Perform the same operation and return the updated entries:
UPDATE weather SET temp_lo = temp_lo+1, temp_hi = temp_lo+15, prcp = DEFAULT WHERE city = 'San Francisco' AND date = '2003-07-03' RETURNING temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp;
update returning的是更新后的内容
Perform the same operation and return the updated entries:
UPDATE weather SET temp_lo = temp_lo+1, temp_hi = temp_lo+15, prcp = DEFAULT WHERE city = 'San Francisco' AND date = '2003-07-03' RETURNING temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp;
update returning的是更新后的内容
道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始,有名,万物之母。 故常无欲,以观其妙,常有欲,以观其徼。 此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门。