

一、SpringBoot 集成MyBatis

1. pom.xml添加依赖



  port: 9994  #服务端口号

    root: INFO

    name: mybatis-test #提供者的服务名称--调用的时候根据改名称来调用对应服务的方法
    url: jdbc:mysql://
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    username: root
    password: root

  mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  type-aliases-package: com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.mapper


public class Company {
    private Integer id;

    private String name;

    private String address;
public class User {
    private Integer id;

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    private Integer sex;

    private Company company;

4. 定义mapper

public interface CompanyMapper {
    Company selectCompanyById(Integer id);
public interface UserMapper {

    User selectUserById(Integer id);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.mapper.CompanyMapper">
    <select id="selectCompanyById" resultType="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.po.Company">
        select * from t_company where id = #{id}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.mapper.UserMapper">
    <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.po.User">
        <id property="id" javaType="java.lang.Integer" column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
        <result property="name" javaType="java.lang.String" column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
        <result property="age" javaType="java.lang.Integer" column="age" jdbcType="TINYINT" />
        <result property="sex" javaType="java.lang.Integer" column="sex" jdbcType="TINYINT"/>
        <association property="company" javaType="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.po.Company" column="company_id" select="com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.mapper.CompanyMapper.selectCompanyById">
            <id property="id" javaType="java.lang.Integer" column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
            <result property="name" javaType="java.lang.String" column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
            <result property="address" javaType="java.lang.String" column="address" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

    <select id="selectUserById" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
        select * from t_user where id = #{id}


@MapperScan(basePackages = {"com.johar.mybatis.mybatistest.mapper"})
public class MybatisTestApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public class UserService {

    private UserMapper userMapper;

    public User getById(Integer id){
        return userMapper.selectUserById(id);



MyBatis作为常用的ORM框架之一,了解MyBatis中sql执行过程是应用开发必备的技能。如下图是MyBatis 的整体架构:


@MapperScan注解中默认的factoryBean是MapperFactoryBean,负责将CompanyMapper,UserMapper注入到Spring IOC。

  public T getObject() throws Exception {
    return getSqlSession().getMapper(this.mapperInterface);


protected T newInstance(MapperProxy<T> mapperProxy) {
    return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(mapperInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { mapperInterface }, mapperProxy);

  public T newInstance(SqlSession sqlSession) {
    final MapperProxy<T> mapperProxy = new MapperProxy<>(sqlSession, mapperInterface, methodCache);
    return newInstance(mapperProxy);



  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
    try {
      if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
      	// Object的方法直接调用
        return method.invoke(this, args);
      } else {
        // 将mapper中方法映射为Mapper.xml的sql
        return cachedInvoker(method).invoke(proxy, method, args, sqlSession);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);

  private MapperMethodInvoker cachedInvoker(Method method) throws Throwable {
    try {
      return MapUtil.computeIfAbsent(methodCache, method, m -> {
        if (m.isDefault()) {
          // 默认方法执行逻辑
          try {
            if (privateLookupInMethod == null) {
              return new DefaultMethodInvoker(getMethodHandleJava8(method));
            } else {
              return new DefaultMethodInvoker(getMethodHandleJava9(method));
          } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException
              | NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else {
          // 非默认方法执行逻辑
          return new PlainMethodInvoker(new MapperMethod(mapperInterface, method, sqlSession.getConfiguration()));
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
      Throwable cause = re.getCause();
      throw cause == null ? re : cause;


public MapperMethod(Class<?> mapperInterface, Method method, Configuration config) {
    // 映射逻辑见其构造函数中调用的resolveMappedStatement
    this.command = new SqlCommand(config, mapperInterface, method);
    this.method = new MethodSignature(config, mapperInterface, method);

