


var totalMoeny = $("#totalMoney").html();
//先把totalMoeny 转化为恶bigDecimal类型
totalMoeny = new BigDecimal(totalMoeny);
//把totalMoeny 加上9分钱,结果四舍五入,最后得把结果调用toString方法转化为字符串类型。
var total =totalMoeny .add(new BigDecimal("0.09")).setScale(2, MathContext.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString();


/** @license Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Trebbien and other contributors
Portions Copyright (c) 2003 STZ-IDA and PTV AG, Karlsruhe, Germany
Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others

All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.
(function () {

var MathContext = (function () {
/* Generated from 'MathContext.nrx' 8 Sep 2000 11:07:48 [v2.00] */
/* Options: Binary Comments Crossref Format Java Logo Strictargs Strictcase Trace2 Verbose3 */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* MathContext -- Math context settings                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Copyright IBM Corporation, 1997, 2000.  All Rights Reserved.       */
/*                                                                    */
/*   The MathContext object encapsulates the settings used by the     */
/*   BigDecimal class; it could also be used by other arithmetics.    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Notes:                                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. The properties are checked for validity on construction, so     */
/*    the BigDecimal class may assume that they are correct.          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Author:    Mike Cowlishaw                                          */
/* 1997.09.03 Initial version (edited from netrexx.lang.RexxSet)      */
/* 1997.09.12 Add lostDigits property                                 */
/* 1998.05.02 Make the class immutable and final; drop set methods    */
/* 1998.06.05 Add Round (rounding modes) property                     */
/* 1998.06.25 Rename from DecimalContext; allow digits=0              */
/* 1998.10.12 change to package                          */
/* 1999.02.06 add javadoc comments                                    */
/* 1999.03.05 simplify; changes from discussion with J. Bloch         */
/* 1999.03.13 1.00 release to IBM Centre for Java Technology          */
/* 1999.07.10 1.04 flag serialization unused                          */
/* 2000.01.01 1.06 copyright update                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* JavaScript conversion (c) 2003 STZ-IDA and PTV AG, Karlsruhe, Germany */

 * The <code>MathContext</code> immutable class encapsulates the
 * settings understood by the operator methods of the {
   @link BigDecimal}
 * class (and potentially other classes).  Operator methods are those
 * that effect an operation on a number or a pair of numbers.
 * <p>
 * The settings, which are not base-dependent, comprise:
 * <ol>
 * <li><code>digits</code>:
 * the number of digits (precision) to be used for an operation
 * <li><code>form</code>:
 * the form of any exponent that results from the operation
 * <li><code>lostDigits</code>:
 * whether checking for lost digits is enabled
 * <li><code>roundingMode</code>:
 * the algorithm to be used for rounding.
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * When provided, a <code>MathContext</code> object supplies the
 * settings for an operation directly.
 * <p>
 * When <code>MathContext.DEFAULT</code> is provided for a
 * <code>MathContext</code> parameter then the default settings are used
 * (<code>9, SCIENTIFIC, false, ROUND_HALF_UP</code>).
 * <p>
 * In the <code>BigDecimal</code> class, all methods which accept a
 * <code>MathContext</code> object defaults) also have a version of the
 * method which does not accept a MathContext parameter.  These versions
 * carry out unlimited precision fixed point arithmetic (as though the
 * settings were (<code>0, PLAIN, false, ROUND_HALF_UP</code>).
 * <p>
 * The instance variables are shared with default access (so they are
 * directly accessible to the <code>BigDecimal</code> class), but must
 * never be changed.
 * <p>
 * The rounding mode constants have the same names and values as the
 * constants of the same name in <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code>, to
 * maintain compatibility with earlier versions of
 * <code>BigDecimal</code>.
 * @see     BigDecimal
 * @author  Mike Cowlishaw
 * @stable ICU 2.0

//--public final class MathContext implements{
 //--private static final java.lang.String $0="MathContext.nrx";

 //-- methods
 MathContext.prototype.getDigits = getDigits;
 MathContext.prototype.getForm = getForm;
 MathContext.prototype.getLostDigits = getLostDigits;
 MathContext.prototype.getRoundingMode = getRoundingMode;
 MathContext.prototype.toString = toString;
 MathContext.prototype.isValidRound = isValidRound;

 /* ----- Properties ----- */
 /* properties public constant */
  * Plain (fixed point) notation, without any exponent.
  * Used as a setting to control the form of the result of a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * A zero result in plain form may have a decimal part of one or
  * more zeros.
  * @see #SCIENTIFIC
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int PLAIN=0; // [no exponent]
 MathContext.PLAIN = MathContext.prototype.PLAIN = 0; // [no exponent]

  * Standard floating point notation (with scientific exponential
  * format, where there is one digit before any decimal point).
  * Used as a setting to control the form of the result of a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * A zero result in plain form may have a decimal part of one or
  * more zeros.
  * @see #PLAIN
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int SCIENTIFIC=1; // 1 digit before .
 MathContext.SCIENTIFIC = MathContext.prototype.SCIENTIFIC = 1; // 1 digit before .

