快捷键 | 中文名称 |
Ctrl+R | 替换文本 |
Ctrl+1 | 单行注释,单次注释,双次取消注释 |
Ctrl+4 | 块注释,单次注释,双次取消注释 |
F5 | 运行程序 |
Ctrl+P | 文件切换 |
Ctrl+L | 清除shell |
Ctrl+I | 查看某个函数的帮助文档 |
Ctrl+Shift+V | 调出变量窗口 |
Ctrl+up | 回到文档开头 |
Ctrl+down | 回到文档末尾 |
context | name | shortcut | 中文名称 |
- | close page | Ctrl+Shift +F4 | 关闭页面 |
- | configure | Ctrl+F6 | 配置 |
- | debug continue | Ctrl+F12 | 继续调试 |
- | debug exit | Ctrl+Shift+F12 | 调试退出 |
- | debug step into | Ctrl+F11 | 调试进入函数 |
- | debug step over | Ctrl+F10 | 调试跳出函数 |
- | debug step return | Ctrl+Shift+F11 | 调试返回 |
- | debug | Ctrl+F5 | 调试 |
- | file switche | Ctrl+P | 文件切换 |
- | find next | F3 | 查找下一个文件 |
- | find previous | Shift+F3 | 找到以前的文件 |
- | find text | Ctrl+F | 找到文本 |
- | fullscreen mode | F11 | 全屏模式 |
- | hide find and replace | EShiftCtrl | 隐藏查找和替换 |
- | layout preferences | Alt+Shift+P | 布局的设置 |
- | lock unlock panes | Ctrl+Shift+F5 | 锁解锁窗格 |
- | maximize pane | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M | 最大化窗格 |
- | preferneces | Ctrl +Alt +Shift+P | 偏好 |
- | quit | Ctrl +Q | 退出 |
- | re-run last script | F6 | 最后重新运行脚本 |
- | repalce text | Ctrl +R | 替换文本 |
- | restart | Alt +Shift+R | 重新启动 |
- | run | F5 | 运行 |
- | save current layout | Alt +Shift+ S | 保存当前的布局 |
- | show toolbars | Alt +Shift+T | 显示工具栏 |
- | spyder documentation | F11 | spyder的文档 |
- | switch to breakpoints | Ctrl +Shift+B | 切换到断点 |
- | switch to console | Ctrl +Shift+C | 切换到控制台 |
- | switch to editor | Ctrl +Shift+E | 切换到编辑器 |
- | switch to explorer | Ctrl +Shift+X | 切换到浏览器 |
- | switch t find_in_files | Ctrl +Shift+F | 切换到 find_in_files |
- | switch to help | Ctrl +Shift+H | 切换到帮助 |
- | switch to historylog | Ctrl +Shift+L | 切换到historylog |
- | switch to ipython_console | Ctrl +Shift+I | 切换到ipython_console |
- | switch to onlinehelp | Ctrl +Shift+D | 切换到onlinehelp |
- | switch to outline_explorer | Ctrl +Shift+O | 切换到outline_explorer |
- | switch to project_explorer | Ctrl +Shift+P | 切换到project_explorer |
- | switch to variable_explorer | Ctrl +Shift+v | 切换到variable_explorer |
- | symbol finder | Ctrl +Alt +P | 符号查找器 |
- | use next layout | Alt +Shift+PageDoen | 使用下一个布局 |
- | use previous layout | Alt +Shift+PageUp | 使用上一个布局 |
array_builer | enter array inline | Ctrl +Alt +M | 进入array内联 |
array_builer | enter array table | Ctrl +M | 进入array表 |
console | clear line | Shift+Esc | 清除行 |
console | clear shell | Ctrl +L | 清除shell |
editor | inspect current object | Ctrl +I | 检查当前对象 |
editor | breakpoint | F12 | 断点 |
editor | blockcomment | Ctrl +4 | |
editor | close all | Ctrl +Shift+W | 关闭所有 |
editor | close file 1 | Ctrl +W | 关闭文件1 |
editor | close file 2 | Ctrl +F4 | 关闭文件2 |
editor | code completion | Ctrl +Space | 代码自动完成 |
