
Focal and Global Knowledge Distillation for Detectors(CVPR 2022)原理与代码解析

paper:Focal and Global Knowledge Distillation for Detectors

official implementation:







针对前背景、空间位置、通道之间的差异,本文提出了focal distillation,在分离前背景的同时,还计算了教师特征不同空间位置和通道的注意力,使得学生专注于学习教师的关键像素和通道。

但是只关注关键信息还不够,在检测任务中全局语义信息也很重要。为了弥补focal蒸馏中缺失的全局信息,作者还提出了global distillation,其中利用GcBlock来提取不同像素之间的关系,然后传递给学生。


Focal Distillation

首先用一个binary mask \(M\) 来分离前背景


其中 \(r\) 是ground truth box,\(i,j\) 表示像素位置的坐标。

为了消除不同大小的gt box的尺度的影响和不同图片中前背景比例的差异,作者又设置了一个scale mask \(S\)

其中 \(H_{r},W_{r}\) 表示gt box \(r\) 的高和宽,如果一个像素属于不同的target,选择最小的box来计算 \(S\)。


\(G^{S},G^{C}\) 分别表示空间和通道attention map,然后attention mask按下式计算

其中 \(T\) 是温度系数。

利用binary mask \(M\)、scale mask \(S\)、attention mask \(A^{S},A^{C}\),特征损失 \(L_{fea}\) 如下

其中 \(A^{S},A^{C}\)  表示教师的空间和通道attention mask,\(F^{T},F^{S}\) 分别表示教师和学生的feature map,\(\alpha, \beta\) 是balance超参。

此外作者还提出了注意力损失 \(L_{at}\) 让学生模仿教师的attention mask

\(l\) 表示L1损失。


Global Distillation

如图4所示,作者用GcBlock来提取全局关系信息,关于GcBlock的详细介绍可以参考GCNet: Global Context Network(ICCV 2019)原理与代码解析

全局损失 \(L_{global}\) 如下


\(W_{k},W_{v1},W_{v2}\) 是卷积层,\(LN\) 表示layer normalization,\(N_{p}\) 是特征中所有像素个数,\(\lambda\) 是balance超参。

Overall loss




其中inheriting strategry是《Instance-conditional knowledge distillation for object detection》这篇文章中提出的用教师的neck和head参数初始化学生网络,可以得到更好的效果。


主要实现在mmdet/distillation/losses/fgd.py中,函数forward中,首先教师和学生的attention mask,即文中的式(5)~(8)

S_attention_t, C_attention_t = self.get_attention(preds_T, self.temp)  # (N,H,W),(N,C)
S_attention_s, C_attention_s = self.get_attention(preds_S, self.temp)
def get_attention(self, preds, temp):
    """ preds: Bs*C*W*H """
    N, C, H, W = preds.shape

    value = torch.abs(preds)
    # Bs*W*H
    fea_map = value.mean(axis=1, keepdim=True)
    S_attention = (H * W * F.softmax((fea_map / temp).view(N, -1), dim=1)).view(N, H, W)

    # Bs*C
    channel_map = value.mean(axis=2, keepdim=False).mean(axis=2, keepdim=False)
    C_attention = C * F.softmax(channel_map / temp, dim=1)

    return S_attention, C_attention

接下来为了减小不同target尺度和前背景比例的影响,计算scale mask,即文中的式(2)~式(4)。其中内层的for循环是当一个像素属于不同的target时,选择最小的box来计算。

Mask_fg = torch.zeros_like(S_attention_t)
Mask_bg = torch.ones_like(S_attention_t)
wmin, wmax, hmin, hmax = [], [], [], []
for i in range(N):
    new_boxxes = torch.ones_like(gt_bboxes[i])
    new_boxxes[:, 0] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 0] / img_metas[i]['img_shape'][1] * W
    new_boxxes[:, 2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 2] / img_metas[i]['img_shape'][1] * W
    new_boxxes[:, 1] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 1] / img_metas[i]['img_shape'][0] * H
    new_boxxes[:, 3] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 3] / img_metas[i]['img_shape'][0] * H

    wmin.append(torch.floor(new_boxxes[:, 0]).int())
    wmax.append(torch.ceil(new_boxxes[:, 2]).int())
    hmin.append(torch.floor(new_boxxes[:, 1]).int())
    hmax.append(torch.ceil(new_boxxes[:, 3]).int())

    area = 1.0 / (hmax[i].view(1, -1) + 1 - hmin[i].view(1, -1)) / (wmax[i].view(1, -1) + 1 - wmin[i].view(1, -1))

    for j in range(len(gt_bboxes[i])):
        Mask_fg[i][hmin[i][j]:hmax[i][j] + 1, wmin[i][j]:wmax[i][j] + 1] = \
            torch.maximum(Mask_fg[i][hmin[i][j]:hmax[i][j] + 1, wmin[i][j]:wmax[i][j] + 1], area[0][j])