  * Standard floating point notation (with engineering exponential
  * format, where the power of ten is a multiple of 3).
  * Used as a setting to control the form of the result of a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * A zero result in plain form may have a decimal part of one or
  * more zeros.
  * @see #PLAIN
  * @see #SCIENTIFIC
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ENGINEERING=2; // 1-3 digits before .
 MathContext.ENGINEERING = MathContext.prototype.ENGINEERING = 2; // 1-3 digits before .

 // The rounding modes match the original BigDecimal class values
  * Rounding mode to round to a more positive number.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If any of the discarded digits are non-zero then the result
  * should be rounded towards the next more positive digit.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_CEILING=2;
 MathContext.ROUND_CEILING = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_CEILING = 2;

  * Rounding mode to round towards zero.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * All discarded digits are ignored (truncated).  The result is
  * neither incremented nor decremented.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_DOWN=1;
 MathContext.ROUND_DOWN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_DOWN = 1;

  * Rounding mode to round to a more negative number.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If any of the discarded digits are non-zero then the result
  * should be rounded towards the next more negative digit.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_FLOOR=3;
 MathContext.ROUND_FLOOR = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR = 3;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded down.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If the discarded digits represent greater than half (0.5 times)
  * the value of a one in the next position then the result should be
  * rounded up (away from zero).  Otherwise the discarded digits are
  * ignored.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_HALF_DOWN=5;
 MathContext.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded to the nearest even neighbor.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If the discarded digits represent greater than half (0.5 times)
  * the value of a one in the next position then the result should be
  * rounded up (away from zero).  If they represent less than half,
  * then the result should be rounded down.
  * <p>
  * Otherwise (they represent exactly half) the result is rounded
  * down if its rightmost digit is even, or rounded up if its
  * rightmost digit is odd (to make an even digit).
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_HALF_EVEN=6;
 MathContext.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded up.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If the discarded digits represent greater than or equal to half
  * (0.5 times) the value of a one in the next position then the result
  * should be rounded up (away from zero).  Otherwise the discarded
  * digits are ignored.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_HALF_UP=4;
 MathContext.ROUND_HALF_UP = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4;

  * Rounding mode to assert that no rounding is necessary.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * Rounding (potential loss of information) is not permitted.
  * If any of the discarded digits are non-zero then an
  * <code>ArithmeticException</code> should be thrown.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_UNNECESSARY=7;
 MathContext.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = 7;

  * Rounding mode to round away from zero.
  * Used as a setting to control the rounding mode used during a
  * <code>BigDecimal</code> operation.
  * <p>
  * If any of the discarded digits are non-zero then the result will
  * be rounded up (away from zero).
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int ROUND_UP=0;
 MathContext.ROUND_UP = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UP = 0;

 /* properties shared */
  * The number of digits (precision) to be used for an operation.
  * A value of 0 indicates that unlimited precision (as many digits
  * as are required) will be used.
  * <p>
  * The {
   @link BigDecimal} operator methods use this value to
  * determine the precision of results.
  * Note that leading zeros (in the integer part of a number) are
  * never significant.
  * <p>
  * <code>digits</code> will always be non-negative.
  * @serial
 //--int digits;

  * The form of results from an operation.
  * <p>
  * The {
   @link BigDecimal} operator methods use this value to
  * determine the form of results, in particular whether and how
  * exponential notation should be used.
  * @see #PLAIN
  * @see #SCIENTIFIC
  * @serial
 //--int form; // values for this must fit in a byte

  * Controls whether lost digits checking is enabled for an
  * operation.
  * Set to <code>true</code> to enable checking, or
  * to <code>false</code> to disable checking.
  * <p>
  * When enabled, the {
   @link BigDecimal} operator methods check
  * the precision of their operand or operands, and throw an
  * <code>ArithmeticException</code> if an operand is more precise
  * than the digits setting (that is, digits would be lost).
  * When disabled, operands are rounded to the specified digits.
  * @serial
 //--boolean lostDigits;

  * The rounding algorithm to be used for an operation.
  * <p>
  * The {
   @link BigDecimal} operator methods use this value to
  * determine the algorithm to be used when non-zero digits have to
  * be discarded in order to reduce the precision of a result.
  * The value must be one of the public constants whose name starts
  * with <code>ROUND_</code>.
  * @see #ROUND_DOWN
  * @see #ROUND_FLOOR
  * @see #ROUND_HALF_UP
  * @see #ROUND_UP
  * @serial
 //--int roundingMode;