 // 实际执行的逻辑,将方法转换成sql:insert,update,delete,select
  public Object execute(SqlSession sqlSession, Object[] args) {
    Object result;
    switch (command.getType()) {
      case INSERT: {
        Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
        result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.insert(command.getName(), param));
      case UPDATE: {
        Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
        result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.update(command.getName(), param));
      case DELETE: {
        Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
        result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.delete(command.getName(), param));
      case SELECT:
        if (method.returnsVoid() && method.hasResultHandler()) {
          executeWithResultHandler(sqlSession, args);
          result = null;
        } else if (method.returnsMany()) {
          result = executeForMany(sqlSession, args);
        } else if (method.returnsMap()) {
          result = executeForMap(sqlSession, args);
        } else if (method.returnsCursor()) {
          result = executeForCursor(sqlSession, args);
        } else {
          Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
          result = sqlSession.selectOne(command.getName(), param);
          if (method.returnsOptional()
              && (result == null || !method.getReturnType().equals(result.getClass()))) {
            result = Optional.ofNullable(result);
      case FLUSH:
        result = sqlSession.flushStatements();
        throw new BindingException("Unknown execution method for: " + command.getName());
    if (result == null && method.getReturnType().isPrimitive() && !method.returnsVoid()) {
      throw new BindingException("Mapper method '" + command.getName()
          + "' attempted to return null from a method with a primitive return type (" + method.getReturnType() + ").");
    return result;
private MappedStatement resolveMappedStatement(Class<?> mapperInterface, String methodName,
        Class<?> declaringClass, Configuration configuration) {
      // 接口类名.方法名 作为唯一值,查询对应的sql
      String statementId = mapperInterface.getName() + "." + methodName;
      if (configuration.hasStatement(statementId)) {
        return configuration.getMappedStatement(statementId);
      } else if (mapperInterface.equals(declaringClass)) {
        return null;
      for (Class<?> superInterface : mapperInterface.getInterfaces()) {
        if (declaringClass.isAssignableFrom(superInterface)) {
          MappedStatement ms = resolveMappedStatement(superInterface, methodName,
              declaringClass, configuration);
          if (ms != null) {
            return ms;
      return null;

3. SqlSessionTemplate拦截器SqlSessionInterceptor


public SqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory, ExecutorType executorType,
      PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator) {

    notNull(sqlSessionFactory, "Property 'sqlSessionFactory' is required");
    notNull(executorType, "Property 'executorType' is required");

    this.sqlSessionFactory = sqlSessionFactory;
    this.executorType = executorType;
    this.exceptionTranslator = exceptionTranslator;
    // 给SqlSession 增强
    this.sqlSessionProxy = (SqlSession) newProxyInstance(SqlSessionFactory.class.getClassLoader(),
        new Class[] { SqlSession.class }, new SqlSessionInterceptor());

  public <T> T selectOne(String statement) {
    // sqlSession代理对象
    return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectOne(statement);

private class SqlSessionInterceptor implements InvocationHandler {
    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
      // 获取session,若在Spring 事务管理器当前线程有session则直接复用,否则调用SqlSessionFactory#openSession创建session
      SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession(SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory,
          SqlSessionTemplate.this.executorType, SqlSessionTemplate.this.exceptionTranslator);
      try {
        // 实际执行sql
        Object result = method.invoke(sqlSession, args);
        // 若session没有被spring事务管理器管理,则强制提交
        if (!isSqlSessionTransactional(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory)) {
          // force commit even on non-dirty sessions because some databases require
          // a commit/rollback before calling close()
        return result;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        Throwable unwrapped = unwrapThrowable(t);
        if (SqlSessionTemplate.this.exceptionTranslator != null && unwrapped instanceof PersistenceException) {
          // release the connection to avoid a deadlock if the translator is no loaded. See issue #22
          closeSqlSession(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory);
          sqlSession = null;
          Throwable translated = SqlSessionTemplate.this.exceptionTranslator
              .translateExceptionIfPossible((PersistenceException) unwrapped);
          if (translated != null) {
            unwrapped = translated;
        throw unwrapped;
      } finally {
        if (sqlSession != null) {
          // 关闭session,若session被spring管理,则引用减一,否则,直接释放session,从这里也可以看出来mybatis中session的范围是事务级
          closeSqlSession(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory);

4. 创建SqlSession

public static SqlSession getSqlSession(SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory, ExecutorType executorType,
      PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator) {

    notNull(sessionFactory, NO_SQL_SESSION_FACTORY_SPECIFIED);
    notNull(executorType, NO_EXECUTOR_TYPE_SPECIFIED);

    SqlSessionHolder holder = (SqlSessionHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(sessionFactory);

    SqlSession session = sessionHolder(executorType, holder);
    // 若spring 事务管理器中存在本线程的session,则直接返回
    if (session != null) {
      return session;

