一. 查询类(FromSql)
A. SQL查询必须返回实体的所有属性字段。
B. 结果集中的列名必须与属性映射到的列名相匹配。
C. SQL查询不能包含关联数据
D. 除Select以为的其它SQL语句无法运行。
A. 基本的原生SQL查询
B. 利用$内插语法进行传递
C. 原生SQL与linq语法相结合
D. 利用SqlParameter进行参数化查询
1 { 2 using (EFDB01Context db = new EFDB01Context()) 3 { 4 //1.基本的原生SQL查询 5 var userList1 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql("select * from T_UserInfor where id!='123'").ToList(); 6 7 //2.利用$内插语法进行传递 8 var myId = "2fc343069e0a4a559b62b08d5999dbcd"; 9 var userList2 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql($"select * from T_UserInfor where id= {myId}").ToList(); 10 11 //3.原生SQL与linq语法相结合 12 var userList3 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql($"select * from T_UserInfor") 13 .Where(u => u.id == "2fc343069e0a4a559b62b08d5999dbcd") 14 .ToList(); 15 var userList4 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql($"select * from T_UserInfor") 16 .Where(u => u.id != "1111") 17 .OrderBy(u => u.addTime) 18 .ToList(); 19 20 //4.利用SqlParameter进行参数化查询 21 SqlParameter[] paras ={ 22 new SqlParameter("@id","2fc343069e0a4a559b62b08d5999dbcd"), 23 new SqlParameter("@userName","ypf"), 24 }; 25 var userList5 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql("select * from T_UserInfor where id=@id and userName=@userName", paras).ToList(); 26 } 27 }
1 USE [EFDB01] 2 3 --事先准备:插入两条数据 4 select * from T_UserInfor 5 truncate table T_UserInfor 6 insert into T_UserInfor values('01','ypf','男',12,'2019-08-08') 7 insert into T_UserInfor values('02','ypf2','女',30,'2019-09-08') 8 9 -- 1. 不含任何参数存储过程 10 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'GetAll')) 11 drop proc GetAll 12 go 13 create proc GetAll 14 as 15 select * from T_UserInfor; 16 17 -- 调用 18 exec GetAll; 19 20 21 --2. 含多个输入参数的存储过程 22 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'GetALLBy')) 23 drop proc GetALLBy 24 go 25 create proc GetALLBy( 26 @id varchar(32), 27 @userName varchar(20) 28 ) 29 as 30 select * from T_UserInfor where id=@id and userName=@userName; 31 32 exec GetALLBy @id='01',@userName='ypf'; 33 34 --3. 含输出参数的存储过程 35 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'GetSpecial')) 36 drop proc GetSpecial 37 go 38 create proc GetSpecial( 39 @userName varchar(32), 40 @count int output 41 ) 42 as 43 select @count=count(*) from T_UserInfor; 44 select * from T_UserInfor where userName= @userName; 45 46 go 47 declare @myCount int; 48 exec GetSpecial 'ypf',@myCount output; 49 select @myCount as myCount;
1 { 2 using (EFDB01Context db = new EFDB01Context()) 3 { 4 //1. 不含任何参数存储过程 5 var data1 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql("GetAll").ToList(); 6 7 //2. 含多个输入参数的存储过程 8 SqlParameter[] para ={ 9 new SqlParameter("@id","01"), 10 new SqlParameter("@userName","ypf") 11 }; 12 var data2 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql("GetALLBy @id,@userName", para).ToList(); 13 14 //3. 带输出参数的存储过程 15 //把输出参数单独拿出来声明 16 SqlParameter myCount = new SqlParameter("@count", SqlDbType.Int); 17 myCount.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; 18 //把输出参数放到数组里 19 SqlParameter[] para2 ={ 20 new SqlParameter("@userName","ypf"), 21 myCount 22 }; 23 var data3 = db.Set<T_UserInfor>().FromSql("exec GetSpecial @userName,@count out", para2).ToList(); 24 //通过输出参数在数组中的位置来获取返回值。 25 var count = para2[1].Value; 26 27 } 28 }
二. 其它类(ExecuteSqlCommand)
A. 基本的原生SQL查询
B. 利用$内插语法进行传递
C. 利用SqlParameter进行参数化查询
1 { 2 using (EFDB01Context db = new EFDB01Context()) 3 { 4 5 //1.增加 6 int result1 = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("insert into T_UserInfor values('01','test1','男',21,'2019-09-09')"); 7 8 //2. 修改 9 SqlParameter[] paras ={ 10 new SqlParameter("@id","01"), 11 new SqlParameter("@userSex","未知"), 12 }; 13 int result2 = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("update T_UserInfor set userSex=@userSex where id=@id", paras); 14 15 //3. 删除 16 var myId = "01"; 17 int result3 = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"delete from T_UserInfor where id={myId}"); 18 19 //4. 其它指令 20 int result4 = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("truncate table T_UserInfor"); 21 } 22 }
--4. 非查询类的存储过程 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'DoSome')) drop proc DoSome go create proc DoSome( @id varchar(32) ) as begin transaction begin try insert into T_UserInfor values(@id,'ypf','男',12,'2019-08-08'); delete from T_UserInfor where id='02' commit transaction end try begin catch rollback transaction end catch exec DoSome '03'
1 { 2 using (EFDB01Context db = new EFDB01Context()) 3 { 4 SqlParameter[] para ={ 5 new SqlParameter("@id",Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")), 6 }; 7 int n = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DoSome @id", para); 8 if (n > 0) 9 { 10 Console.WriteLine("操作成功"); 11 } 12 else 13 { 14 Console.WriteLine("没有更多数据进行处理"); 15 } 16 } 17 }
- 作 者 : Yaopengfei(姚鹏飞)
- 博客地址 : http://www.cnblogs.com/yaopengfei/
- 声 明1 : 本人才疏学浅,用郭德纲的话说“我是一个小学生”,如有错误,欢迎讨论,请勿谩骂^_^。
- 声 明2 : 原创博客请在转载时保留原文链接或在文章开头加上本人博客地址,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。