 /* properties private constant */
 // default settings
 //--private static final int DEFAULT_FORM=SCIENTIFIC;
 //--private static final int DEFAULT_DIGITS=9;
 //--private static final boolean DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS=false;
 //--private static final int DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE=ROUND_HALF_UP;

 /* properties private constant */

 //--private static final int MIN_DIGITS=0; // smallest value for DIGITS.
 //--private static final int MAX_DIGITS=999999999; // largest value for DIGITS.  If increased,
 MathContext.prototype.MIN_DIGITS=0; // smallest value for DIGITS.
 MathContext.prototype.MAX_DIGITS=999999999; // largest value for DIGITS.  If increased,
 // the BigDecimal class may need update.
 // list of valid rounding mode values, most common two first
 MathContext.prototype.ROUNDS=new Array(MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_CEILING,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_DOWN,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN,MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UP);

 //--private static final java.lang.String ROUNDWORDS[]=new java.lang.String[]{"ROUND_HALF_UP","ROUND_UNNECESSARY","ROUND_CEILING","ROUND_DOWN","ROUND_FLOOR","ROUND_HALF_DOWN","ROUND_HALF_EVEN","ROUND_UP"}; // matching names of the ROUNDS values

 /* properties private constant unused */

 // Serialization version
 //--private static final long serialVersionUID=7163376998892515376L;

 /* properties public constant */
  * A <code>MathContext</code> object initialized to the default
  * settings for general-purpose arithmetic.  That is,
  * <code>digits=9 form=SCIENTIFIC lostDigits=false
  * roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP</code>.
  * @see #SCIENTIFIC
  * @see #ROUND_HALF_UP
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 MathContext.prototype.DEFAULT=new MathContext(MathContext.prototype.DEFAULT_DIGITS,MathContext.prototype.DEFAULT_FORM,MathContext.prototype.DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS,MathContext.prototype.DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE);

 /* ----- Constructors ----- */

  * Constructs a new <code>MathContext</code> with a specified
  * precision.
  * The other settings are set to the default values
  * (see {
   @link #DEFAULT}).
  * An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown if the
  * <code>setdigits</code> parameter is out of range
  * (<0 or >999999999).
  * @param setdigits     The <code>int</code> digits setting
  *                      for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException parameter out of range.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public MathContext(int setdigits){
 //-- return;}

  * Constructs a new <code>MathContext</code> with a specified
  * precision and form.
  * The other settings are set to the default values
  * (see {
   @link #DEFAULT}).
  * An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown if the
  * <code>setdigits</code> parameter is out of range
  * (<0 or >999999999), or if the value given for the
  * <code>setform</code> parameter is not one of the appropriate
  * constants.
  * @param setdigits     The <code>int</code> digits setting
  *                      for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setform       The <code>int</code> form setting
  *                      for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException parameter out of range.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public MathContext(int setdigits,int setform){
 //-- return;}

  * Constructs a new <code>MathContext</code> with a specified
  * precision, form, and lostDigits setting.
  * The roundingMode setting is set to its default value
  * (see {
   @link #DEFAULT}).
  * An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown if the
  * <code>setdigits</code> parameter is out of range
  * (<0 or >999999999), or if the value given for the
  * <code>setform</code> parameter is not one of the appropriate
  * constants.
  * @param setdigits     The <code>int</code> digits setting
  *                      for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setform       The <code>int</code> form setting
  *                      for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setlostdigits The <code>boolean</code> lostDigits
  *                      setting for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException parameter out of range.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public MathContext(int setdigits,int setform,boolean setlostdigits){
 //-- this(setdigits,setform,setlostdigits,DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE);
 //-- return;}

  * Constructs a new <code>MathContext</code> with a specified
  * precision, form, lostDigits, and roundingMode setting.
  * An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown if the
  * <code>setdigits</code> parameter is out of range
  * (<0 or >999999999), or if the value given for the
  * <code>setform</code> or <code>setroundingmode</code> parameters is
  * not one of the appropriate constants.
  * @param setdigits       The <code>int</code> digits setting
  *                        for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setform         The <code>int</code> form setting
  *                        for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setlostdigits   The <code>boolean</code> lostDigits
  *                        setting for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @param setroundingmode The <code>int</code> roundingMode setting
  *                        for this <code>MathContext</code>.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException parameter out of range.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public MathContext(int setdigits,int setform,boolean setlostdigits,int setroundingmode){super();
 function MathContext() {
  //-- members
  this.digits = 0;
  this.form = 0; // values for this must fit in a byte
  this.lostDigits = false;
  this.roundingMode = 0;

