1. by localization-classification subnetworks
ICCV2019:Selective Sparse Sampling for fine-grained image recognition
AAAI2020:Filtration and Distillation:Enhancing region attention for FGVC
AAAI2020:Graph-Propagation Based correlation learning for fgvc
CVPR2020:Weakly supervised fine-grained image classification vis gaussian mixture model oriented discriminative learning
2. by end-to-end feature encoding
ICCV2015:binlinear cnn
NIPS2019:learning deep bilinear transformation for fgvc
ICCV2019:cross-x learning for fgvc
AAAI2020:fine-grained recognition: accounting for subtle differences between similar classes
CVPR2020:fine-grained image-to-image transformation towards visual recognition
3.by leveraging attention mechanisms
CVPR2017:look closer to see better:recurrent attention convolutional neural network for fgvc
ICCV2019:learning a mixture of granularity-specific experts for fgvc
CVPR2020:attention convolutional binary neural tree for fgvc
4.by contrastive learning manners(新)
AAAI2020:learning attention pairwise interaction for fgvc
AAAI2020:channel interaction networks for fgvc
5.recognition with web data
AAAI2020:web-supervised network softlt update-drop training for fgvc
6.recognition with limited data
TIP2019:piecewise classifier mappings:learning fine-grained learners for novel categories with few examples
IJCAI2020:multi-attention meta learning for few-shot fgvc
CVPR2020:reviseiting pose-normalization fir fgvc