    Mask_bg[i] = torch.where(Mask_fg[i] > 0, 0, 1)
    if torch.sum(Mask_bg[i]):
        Mask_bg[i] /= torch.sum(Mask_bg[i])


fg_loss, bg_loss = self.get_fea_loss(preds_S, preds_T, Mask_fg, Mask_bg,
                                     C_attention_s, C_attention_t, S_attention_s, S_attention_t)
def get_fea_loss(self, preds_S, preds_T, Mask_fg, Mask_bg, C_s, C_t, S_s, S_t):
    loss_mse = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')

    Mask_fg = Mask_fg.unsqueeze(dim=1)
    Mask_bg = Mask_bg.unsqueeze(dim=1)

    C_t = C_t.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
    C_t = C_t.unsqueeze(dim=-1)

    S_t = S_t.unsqueeze(dim=1)

    fea_t = torch.mul(preds_T, torch.sqrt(S_t))
    fea_t = torch.mul(fea_t, torch.sqrt(C_t))
    fg_fea_t = torch.mul(fea_t, torch.sqrt(Mask_fg))
    bg_fea_t = torch.mul(fea_t, torch.sqrt(Mask_bg))

    fea_s = torch.mul(preds_S, torch.sqrt(S_t))
    fea_s = torch.mul(fea_s, torch.sqrt(C_t))
    fg_fea_s = torch.mul(fea_s, torch.sqrt(Mask_fg))
    bg_fea_s = torch.mul(fea_s, torch.sqrt(Mask_bg))

    fg_loss = loss_mse(fg_fea_s, fg_fea_t) / len(Mask_fg)
    bg_loss = loss_mse(bg_fea_s, bg_fea_t) / len(Mask_bg)

    return fg_loss, bg_loss

文中作者还提出了用L1 loss的attention损失,即式(10)

mask_loss = self.get_mask_loss(C_attention_s, C_attention_t, S_attention_s, S_attention_t)
def get_mask_loss(self, C_s, C_t, S_s, S_t):
    mask_loss = torch.sum(torch.abs((C_s - C_t))) / len(C_s) + torch.sum(torch.abs((S_s - S_t))) / len(S_s)

    return mask_loss

feature loss和attention loss一起组成的focal loss,为了弥补全局语义信息的缺失,作者又引入了全局蒸馏损失,其中用到了GcBlock,即式(12)

rela_loss = self.get_rela_loss(preds_S, preds_T)
def get_rela_loss(self, preds_S, preds_T):
    loss_mse = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')

    context_s = self.spatial_pool(preds_S, 0)
    context_t = self.spatial_pool(preds_T, 1)

    out_s = preds_S
    out_t = preds_T

    channel_add_s = self.channel_add_conv_s(context_s)
    out_s = out_s + channel_add_s

    channel_add_t = self.channel_add_conv_t(context_t)
    out_t = out_t + channel_add_t

    rela_loss = loss_mse(out_s, out_t) / len(out_s)

    return rela_loss
def spatial_pool(self, x, in_type):
    batch, channel, width, height = x.size()
    input_x = x
    # [N, C, H * W]
    input_x = input_x.view(batch, channel, height * width)
    # [N, 1, C, H * W]
    input_x = input_x.unsqueeze(1)
    # [N, 1, H, W]
    if in_type == 0:
        context_mask = self.conv_mask_s(x)
        context_mask = self.conv_mask_t(x)
    # [N, 1, H * W]
    context_mask = context_mask.view(batch, 1, height * width)
    # [N, 1, H * W]
    context_mask = F.softmax(context_mask, dim=2)
    # [N, 1, H * W, 1]
    context_mask = context_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
    # [N, 1, C, 1]
    context = torch.matmul(input_x, context_mask)
    # [N, C, 1, 1]
    context = context.view(batch, channel, 1, 1)

    return context

self.channel_add_conv_s = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Conv2d(teacher_channels, teacher_channels//2, kernel_size=1),
    nn.LayerNorm([teacher_channels//2, 1, 1]),
    nn.ReLU(inplace=True),  # yapf: disable
    nn.Conv2d(teacher_channels//2, teacher_channels, kernel_size=1))
self.channel_add_conv_t = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Conv2d(teacher_channels, teacher_channels//2, kernel_size=1),
    nn.LayerNorm([teacher_channels//2, 1, 1]),
    nn.ReLU(inplace=True),  # yapf: disable
    nn.Conv2d(teacher_channels//2, teacher_channels, kernel_size=1))