  //-- overloaded ctor
  var setform = this.DEFAULT_FORM;
  var setlostdigits = this.DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS;
  var setroundingmode = this.DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE;
  if (MathContext.arguments.length == 4)
    setform = MathContext.arguments[1];
    setlostdigits = MathContext.arguments[2];
    setroundingmode = MathContext.arguments[3];
  else if (MathContext.arguments.length == 3)
    setform = MathContext.arguments[1];
    setlostdigits = MathContext.arguments[2];
  else if (MathContext.arguments.length == 2)
    setform = MathContext.arguments[1];
  else if (MathContext.arguments.length != 1)
    throw "MathContext(): " + MathContext.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 to 4";
  var setdigits = MathContext.arguments[0];

  // set values, after checking
  if (setdigits!=this.DEFAULT_DIGITS)
    if (setdigits<this.MIN_DIGITS)
     throw "MathContext(): Digits too small: "+setdigits;
    if (setdigits>this.MAX_DIGITS)
     throw "MathContext(): Digits too large: "+setdigits;
  if (setform==this.SCIENTIFIC)
   {} // [most common]
  else if (setform==this.ENGINEERING)
  else if (setform==this.PLAIN)
   throw "MathContext() Bad form value: "+setform;
  if ((!(this.isValidRound(setroundingmode))))
   throw "MathContext(): Bad roundingMode value: "+setroundingmode;
  this.lostDigits=setlostdigits; // [no bad value possible]

  * Returns the digits setting.
  * This value is always non-negative.
  * @return an <code>int</code> which is the value of the digits
  *         setting
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public int getDigits(){
 function getDigits() {
  return this.digits;

  * Returns the form setting.
  * This will be one of
  * {
   @link #ENGINEERING},
  * {
   @link #PLAIN}, or
  * {
   @link #SCIENTIFIC}.
  * @return an <code>int</code> which is the value of the form setting
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public int getForm(){
 function getForm() {
  return this.form;

  * Returns the lostDigits setting.
  * This will be either <code>true</code> (enabled) or
  * <code>false</code> (disabled).
  * @return a <code>boolean</code> which is the value of the lostDigits
  *           setting
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public boolean getLostDigits(){
 function getLostDigits() {
  return this.lostDigits;

  * Returns the roundingMode setting.
  * This will be one of
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_CEILING},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_DOWN},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_FLOOR},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_HALF_DOWN},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_HALF_EVEN},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_HALF_UP},
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_UNNECESSARY}, or
  * {
   @link  #ROUND_UP}.
  * @return an <code>int</code> which is the value of the roundingMode
  *         setting
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public int getRoundingMode(){
 function getRoundingMode() {
  return this.roundingMode;

 /** Returns the <code>MathContext</code> as a readable string.
  * The <code>String</code> returned represents the settings of the
  * <code>MathContext</code> object as four blank-delimited words
  * separated by a single blank and with no leading or trailing blanks,
  * as follows:
  * <ol>
  * <li>
  * <code>digits=</code>, immediately followed by
  * the value of the digits setting as a numeric word.
  * <li>
  * <code>form=</code>, immediately followed by
  * the value of the form setting as an uppercase word
  * (one of <code>SCIENTIFIC</code>, <code>PLAIN</code>, or
  * <code>ENGINEERING</code>).
  * <li>
  * <code>lostDigits=</code>, immediately followed by
  * the value of the lostDigits setting
  * (<code>1</code> if enabled, <code>0</code> if disabled).
  * <li>
  * <code>roundingMode=</code>, immediately followed by
  * the value of the roundingMode setting as a word.
  * This word will be the same as the name of the corresponding public
  * constant.
  * </ol>
  * <p>
  * For example:
  * <br><code>
  * digits=9 form=SCIENTIFIC lostDigits=0 roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP
  * </code>
  * <p>
  * Additional words may be appended to the result of
  * <code>toString</code> in the future if more properties are added
  * to the class.
  * @return a <code>String</code> representing the context settings.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

 //--public java.lang.String toString(){
 function toString() {
  //--java.lang.String formstr=null;
  var formstr=null;
  //--int r=0;
  var r=0;
  //--java.lang.String roundword=null;
  var roundword=null;
  if (this.form==this.SCIENTIFIC)
  else if (this.form==this.ENGINEERING)
   formstr="PLAIN";/* form=PLAIN */
  var $1=this.ROUNDS.length;r=0;r:for(;$1>0;$1--,r++){
   if (this.roundingMode==this.ROUNDS[r])
     break r;
  return "digits="+this.digits+" "+"form="+formstr+" "+"lostDigits="+(this.lostDigits?"1":"0")+" "+"roundingMode="+roundword;

 /* <sgml> Test whether round is valid. </sgml> */
 // This could be made shared for use by BigDecimal for setScale.

