
dataframe 空值替换为0_DataFrame的去重,none值填充及异常值处理2018-05-23

spark 数据建模准备



from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").appName("shuangyu").getOrCreate()

df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,144.5,5.9,33,'M'),








print("count of rows: {}".format(df.count()))

print("count of distinct rows: {}".format(df.distinct().count()))

count of rows: 7

count of distinct rows: 6


df = df.dropDuplicates()


| id|weight|height|age|gender|


| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|

| 5| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|

| 1| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|

| 4| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|

| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|

| 3| 124.1| 5.2| 23| F|



print("counts of ids: {}".format(df.count()))

print("counts of distinct ids: {}".format([c for c in df.columns if c != "id"]).distinct().count()))

counts of ids: 6

counts of distinct ids: 5


df = df.dropDuplicates(subset = [c for c in df.columns if c != "id"])


| id|weight|height|age|gender|


| 5| 133.2| 5.7| 54| F|

| 1| 144.5| 5.9| 33| M|

| 2| 167.2| 5.4| 45| M|

| 3| 124.1| 5.2| 23| F|

| 5| 129.2| 5.3| 42| M|