    LOGGER.debug(() -> "Creating a new SqlSession");
    // 若spring中不存在本线程的session,则创建session
    session = sessionFactory.openSession(executorType);
	// 将session 注册到spring 事务管理器
    registerSessionHolder(sessionFactory, executorType, exceptionTranslator, session);

    return session;
  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType) {
    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, null, false);
  private SqlSession openSessionFromDataSource(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {
    Transaction tx = null;
    try {
      final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();
      final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);
      // 创建事务
      tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(environment.getDataSource(), level, autoCommit);
      // 创建Executor 
      final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);
      // 创建DefaultSqkSession
      return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      closeTransaction(tx); // may have fetched a connection so lets call close()
      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);
    } finally {
public Executor newExecutor(Transaction transaction, ExecutorType executorType) {
    executorType = executorType == null ? defaultExecutorType : executorType;
    Executor executor;
    // 根据executorType 创建executor
    if (ExecutorType.BATCH == executorType) {
      executor = new BatchExecutor(this, transaction);
    } else if (ExecutorType.REUSE == executorType) {
      executor = new ReuseExecutor(this, transaction);
    } else {
      executor = new SimpleExecutor(this, transaction);
    if (cacheEnabled) {
      // 使用装饰者模式 增加缓存能力
      executor = new CachingExecutor(executor);
    // mybatis 插件拦截机制
    executor = (Executor) interceptorChain.pluginAll(executor);
    return executor;

5. DefaultSqlSession

  public <T> T selectOne(String statement) {
    return this.selectOne(statement, null);

  public <T> T selectOne(String statement, Object parameter) {
    // Popular vote was to return null on 0 results and throw exception on too many.
    List<T> list = this.selectList(statement, parameter);
    if (list.size() == 1) {
      return list.get(0);
    } else if (list.size() > 1) {
      throw new TooManyResultsException("Expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectOne(), but found: " + list.size());
    } else {
      return null;

  private <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler handler) {
    try {
     // 最终调用的是这个方法
     // 获取xml文件对应sql配置
      MappedStatement ms = configuration.getMappedStatement(statement);
      // 调用executor.query执行sql
      return executor.query(ms, wrapCollection(parameter), rowBounds, handler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error querying database.  Cause: " + e, e);
    } finally {

6. BaseExecutor


  public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException {
    // 生成BoundSql
    BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter);
    // 生成缓存key
    CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql);
    return query(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);

  public <E> List<E> query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    ErrorContext.instance().resource(ms.getResource()).activity("executing a query").object(ms.getId());
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    if (queryStack == 0 && ms.isFlushCacheRequired()) {
    List<E> list;
    try {
      // 查询本地缓存
      list = resultHandler == null ? (List<E>) localCache.getObject(key) : null;
      if (list != null) {
        // 若有值,直接处理
        handleLocallyCachedOutputParameters(ms, key, parameter, boundSql);
      } else {
        // 若没有,则从数据库查询
        list = queryFromDatabase(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);
    } finally {
    if (queryStack == 0) {
      for (DeferredLoad deferredLoad : deferredLoads) {
      // issue #601
      if (configuration.getLocalCacheScope() == LocalCacheScope.STATEMENT) {
        // issue #482
        // 若一级缓存是statement级别,则直接清除缓存,若是session级别,先不清除缓存
    return list;
private <E> List<E> queryFromDatabase(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    List<E> list;
    localCache.putObject(key, EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER);
    try {
      list = doQuery(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
    } finally {
    localCache.putObject(key, list);
    if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) {
      localOutputParameterCache.putObject(key, parameter);
    return list;

7. SimpleExecutor

  public <E> List<E> doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
      Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
      // 创建stateHandler,也用插件机制
      StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
      // 创建Statement 
      stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
      // 实际执行查询
      return handler.query(stmt, resultHandler);
    } finally {
      // 关闭
  private Statement prepareStatement(StatementHandler handler, Log statementLog) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt;
    Connection connection = getConnection(statementLog);
    //  用于创建一个具体的 Statement 对象的实现类或者是 Statement 对象
    stmt = handler.prepare(connection, transaction.getTimeout());
    // 用于初始化 Statement 对象以及对sql的占位符进行赋值
    return stmt;

8. newStatementHandler

public StatementHandler newStatementHandler(Executor executor, MappedStatement mappedStatement, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) {
    StatementHandler statementHandler = new RoutingStatementHandler(executor, mappedStatement, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
    statementHandler = (StatementHandler) interceptorChain.pluginAll(statementHandler);
    return statementHandler;
public RoutingStatementHandler(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) {
    switch (ms.getStatementType()) {
      case STATEMENT:
        delegate = new SimpleStatementHandler(executor, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
      case PREPARED:
        delegate = new PreparedStatementHandler(executor, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
      case CALLABLE:
        delegate = new CallableStatementHandler(executor, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
        throw new ExecutorException("Unknown statement type: " + ms.getStatementType());



  public <E> List<E> query(Statement statement, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) statement;
    // 真正执行sql
    // 处理返回结果
    return resultSetHandler.handleResultSets(ps);