 //--private static boolean isValidRound(int testround){
 function isValidRound(testround) {
  //--int r=0;
  var r=0;
  var $2=this.ROUNDS.length;r=0;r:for(;$2>0;$2--,r++){
   if (testround==this.ROUNDS[r])
    return true;
  return false;
return MathContext;

var BigDecimal = (function (MathContext) {
/* Generated from 'BigDecimal.nrx' 8 Sep 2000 11:10:50 [v2.00] */
/* Options: Binary Comments Crossref Format Java Logo Strictargs Strictcase Trace2 Verbose3 */
//--import java.math.BigInteger;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* BigDecimal -- Decimal arithmetic for Java                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 2000.  All Rights Reserved.       */
/*                                                                    */
/* The BigDecimal class provides immutable arbitrary-precision        */
/* floating point (including integer) decimal numbers.                */
/*                                                                    */
/* As the numbers are decimal, there is an exact correspondence       */
/* between an instance of a BigDecimal object and its String          */
/* representation; the BigDecimal class provides direct conversions   */
/* to and from String and character array objects, and well as        */
/* conversions to and from the Java primitive types (which may not    */
/* be exact).                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Notes:                                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. A BigDecimal object is never changed in value once constructed; */
/*    this avoids the need for locking.  Note in particular that the  */
/*    mantissa array may be shared between many BigDecimal objects,   */
/*    so that once exposed it must not be altered.                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* 2. This class looks at MathContext class fields directly (for      */
/*    performance).  It must not and does not change them.            */
/*                                                                    */
/* 3. Exponent checking is delayed until finish(), as we know         */
/*    intermediate calculations cannot cause 31-bit overflow.         */
/*    [This assertion depends on MAX_DIGITS in MathContext.]          */
/*                                                                    */
/* 4. Comments for the public API now follow the javadoc conventions. */
/*    The NetRexx -comments option is used to pass these comments     */
/*    through to the generated Java code (with -format, if desired).  */
/*                                                                    */
/* 5. System.arraycopy is faster than explicit loop as follows        */
/*      Mean length 4:  equal                                         */
/*      Mean length 8:  x2                                            */
/*      Mean length 16: x3                                            */
/*      Mean length 24: x4                                            */
/*    From prior experience, we expect mean length a little below 8,  */
/*    but arraycopy is still the one to use, in general, until later  */
/*    measurements suggest otherwise.                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* 6. 'DMSRCN' referred to below is the original (1981) IBM S/370     */
/*    assembler code implementation of the algorithms below; it is    */
/*    now called IXXRCN and is available with the OS/390 and VM/ESA   */
/*    operating systems.                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Change History:                                                    */
/* 1997.09.02 Initial version (derived from netrexx.lang classes)     */
/* 1997.09.12 Add lostDigits checking                                 */
/* 1997.10.06 Change mantissa to a byte array                         */
/* 1997.11.22 Rework power [did not prepare arguments, etc.]          */
/* 1997.12.13 multiply did not prepare arguments                      */
/* 1997.12.14 add did not prepare and align arguments correctly       */
/* 1998.05.02 0.07 packaging changes suggested by Sun and Oracle      */
/* 1998.05.21 adjust remainder operator finalization                  */
/* 1998.06.04 rework to pass MathContext to finish() and round()      */
/* 1998.06.06 change format to use round(); support rounding modes    */
/* 1998.06.25 rename to BigDecimal and begin merge                    */
/*            zero can now have trailing zeros (i.e., exp\=0)         */
/* 1998.06.28 new methods: movePointXxxx, scale, toBigInteger         */
/*                         unscaledValue, valueof                     */
/* 1998.07.01 improve byteaddsub to allow array reuse, etc.           */
/* 1998.07.01 make null testing explicit to avoid JIT bug [Win32]     */
/* 1998.07.07 scaled division  [divide(BigDecimal, int, int)]         */
/* 1998.07.08 setScale, faster equals                                 */
/* 1998.07.11 allow 1E6 (no sign) <sigh>; new double/float conversion */
/* 1998.10.12 change package to                          */
/* 1998.12.14 power operator no longer rounds RHS [to match ANSI]     */
/*            add toBigDecimal() and BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) */
/* 1998.12.29 improve byteaddsub by using table lookup                */
/* 1999.02.04 lostdigits=0 behaviour rounds instead of digits+1 guard */
/* 1999.02.05 cleaner code for BigDecimal(char[])                     */
/* 1999.02.06 add javadoc comments                                    */
/* 1999.02.11 format() changed from 7 to 2 method form                */
/* 1999.03.05 null pointer checking is no longer explicit             */
/* 1999.03.05 simplify; changes from discussion with J. Bloch:        */
/*            null no longer permitted for MathContext; drop boolean, */
/*            byte, char, float, short constructor, deprecate double  */
/*            constructor, no blanks in string constructor, add       */
/*            offset and length version of char[] constructor;        */
/*            add valueOf(double); drop booleanValue, charValue;      */
/*            add ...Exact versions of remaining convertors           */
/* 1999.03.13 add toBigIntegerExact                                   */
/* 1999.03.13 1.00 release to IBM Centre for Java Technology          */
/* 1999.05.27 1.01 correct 0-0.2 bug under scaled arithmetic          */
/* 1999.06.29 1.02 constructors should not allow exponent > 9 digits  */
/* 1999.07.03 1.03 lost digits should not be checked if digits=0      */
/* 1999.07.06      lost digits Exception message changed              */
/* 1999.07.10 1.04 more work on 0-0.2 (scaled arithmetic)             */
/* 1999.07.17      improve messages from pow method                   */
/* 1999.08.08      performance tweaks                                 */
/* 1999.08.15      fastpath in multiply                               */
/* 1999.11.05 1.05 fix problem in intValueExact [e.g., 5555555555]    */
/* 1999.12.22 1.06 remove multiply fastpath, and improve performance  */
/* 2000.01.01      copyright update [Y2K has arrived]                 */
/* 2000.06.18 1.08 no longer deprecate BigDecimal(double)             */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* JavaScript conversion (c) 2003 STZ-IDA and PTV AG, Karlsruhe, Germany */

