑,只要直接使用上时刻的平滑参考线,或者仅仅平滑部分anchor point即可。
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/reference_line_provider.cc
bool ReferenceLineProvider::CreateReferenceLine(
std::list<ReferenceLine> *reference_lines,
std::list<hdmap::RouteSegments> *segments) {
if (!CreateRouteSegments(vehicle_state, look_backward_distance, look_forward_distance, segments)) {
return false;
// A. 参考线平滑,条件enable_reference_line_stitching设置为False,也就是不允许参考线拼接操作
if (is_new_routing || !FLAGS_enable_reference_line_stitching) {
for (auto iter = segments->begin(); iter != segments->end();) {
if (!SmoothRouteSegment(*iter, &reference_lines->back())) {
AERROR << "Failed to create reference line from route segments";
iter = segments->erase(iter);
} else {
return true;
} else { // B. 允许参考线拼接
for (auto iter = segments->begin(); iter != segments->end();) {
if (!ExtendReferenceLine(vehicle_state, &(*iter), &reference_lines->back())) {
AERROR << "Failed to extend reference line";
iter = segments->erase(iter);
} else {
return true;
- 根据历史缓存信息,查询当前RouteSegments是否在某条(Smoothed)ReferenceLine上,如果不是就直接进行平滑参考线操作
bool ReferenceLineProvider::ExtendReferenceLine(const VehicleState &state,
RouteSegments *segments,
ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
// Case A
RouteSegments segment_properties;
auto prev_segment = route_segments_.begin();
auto prev_ref = reference_lines_.begin();
while (prev_segment != route_segments_.end()) {
if (prev_segment->IsConnectedSegment(*segments)) {
if (prev_segment == route_segments_.end()) {
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line);
- segments整个路径的起点在prev_segment段内
- segments整个路径的终点在prev_segment段内
- prev_segment路径段的起点落在segments路径上
- prev_segment路径段的终点落在segments路径上
- 如果在同一个平滑参考线(历史平滑参考线)上,计算车辆当前位置和历史平滑参考线终点的距离,如果距离超过了阈值,则可以复用这条历史参考线;否则长度不够需要拼接。
bool ReferenceLineProvider::ExtendReferenceLine(const VehicleState &state,
RouteSegments *segments,
ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
// Case A
// Case B
common::SLPoint sl_point;
Vec2d vec2d(state.x(), state.y());
LaneWaypoint waypoint;
if (!prev_segment->GetProjection(vec2d, &sl_point, &waypoint)) { // 计算车辆当前位置在历史平滑参考线上的位置
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line);
const double prev_segment_length = RouteSegments::Length(*prev_segment); // 历史平滑参考线总长度
const double remain_s = prev_segment_length - sl_point.s(); // 历史平滑参考线前方剩下的距离
const double look_forward_required_distance = LookForwardDistance(state); // 前向查询距离
if (remain_s > look_forward_required_distance) { // 如果剩下的距离足够长,那么直接复用这条历史平滑参考线。
*segments = *prev_segment;
*reference_line = *prev_ref;
return true;
- 如果2种情况历史参考线遗留长度不够,那么久需要先对RouteSegments进行扩展,这部分在Pnc Map后接车道处理中有相关介绍。如果扩展失败直接进行平滑操作;如果扩展以后长度仍然不够,说明死路没有后继车道,只能复用历史平滑参考线。
bool ReferenceLineProvider::ExtendReferenceLine(const VehicleState &state,
RouteSegments *segments,
ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
// Case A
// Case B
// Case C
double future_start_s =
std::max(sl_point.s(), prev_segment_length - FLAGS_reference_line_stitch_overlap_distance);
double future_end_s = prev_segment_length + FLAGS_look_forward_extend_distance; // 向后额外扩展look_forward_extend_distance的距离,默认50m
RouteSegments shifted_segments;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(pnc_map_mutex_);
if (!pnc_map_->ExtendSegments(*prev_segment, future_start_s, future_end_s, &shifted_segments)) {
AERROR << "Failed to shift route segments forward";
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line); // C.1 扩展操作失败,直接对新的RouteSegments进行平滑得到平滑参考线
if (prev_segment->IsWaypointOnSegment(shifted_segments.LastWaypoint())) {
*segments = *prev_segment; // C.2 扩展操作成功,但是扩招以后长度没有太大变化,死路,直接使用历史平滑参考线
*reference_line = *prev_ref;
ADEBUG << "Could not further extend reference line";
return true;
- 如果3情况下扩展成功,并且额外增加了一定长度,得到了新的Path(也即新的RouteSegments),接下来对新的路径进行平滑然后与历史平滑参考线进行拼接,就可以得到一条更长的平滑参考线。
