
【CS106B】作业2 Assignment 2. Fun with Collections

Part One: Rosetta Stone

Map<string, double> kGramsIn(const string& str, int kGramLength) {
    /* TODO: Delete this comment and the other lines here, then implement
     * this function.
    Map<string, double> kG;
    double temp1;
    int strLength = str.size();
    if(kGramLength <= 0) error("wrong");
    if(kGramLength > strLength) EXPECT("wrong");
        for(int i=100; i<=100+strLength-kGramLength; i++){
            string subStr = str.substr(i-100, kGramLength);
            if (kG.containsKey(subStr)){
                temp1 = kG.get(subStr);
                kG.put(subStr, ++temp1);
                kG.put(subStr, 1);
    (void) str;
    (void) kGramLength;
    return {kG};

Map<string, double> normalize(const Map<string, double>& input) {
    /* TODO: Delete this comment and the other lines here, then implement
     * this function.
    Map<string, double> normalizedMap;
    if (input.isEmpty()) error("wrong");
    else  {
        Vector<string> keys = input.keys();
        Vector<double> values = input.values();
        double squareAddUp = 0, rootofSquareAddUp = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
            squareAddUp += values[i] * values[i];
        rootofSquareAddUp = sqrt(squareAddUp);
        if(rootofSquareAddUp==0) error("wrong");
        for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++){
            normalizedMap.put(keys[i], values[i]/rootofSquareAddUp);
    (void) input;
    return {normalizedMap};

Map<string, double> topKGramsIn(const Map<string, double>& source, int numToKeep) {
    /* TODO: Delete this comment and the other lines here, then implement
     * this function.
    if(numToKeep < 0) error("wrong");
    Map<string, double> topK;
    PriorityQueue<string> pq;
    Vector<string> keys = source.keys();
    Vector<double> values = source.values();
    string Uncommon, common;
    for(int i=0; i<source.size(); i++){
        pq.enqueue(keys[i], values[i]);
    for(int i=0; i<source.size(); i++){
        if((pq.size()-numToKeep) > 0){
            Uncommon = pq.dequeue();
            common = pq.dequeue();
            topK.put(common, source.get(common));

    (void) source;
    (void) numToKeep;
    return {topK};

double cosineSimilarityOf(const Map<string, double>& lhs, const Map<string, double>& rhs) {
    /* TODO: Delete this comment and the other lines here, then implement
     * this function.
    double cosSim = 0;
    Vector<string> lhsKeys = lhs.keys(), sameKeys;
        for(int i=0; i<lhsKeys.size(); i++){
                //sameKeys[sameKeys.size()] = lhsKeys[i];
        for(int i=0; i<sameKeys.size(); i++){
            cosSim += lhs.get(sameKeys[i]) * rhs.get(sameKeys[i]);
    (void) lhs;
    (void) rhs;
    return {cosSim};

string guessLanguageOf(const Map<string, double>& textProfile,
                       const Set<Corpus>& corpora) {
    /* TODO: Delete this comment and the other lines here, then implement
     * this function.
    if(corpora.isEmpty()) error("wrong");
    double cosSimTemp, maxCosSim = 0;
    string languageName;
    for(Corpus i : corpora){
        cosSimTemp = cosineSimilarityOf(textProfile, i.profile);
        if(cosSimTemp > maxCosSim){
            maxCosSim = cosSimTemp;
            languageName =;
    (void) textProfile;
    (void) corpora;
    return languageName;

Part Two: Rising Tides

Grid<bool> floodedRegionsIn(const Grid<double>& terrain,
                            const Vector<GridLocation>& sources,
                            double height) {
    /* TODO: Delete this line and the next four lines, then implement this function. */
    Grid<bool> floodLand(terrain.numRows(), terrain.numCols(), 0);
    Queue<GridLocation> flood;
    for(GridLocation i : sources){
        if(height >= terrain.get(i)){
            floodLand.set(i.row, i.col, 1);
    GridLocation temp, temp1;
        temp = flood.dequeue();
        if(terrain.inBounds(temp.row, temp.col + 1) && floodLand.get(temp.row, temp.col + 1) != 1 && (height >= terrain.get(temp.row, temp.col + 1))){
            temp1.row = temp.row;
            temp1.col = temp.col + 1;
            floodLand.set(temp1.row, temp1.col, 1);
        if(terrain.inBounds(temp.row, temp.col - 1) && floodLand.get(temp.row, temp.col - 1) != 1 && height >= terrain.get(temp.row, temp.col - 1)){
            temp1.row = temp.row;
            temp1.col = temp.col - 1;
            floodLand.set(temp1.row, temp1.col, 1);
        if(terrain.inBounds(temp.row - 1, temp.col) && floodLand.get(temp.row - 1, temp.col) != 1 && height >= terrain.get(temp.row - 1, temp.col)){
            temp1.row = temp.row - 1;
            temp1.col = temp.col;
            floodLand.set(temp1.row, temp1.col, 1);
        if(terrain.inBounds(temp.row + 1, temp.col) && floodLand.get(temp.row + 1, temp.col) != 1 && height >= terrain.get(temp.row + 1, temp.col)){
            temp1.row = temp.row + 1;
            temp1.col = temp.col;
            floodLand.set(temp1.row, temp1.col, 1);
    (void) terrain;
    (void) sources;
    (void) height;
    return {floodLand};