function div(a, b) {
    return (a-(a%b))/b;

BigDecimal.prototype.div = div;

function arraycopy(src, srcindex, dest, destindex, length) {
    var i;
    if (destindex > srcindex) {
        // in case src and dest are equals, but also doesn't hurt
        // if they are different
        for (i = length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
            dest[i+destindex] = src[i+srcindex];
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            dest[i+destindex] = src[i+srcindex];

BigDecimal.prototype.arraycopy = arraycopy;

function createArrayWithZeros(length) {
    var retVal = new Array(length);
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        retVal[i] = 0;
    return retVal;

BigDecimal.prototype.createArrayWithZeros = createArrayWithZeros;

 * The <code>BigDecimal</code> class implements immutable
 * arbitrary-precision decimal numbers.  The methods of the
 * <code>BigDecimal</code> class provide operations for fixed and
 * floating point arithmetic, comparison, format conversions, and
 * hashing.
 * <p>
 * As the numbers are decimal, there is an exact correspondence between
 * an instance of a <code>BigDecimal</code> object and its
 * <code>String</code> representation; the <code>BigDecimal</code> class
 * provides direct conversions to and from <code>String</code> and
 * character array (<code>char[]</code>) objects, as well as conversions
 * to and from the Java primitive types (which may not be exact) and
 * <code>BigInteger</code>.
 * <p>
 * In the descriptions of constructors and methods in this documentation,
 * the value of a <code>BigDecimal</code> number object is shown as the
 * result of invoking the <code>toString()</code> method on the object.
 * The internal representation of a decimal number is neither defined
 * nor exposed, and is not permitted to affect the result of any
 * operation.
 * <p>
 * The floating point arithmetic provided by this class is defined by
 * the ANSI X3.274-1996 standard, and is also documented at
 * <code></code>
 * <br><i>[This URL will change.]</i>
 * <h3>Operator methods</h3>
 * <p>
 * Operations on <code>BigDecimal</code> numbers are controlled by a
 * {
   @link MathContext} object, which provides the context (precision and
 * other information) for the operation. Methods that can take a
 * <code>MathContext</code> parameter implement the standard arithmetic
 * operators for <code>BigDecimal</code> objects and are known as
 * <i>operator methods</i>.  The default settings provided by the
 * constant {
   @link MathContext#DEFAULT} (<code>digits=9,
 * form=SCIENTIFIC, lostDigits=false, roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP</code>)
 * perform general-purpose floating point arithmetic to nine digits of
 * precision.  The <code>MathContext</code> parameter must not be
 * <code>null</code>.
 * <p>
 * Each operator method also has a version provided which does
 * not take a <code>MathContext</code> parameter.  For this version of
 * each method, the context settings used are <code>digits=0,
 * form=PLAIN, lostDigits=false, roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP</code>;
 * these settings perform fixed point arithmetic with unlimited
 * precision, as defined for the original BigDecimal class in Java 1.1
 * and Java 1.2.
 * <p>
 * For monadic operators, only the optional <code>MathContext</code>
 * parameter is present; the operation acts upon the current object.
 * <p>
 * For dyadic operators, a <code>BigDecimal</code> parameter is always
 * present; it must not be <code>null</code>.
 * The operation acts with the current object being the left-hand operand
 * and the <code>BigDecimal</code> parameter being the right-hand operand.
 * <p>
 * For example, adding two <code>BigDecimal</code> objects referred to
 * by the names <code>award</code> and <code>extra</code> could be
 * written as any of:
 * <p><code>
 *     award.add(extra)
 * <br>award.add(extra, MathContext.DEFAULT)
 * <br>award.add(extra, acontext)
 * </code>
 * <p>
 * (where <code>acontext</code> is a <code>MathContext</code> object),