bool ReferenceLineProvider::ExtendReferenceLine(const VehicleState &state,
RouteSegments *segments,
ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
// Case A
// Case B
// Case C
// Case D
hdmap::Path path;
hdmap::PncMap::CreatePathFromLaneSegments(shifted_segments, &path);
ReferenceLine new_ref(path);
if (!SmoothPrefixedReferenceLine(*prev_ref, new_ref, reference_line)) { // SmoothPrefixedReferenceLine过程和普通的拼接其实没多大差异
AWARN << "Failed to smooth forward shifted reference line";
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line);
if (!reference_line->Stitch(*prev_ref)) { // 两条平滑车道线拼接
AWARN << "Failed to stitch reference line";
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line);
if (!shifted_segments.Stitch(*prev_segment)) { // 两条平滑车道线对应的RouteSegments拼接
AWARN << "Failed to stitch route segments";
return SmoothRouteSegment(*segments, reference_line);
- Stitch current reference line with the other reference line
- The stitching strategy is to use current reference points as much as
- possible. The following two examples show two successful stitch cases.
- Example 1
- this: |--------A-----x-----B------|
- other: |-----C------x--------D-------|
- Result: |------A-----x-----B------x--------D-------|
- In the above example, A-B is current reference line, and C-D is the other
- reference line. If part B and part C matches, we update current reference
- line to A-B-D.
- Example 2
- this: |-----A------x--------B-------|
- other: |--------C-----x-----D------|
- Result: |--------C-----x-----A------x--------B-------|
- In the above example, A-B is current reference line, and C-D is the other
- reference line. If part A and part D matches, we update current reference
- line to C-A-B.
- @return false if these two reference line cannot be stitched
- 当在4完成参考线的拼接以后,就可以得到一条更长的参考线,前向查询距离经过限制不会超出要求,但是随着车辆的前进,车后参考线的长度会变得很大,所以最后一步就是对车后的参考线进行收缩,保证车辆前后都有合理长度的参考线
bool ReferenceLineProvider::ExtendReferenceLine(const VehicleState &state,
RouteSegments *segments,
ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
// Case A
// Case B
// Case C
// Case D
// Case E
*segments = shifted_segments;
common::SLPoint sl;
if (sl.s() > FLAGS_look_backward_distance * 1.5) { // 如果车后参考线的距离大于后向查询距离1.5倍,就需要收缩
if (!reference_line->Shrink(vec2d, FLAGS_look_backward_distance, // E.1 拼接参考线收缩
std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())) {
AWARN << "Failed to shrink reference line";
if (!segments->Shrink(vec2d, FLAGS_look_backward_distance, // E.2 对应的RouteSegments收缩
std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())) {
AWARN << "Failed to shrink route segment";
/// file in apollo/modules/planning/reference_line/reference_line.cc
bool ReferenceLine::Shrink(const common::math::Vec2d& point,
double look_backward, double look_forward) {
common::SLPoint sl;
if (!XYToSL(point, &sl)) {
return false;
const auto& accumulated_s = map_path_.accumulated_s();
size_t start_index = 0;
if (sl.s() > look_backward) { // 查询收缩下界
auto it_lower = std::lower_bound(accumulated_s.begin(), accumulated_s.end(), sl.s() - look_backward);
start_index = std::distance(accumulated_s.begin(), it_lower);
size_t end_index = reference_points_.size();
if (sl.s() + look_forward < Length()) { // 查询收缩上界
auto start_it = accumulated_s.begin();
std::advance(start_it, start_index);
auto it_higher = std::upper_bound(start_it, accumulated_s.end(), sl.s() + look_forward);
end_index = std::distance(accumulated_s.begin(), it_higher);
// 删除上界和下界以外的点,完成收缩
reference_points_.erase(reference_points_.begin() + end_index, reference_points_.end());
reference_points_.erase(reference_points_.begin(), reference_points_.begin() + start_index);
map_path_ = MapPath(std::vector<hdmap::MapPathPoint>(
reference_points_.begin(), reference_points_.end()));
return true;