editor | conditional breakpoint | SF12 | 条件断点 |
editor | copy line | Ctrl +Alt +Down | 复制行 |
editor | copy line | Ctrl +C | 复制行 |
editor | cut | Ctrl +X | 减少 |
editor | delete line | Ctrl +D | 删除一行 |
editor | delete line | Del | 删除一行 |
editor | duplicate line | Ctrl +Alt +Up | 重复的行 |
editor | end of document | Ctrl +Down | 最终的文档 |
editor | end of line | Meta + E | 每行的最后 |
editor | go to definition | Ctrl +G | 去定义 |
editor | go to line | Ctrl +L | 去行 |
editor | go to next file | Ctrl +Shift+Tab | 去下一个文件 |
editor | go to previous file | Ctrl +Tab | 去之前的文件 |
editor | inspect current object | Ctrl +I | 检查当前对象 |
editor | kell next word | Meta+D | 清楚下一个单词 |
editor | kill previous word | Meta+B | 清除上一个单词 |
editor | kill to line end | Meta+K | 清楚行的终点 |
editor | kill to line start | Meta+U | 清除行的开始 |
editor | last edit location | Ctrl +Alt +Shift+L | 最后编辑位置 |
editor | move line down | Alt +Down | 线向下移动 |
editor | move line up | Alt +Up | 线向上移动 |
editor | new file | Ctrl +N | 新建文件 |
editor | next char | Meta+F | 下一个单词 |
editor | next cursor position | Ctrl +Alt +Right | 下一个光标位置 |
editor | next line | Meta+N | 下一行 |
editor | next word | Meta+Right | 下一个词 |
editor | open file | Ctrl +O | 打开的文件 |
editor | open last closed | Ctrl +Shift+T | 打开上次关闭 |
editor | paste | Ctrl +V | 粘贴 |
editor | previous char | Meta+B | 之前的字符 |
editor | previous cursor position | Ctrl +Alt +L | 前一光标位置 |
editor | previous line | Meta+P | 前一行 |
editor | previous word | Meta+L | 以前的单词 |
editor | redo | Ctrl +Shift+Z | 重做 |
editor | rotate kill ring | Meta+Shift+Y | 旋转杀死环 |
editor | run cell and advance | Shift+R | 细胞和推进 |
editor | run cell | Ctrl +R | 运行单元 |
editor | run selection | F9 | 选择运行 |
editor | save all | Ctrl +Alt +S | 保存所有 |
editor | save as | Ctrl +Shift+S | 另存为 |
editor | save file | Ctrl +S | 保存文件 |
editor | select all | Ctrl +A | 选择所有 |
editor | show/hide outline | Ctrl +Alt +O | 显示/隐藏轮廓 |
editor | start of document | Ctrl +U | 开始的文档 |
editor | start of line | Meta+A | 开始行 |
editor | toggle comment | Ctrl +1 | 切换的评论 |
editor | transform to lowercase | Ctrl +U | 转换为小写字母 |
editor | transform to uppercaer | Ctrl +Shift+U | 变换大写字母 |
editor | unblockcomment | Ctrl +F5 | unblockcomment |
editor | undo | Ctrl +Z | 撤销 |
editor | yank | Meta+Y | 猛拉 |
editor | zoom in 1 | Ctrl ++ | 放大1 |
editor | zoom in 2 | Ctrl += | 放大2 |
editor | zoom out | Ctrl +- | 缩小 |
editor | zoom reset | Ctrl +0 | 变焦重置 |
ipython_console | new tab | Ctrl +T | 新标签页 |
ipython_console | reset namespace | Ctrl +Alt+R | 重置名称空间 |
ipython_console | reset kernel | Ctrl +. | 重置内核 |
profiler | run profiler | F10 | 运行分析器 |
pylint | run analysis | F8 | 运行分析 |
variable_explorer | copy | Ctrl +C | 复制 |