
# CGAL源码解析算术与代数篇一(代数基础——文档简析)




  1. 群环域的基本概念
  2. 代数结构简介:群、环, 域、格、模
  3. 整环,唯一分解环,欧几里得环,整除
  4. 核的概念
  5. 齐次坐标的引入与齐次坐标与笛卡尔坐标的转换
  6. 说一说核方法(二)——数学角度简介


  1. 重载函数与名称查找
  2. 模版的两次编译
  3. c++ 函子


  1. FieldWithSqrt, FieldWithKthRoot and FieldWithRootOf 个人理解是:在运算"根号" " k次根"和"多项式的实根"下封闭的域。
  2. 源码片段
//! corresponds to the \c IntegralDomainWithoutDiv concept.
struct Integral_domain_without_division_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c IntegralDomain concept.
struct Integral_domain_tag : public Integral_domain_without_division_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c UFDomain concept.
struct Unique_factorization_domain_tag : public Integral_domain_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c EuclideanRing concept.
struct Euclidean_ring_tag : public Unique_factorization_domain_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c Field concept.
struct Field_tag : public Integral_domain_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c FieldWithSqrt concept.
struct Field_with_sqrt_tag : public Field_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c FieldWithKthRoot concept
struct Field_with_kth_root_tag : public Field_with_sqrt_tag {};

//! corresponds to the \c FieldWithRootOF concept.
struct Field_with_root_of_tag : public Field_with_kth_root_tag {};

// The algebraic structure traits template
// =========================================================================
template< class Type_ >
class Algebraic_structure_traits  {
    typedef Type_  Type;
    typedef Null_tag       Algebraic_category;
    typedef Null_tag       Is_exact;
    typedef Null_tag       Is_numerical_sensitive;

    typedef Null_functor Simplify;
    typedef Null_functor Unit_part;
    typedef Null_functor Integral_division;
    typedef Null_functor Is_square;
    typedef Null_functor Gcd;
    typedef Null_functor Div_mod;
    typedef Null_functor Div;
    typedef Null_functor Mod;
    typedef Null_functor Square;
    typedef Null_functor Is_zero;
    typedef Null_functor Is_one;
    typedef Null_functor Sqrt;
    typedef Null_functor Kth_root;
    typedef Null_functor Root_of;
    typedef Null_functor Divides;
    typedef Null_functor Inverse;

// The algebraic structure traits base class
// =========================================================================
template< class Type, class Algebra_type >
class Algebraic_structure_traits_base;

//! The template specialization that can be used for types that are not any
//! of the number type concepts. All functors are set to \c Null_functor
//! or suitable defaults. The \c Simplify functor does nothing by default.
template< class Type_ >
class Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_, Null_tag > {
    typedef Type_  Type;
    typedef Null_tag       Algebraic_category;
    typedef Tag_false      Is_exact;
    typedef Null_tag       Is_numerical_sensitive;
    typedef Null_tag       Boolean;

    // does nothing by default
    class Simplify
      : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type&, void > {
        void operator()( Type& ) const {}

    typedef Null_functor Unit_part;
    typedef Null_functor Integral_division;
    typedef Null_functor Is_square;
    typedef Null_functor Gcd;
    typedef Null_functor Div_mod;
    typedef Null_functor Div;
    typedef Null_functor Mod;
    typedef Null_functor Square;
    typedef Null_functor Is_zero;
    typedef Null_functor Is_one;
    typedef Null_functor Sqrt;
    typedef Null_functor Kth_root;
    typedef Null_functor Root_of;
    typedef Null_functor Divides;
    typedef Null_functor Inverse;

//! The template specialization that is used if the number type is
//! a model of the \c IntegralDomainWithoutDiv concept. The \c Simplify
//! does nothing by default and the \c Unit_part is equal to
//! \c Type(-1) for negative numbers and
//! \c Type(1) otherwise
template< class Type_ >
class Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                       Integral_domain_without_division_tag >
    : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                              Null_tag > {
    typedef Type_                                 Type;
    typedef Integral_domain_without_division_tag  Algebraic_category;
    typedef bool                                  Boolean;

    // returns Type(1) by default
    class Unit_part
      : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, Type > {
        Type operator()( const Type& x ) const {
          return( x < Type(0)) ?
                  Type(-1) : Type(1);

    class Square
      : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, Type > {
        Type operator()( const Type& x ) const {
          return x*x;

    class Is_zero
      : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, bool > {
        bool operator()( const Type& x ) const {
          return x == Type(0);

    class Is_one
      : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, bool > {
        bool operator()( const Type& x ) const {
          return x == Type(1);


//! The template specialization that is used if the number type is
//! a model of the \c IntegralDomain concept. It is equivalent to the
//! specialization
//! for the \c IntegralDomainWithoutDiv concept. The additionally required
//! \c Integral_division functor needs to be implemented in the
//! \c Algebraic_structure_traits itself.
template< class Type_ >
class Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                       Integral_domain_tag >
    : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                       Integral_domain_without_division_tag > {
    typedef Type_       Type;
    typedef Integral_domain_tag  Algebraic_category;

//! The template specialization that is used if the number type is
//! a model of the \c UFDomain concept. It is equivalent to the specialization
//! for the \c IntegralDomain concept. The additionally required
//! \c Integral_div functor
//! and \c Gcd functor need to be implemented in the
//! \c Algebraic_structure_traits itself.
template< class Type_ >
class Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                       Unique_factorization_domain_tag >
    : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Type_,
                                              Integral_domain_tag > {
    typedef Type_  Type;
    typedef Unique_factorization_domain_tag    Algebraic_category;