 * which would return a <code>BigDecimal</code> object whose value is
 * the result of adding <code>award</code> and <code>extra</code> under
 * the appropriate context settings.
 * <p>
 * When a <code>BigDecimal</code> operator method is used, a set of
 * rules define what the result will be (and, by implication, how the
 * result would be represented as a character string).
 * These rules are defined in the BigDecimal arithmetic documentation
 * (see the URL above), but in summary:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Results are normally calculated with up to some maximum number of
 * significant digits.
 * For example, if the <code>MathContext</code> parameter for an operation
 * were <code>MathContext.DEFAULT</code> then the result would be
 * rounded to 9 digits; the division of 2 by 3 would then result in
 * 0.666666667.
 * <br>
 * You can change the default of 9 significant digits by providing the
 * method with a suitable <code>MathContext</code> object. This lets you
 * calculate using as many digits as you need -- thousands, if necessary.
 * Fixed point (scaled) arithmetic is indicated by using a
 * <code>digits</code> setting of 0 (or omitting the
 * <code>MathContext</code> parameter).
 * <br>
 * Similarly, you can change the algorithm used for rounding from the
 * default "classic" algorithm.
 * <li>
 * In standard arithmetic (that is, when the <code>form</code> setting
 * is not <code>PLAIN</code>), a zero result is always expressed as the
 * single digit <code>'0'</code> (that is, with no sign, decimal point,
 * or exponent part).
 * <li>
 * Except for the division and power operators in standard arithmetic,
 * trailing zeros are preserved (this is in contrast to binary floating
 * point operations and most electronic calculators, which lose the
 * information about trailing zeros in the fractional part of results).
 * <br>
 * So, for example:
 * <p><code>
 *     new BigDecimal("2.40").add(     new BigDecimal("2"))      => "4.40"
 * <br>new BigDecimal("2.40").subtract(new BigDecimal("2"))      => "0.40"
 * <br>new BigDecimal("2.40").multiply(new BigDecimal("2"))      => "4.80"
 * <br>new BigDecimal("2.40").divide(  new BigDecimal("2"), def) => "1.2"
 * </code>
 * <p>where the value on the right of the <code>=></code> would be the
 * result of the operation, expressed as a <code>String</code>, and
 * <code>def</code> (in this and following examples) refers to
 * <code>MathContext.DEFAULT</code>).
 * This preservation of trailing zeros is desirable for most
 * calculations (including financial calculations).
 * If necessary, trailing zeros may be easily removed using division by 1.
 * <li>
 * In standard arithmetic, exponential form is used for a result
 * depending on its value and the current setting of <code>digits</code>
 * (the default is 9 digits).
 * If the number of places needed before the decimal point exceeds the
 * <code>digits</code> setting, or the absolute value of the number is
 * less than <code>0.000001</code>, then the number will be expressed in
 * exponential notation; thus
 * <p><code>
 *   new BigDecimal("1e+6").multiply(new BigDecimal("1e+6"), def)
 * </code>
 * <p>results in <code>1E+12</code> instead of
 * <code>1000000000000</code>, and
 * <p><code>
 *   new BigDecimal("1").divide(new BigDecimal("3E+10"), def)
 * </code>
 * <p>results in <code>3.33333333E-11</code> instead of
 * <code>0.0000000000333333333</code>.
 * <p>
 * The form of the exponential notation (scientific or engineering) is
 * determined by the <code>form</code> setting.
 * <eul>
 * <p>
 * The names of methods in this class follow the conventions established
 * by <code>java.lang.Number</code>, <code>java.math.BigInteger</code>,
 * and <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code> in Java 1.1 and Java 1.2.
 * @see     MathContext
 * @author  Mike Cowlishaw
 * @stable ICU 2.0

//--public class BigDecimal extends java.lang.Number implements,java.lang.Comparable{
//-- private static final java.lang.String $0="BigDecimal.nrx";

