I seem to be having some issues with making HEAD requests, and preserving the integrity of data in an array.
Given this snippet:
var imageTemp = Array();
if($(this).css('background-image') != 'none'){
imageTemp.push($(this).css('background-image').slice(5, -2));
I capture the URLs of all background-images on a given page. Now, trying to grab the size of each image via HEAD requests for Content-Length, I use this snippet:
var imageData = Array();
for(var i = 0; i < imageTemp.length; i++){
ajaxSizeRequest = $.ajax({
type: "HEAD",
async: true,
url: imageTemp[i],
success: function(message){
imageData.push([imageTemp[i], ajaxSizeRequest.getResponseHeader('Content-Length')]);
However, when I dump imageData via console.log, I each element (which should be an array containing the URL and the content-length) ends up as [undefined, XXXX] where XXXX is always the size of the last requested Content-Length
I'm stumped, though it appears to be a timing/scoping issue. Do I have a sort of race-condition occuring here?