  // Default implementation of Divides functor for unique factorization domains
  // x divides y if gcd(y,x) equals x up to inverses
  class Divides
    : public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function<Type,Type,bool>{
    bool operator()( const Type& x,  const Type& y) const {
      typedef CGAL::Algebraic_structure_traits<Type> AST;
      typename AST::Gcd gcd;
      typename AST::Unit_part unit_part;
      typename AST::Integral_division idiv;
      return gcd(y,x) == idiv(x,unit_part(x));
    // second operator computing q = x/y
    bool operator()( const Type& x,  const Type& y, Type& q) const {
      typedef CGAL::Algebraic_structure_traits<Type> AST;
      typename AST::Integral_division idiv;
      bool result = (*this)(x,y);
      if( result == true )
        q = idiv(x,y);
      return result;
  1. 精确与数字敏感



  2. 可嵌入实轴


  3. 实数类型


  4. 互操作性


    一般来说,混合操作由重载操作符和函数提供,或者仅通过隐式构造函数调用提供。这种级别的互操作性反映在ImplicitInteroperable这个概念上。然而,在模板代码中,混合算术运算的结果类型(即所谓的强制类型)可能不明确。因此,包引入了Coercion_traits,通过Coercion_traits<A,B>:: type访问两个可互操作类型A和B的强制类型。



// this is an implementation for ExplicitInteroperable types
// the result type is determined via Coercion_traits<A,B>
template <typename A, typename B>
typename CGAL::Coercion_traits<A,B>::Type
binary_func(const A& a , const B& b){
    typedef CGAL::Coercion_traits<A,B> CT;
    // check for explicit interoperability
    // CT::Cast is used to to convert both types into the coercion type
    typename CT::Cast cast;
    // all operations are performed in the coercion type
    return cast(a)*cast(b);


// this is the implementation for ExplicitInteroperable types
template <typename A, typename B>
typename CGAL::Coercion_traits<A, B>::Type
binary_function_(const A& a, const B& b, CGAL::Tag_false) {
	std::cout << "Call for ExplicitInteroperable types: " << std::endl;
	typedef CGAL::Coercion_traits<A, B> CT;
	typename CT::Cast cast;
	return cast(a) * cast(b);
// this is the implementation for ImplicitInteroperable types
template <typename A, typename B>
typename CGAL::Coercion_traits<A, B>::Type
binary_function_(const A& a, const B& b, CGAL::Tag_true) {
	std::cout << "Call for ImpicitInteroperable types: " << std::endl;
	return a * b;
// this function selects the correct implementation
template <typename A, typename B>
typename CGAL::Coercion_traits<A, B>::Type
binary_func(const A& a, const B& b) {
	typedef CGAL::Coercion_traits<A, B> CT;
	typedef typename CT::Are_implicit_interoperable Are_implicit_interoperable;
	return binary_function_(a, b, Are_implicit_interoperable());


  1. 分数

有一些数字类型,人们希望将其分解为分子和分母。这不仅适用于像Quotient(商), Gmpq, mpq_class或leda_rational这样的有理数,也适用于像Sqrt_extension或Polynomial这样的复合对象,它们可以分解成(标量)分母和具有更简单系数类型(例如整数而不是有理数)的复合分子。通常在这些无分母的倍数上可以更快地执行操作。如果类型是Fraction,那么相关的功能以及分子和分母类型都由Fraction_traits提供。特别是,Fraction_traits提供了一个可用于分派的标记Is_fraction。

其中涉及的GMP和number type部分后面会解析。这个固网例子说的是多项式系数:

#include <CGAL/Fraction_traits.h>
#include <CGAL/IO/io.h>
#include <vector>
#include <CGAL/number_utils.h>
template <class Fraction>
std::vector<typename CGAL::Fraction_traits<Fraction>::Numerator_type >
        const std::vector<Fraction>& vec,
        typename CGAL::Fraction_traits<Fraction>::Denominator_type& d
) {
    typedef CGAL::Fraction_traits<Fraction> FT;
    typedef typename FT::Numerator_type Numerator_type;
    typedef typename FT::Denominator_type Denominator_type;
    typename FT::Decompose decompose;
    std::vector<Numerator_type>   num(vec.size());
    std::vector<Denominator_type> den(vec.size());
    // decompose each coefficient into integral part and denominator
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
        decompose(vec[i], num[i], den[i]);
    // compute 'least' common multiple of all denominator
    // We would like to use gcd, so let's think of Common_factor as gcd.
    typename FT::Common_factor        gcd;
    d = 1;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
        d *= CGAL::integral_division(den[i], gcd(d, den[i]));
    // expand each (numerator, denominator) pair to common denominator
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
        // For simplicity ImplicitInteroperability is expected in this example
        num[i] *= CGAL::integral_division(d, den[i]);
    return num;
#include <CGAL/Gmpz.h>
#include <CGAL/Gmpq.h>
int main(){
    std::vector<CGAL::Gmpq> vec(3);
    std::cout<< "compute an integralized vector" << std::endl;
    std::cout<<"input vector:  ["
             << vec[0] << "," << vec[1] << "," << vec[2] << "]" << std::endl;
    CGAL::Gmpz d;
    std::vector<CGAL::Gmpz> integral_vec = integralize(vec,d);
    std::cout<<"output vector: ["
             << integral_vec[0] << ","
             << integral_vec[1] << ","
             << integral_vec[2] << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout<<"denominator  : "<< d <<std::endl;
int main(){ std::cout << "This examples needs GMP" << std::endl; }



道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始,有名,万物之母。 故常无欲,以观其妙,常有欲,以观其徼。 此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门。