 //-- methods
 BigDecimal.prototype.abs = abs;
 BigDecimal.prototype.add = add;
 BigDecimal.prototype.compareTo = compareTo;
 BigDecimal.prototype.divide = divide;
 BigDecimal.prototype.divideInteger = divideInteger;
 BigDecimal.prototype.max = max;
 BigDecimal.prototype.min = min;
 BigDecimal.prototype.multiply = multiply;
 BigDecimal.prototype.negate = negate; = plus;
 BigDecimal.prototype.pow = pow;
 BigDecimal.prototype.remainder = remainder;
 BigDecimal.prototype.subtract = subtract;
 BigDecimal.prototype.equals = equals;
 BigDecimal.prototype.format = format;
 BigDecimal.prototype.intValueExact = intValueExact;
 BigDecimal.prototype.movePointLeft = movePointLeft;
 BigDecimal.prototype.movePointRight = movePointRight;
 BigDecimal.prototype.scale = scale;
 BigDecimal.prototype.setScale = setScale;
 BigDecimal.prototype.signum = signum;
 BigDecimal.prototype.toString = toString;
 BigDecimal.prototype.layout = layout;
 BigDecimal.prototype.intcheck = intcheck;
 BigDecimal.prototype.dodivide = dodivide;
 BigDecimal.prototype.bad = bad;
 BigDecimal.prototype.badarg = badarg;
 BigDecimal.prototype.extend = extend;
 BigDecimal.prototype.byteaddsub = byteaddsub;
 BigDecimal.prototype.diginit = diginit;
 BigDecimal.prototype.clone = clone;
 BigDecimal.prototype.checkdigits = checkdigits;
 BigDecimal.prototype.round = round;
 BigDecimal.prototype.allzero = allzero;
 BigDecimal.prototype.finish = finish;

 // Convenience methods
 BigDecimal.prototype.isGreaterThan = isGreaterThan;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isLessThan = isLessThan;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = isGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isLessThanOrEqualTo = isLessThanOrEqualTo;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isPositive = isPositive;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isNegative = isNegative;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isZero = isZero;

 /* ----- Constants ----- */
 /* properties constant public */ // useful to others
 // the rounding modes (copied here for upwards compatibility)
  * Rounding mode to round to a more positive number.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_CEILING
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_CEILING = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_CEILING;

  * Rounding mode to round towards zero.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_DOWN
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_DOWN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_DOWN;

  * Rounding mode to round to a more negative number.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_FLOOR
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded down.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_HALF_DOWN
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded to the nearest even neighbor.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_HALF_EVEN
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN;

  * Rounding mode to round to nearest neighbor, where an equidistant
  * value is rounded up.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_HALF_UP
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP;

  * Rounding mode to assert that no rounding is necessary.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_UNNECESSARY
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY;

  * Rounding mode to round away from zero.
  * @see MathContext#ROUND_UP
  * @stable ICU 2.0
 //--public static final int;
 BigDecimal.ROUND_UP = BigDecimal.prototype.ROUND_UP = MathContext.prototype.ROUND_UP;

 /* properties constant private */ // locals
 //--private static final byte ispos=1; // ind: indicates positive (must be 1)
 //--private static final byte iszero=0; // ind: indicates zero     (must be 0)
 //--private static final byte isneg=-1; // ind: indicates negative (must be -1)
 BigDecimal.prototype.ispos = 1;
 BigDecimal.prototype.iszero = 0;
 BigDecimal.prototype.isneg = -1;
 // [later could add NaN, +/- infinity, here]

 //--private static final int MinExp=-999999999; // minimum exponent allowed
 //--private static final int MaxExp=999999999; // maximum exponent allowed
 //--private static final int MinArg=-999999999; // minimum argument integer
 //--private static final int MaxArg=999999999; // maximum argument integer
 BigDecimal.prototype.MinExp=-999999999; // minimum exponent allowed
 BigDecimal.prototype.MaxExp=999999999; // maximum exponent allowed
 BigDecimal.prototype.MinArg=-999999999; // minimum argument integer
 BigDecimal.prototype.MaxArg=999999999; // maximum argument integer

 //--private static final plainMC=new,; // context for plain unlimited math
 BigDecimal.prototype.plainMC=new MathContext(0, MathContext.prototype.PLAIN);

 /* properties constant private unused */ // present but not referenced

 // Serialization version
 //--private static final long serialVersionUID=8245355804974198832L;

 //--private static final java.lang.String copyright=" Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1996, 2000.  All rights reserved. ";

 /* properties static private */
 // Precalculated constant arrays (used by byteaddsub)
 //--private static byte bytecar[]=new byte[(90+99)+1]; // carry/borrow array
 //--private static byte bytedig[]=diginit(); // next digit array
 BigDecimal.prototype.bytecar = new Array((90+99)+1);
 BigDecimal.prototype.bytedig = diginit();

  * The <code>BigDecimal</code> constant "0".
  * @see #ONE
  * @see #TEN