
【opencv】——Mat data的排列样式 || 深度学习矩阵排列注意事项






通常情况下Mat的每一行是连续存放的,也就是在内存上图像的所有数据存放成一行,在用指针访问时可以提供很大方便。可以用 isContinuous()函数来判断图像数组是否为连续的,语句为

if (img.isContinuous()){}

2. mat转深度学习矩阵注意事项

从上面可以看出opencv rgb mat的排列方式为:

R G B R G B ......


R R R......G G G......B B B


#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <resize.h>
#include <stdio.h>
__forceinline__ __device__ float3 get(uchar3* src, int x,int y,int w,int h){
    if(x < 0 || x>=w || y<0 || y>=h) return make_float3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
    uchar3 temp = src[y*w + x];
    return make_float3(float(temp.x)/255.,float(temp.y)/255.,float(temp.z)/255.);

__global__ void resizeNormKernel(uchar3* src,float *dst,int dstW, int dstH,int srcW,int srcH,
                                                float scaleX, float scaleY,float shiftX, float shiftY) {
    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int x = idx % dstW;
    const int y = idx / dstW;
    if (x >= dstW || y >= dstH)
    float w = (x - shiftX + 0.5) * scaleX - 0.5;        // 缩放的反向映射矩阵
    float h = (y - shiftY + 0.5) * scaleY - 0.5;        // opencv 
    int h_low = (int)h;
    int w_low = (int)w;
    int h_high = h_low + 1;
    int w_high = w_low + 1;
    float lh = h - h_low;
    float lw = w - w_low;
    float hh = 1 - lh, hw = 1 - lw;
    float w1 = hh * hw, w2 = hh * lw, w3 = lh * hw, w4 = lh * lw;
    float3 v1 = get(src,w_low,h_low,srcW,srcH);
    float3 v2 = get(src,w_high,h_low,srcW,srcH);
    float3 v3 = get(src,w_low,h_high,srcW,srcH);
    float3 v4 = get(src,w_high,h_high,srcW,srcH);
    int stride = dstW*dstH;
    dst[y*dstW + x] = w1 *v1.x + w2 * v2.x + w3 *v3.x + w4 * v4.x ;
    dst[stride + y*dstW + x] = w1 *v1.y + w2 * v2.y + w3 *v3.y + w4 * v4.y ;
    dst[stride*2 + y*dstW + x] = w1 *v1.z + w2 * v2.z + w3 *v3.z + w4 * v4.z;

int resizeAndNorm(void * p,float *d,int w,int h,int in_w,int in_h, bool keepration ,bool keepcenter,cudaStream_t stream){
    float scaleX = (w*1.0f / in_w);
    float scaleY = (h*1.0f / in_h);
    float shiftX = 0.f ,shiftY = 0.f;
    if(keepration)scaleX = scaleY = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY;
    if(keepration && keepcenter){shiftX = (in_w - w/scaleX)/2.f;shiftY = (in_h - h/scaleY)/2.f;}
    const int n = in_w*in_h;
    int blockSize = 1024;
    const int gridSize = (n + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
    resizeNormKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>((uchar3*)(p),d,in_w,in_h,w,h,scaleX,scaleY,shiftX,shiftY);
    return 0;

dst[y*dstW + x] = w1 *v1.x + w2 * v2.x + w3 v3.x + w4 * v4.x ;
dst[stride + y
dstW + x] = w1 v1.y + w2 * v2.y + w3 v3.y + w4 * v4.y ;
2 + y
dstW + x] = w1 *v1.z + w2 * v2.z + w3 *v3.z + w4 * v4.z;

3. npp中的处理


nppiCopy_32s_C3P3R (const Npp32s *pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s *const aDst[3], int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI)

Split a packed multi-channel image into multiple single channel planes.

E.g. copy the three channels of an RGB image into three separate single-channel images.

