💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
%% Robot Motion Planning and Control Assignment clc clearvars close all force yalmip('clear') %% Initialisation Ts = 0.02; % sample time [s] % Weighting matrices Q, Qt, R, W and control horizon N mpc_sim.Q = [1e4 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1e2 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1e4 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1e2 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1e4 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1e2]; mpc_sim.Qt = mpc_sim.Q*1e2; % Terminal state matrix mpc_sim.R = eye(3)*1e2; % Input matrix mpc_sim.W = mpc_sim.Q; % Waypoint matrix mpc_sim.N = ceil(2/Ts); % Control horizon [s] %% Ring initialisation % Ring 1 randx1 = -1+2*rand(1); % Generate x-coordinate for ring 1 randy1 = 1+3*rand(1); % Generate y-coordinate for ring 1 randz1 = -1+2*rand(1); % Generate z-coordinate for ring 1 % Ring 2 randx2 = -1+2*rand(1); % Generate x-coordinate for ring 2 randy2 = 5+4*rand(1); % Generate y-coordinate for ring 2 randz2 = -1+2*rand(1); % Generate z-coordinate for ring 2 %% Simulation settings x0 = [0 0 0 0 0 0]'; % Define start position and velocity [m and m/s] ring1 = [randx1 0 randy1 5 randz1 0]; % [x, desired x-velocity, y, desired y-velocity, z, desired z-velocity] ring2 = [randx2 0 randy2 5 randz2 0]; % [x, desired x-velocity, y, desired y-velocity, z, desired z-velocity] goal = [0 0 10 0 0 0]; % Define goal position and velocity [m and m/s] simT = 7; % Simulation time [s] ulim = [1 1 1]*7; % Maximum absolute value input [N] %% Run simulations % Run simulation and MPC controller. Inputs are simulation settings, start % en goal positions, simulation time and sampling time, ring locations. [results] = MPC_Controller(mpc_sim, x0, simT, Ts, ulim, ring1, ring2, goal); %% Construct rings t = linspace(0,2*pi); x = cos(t); y = sin(t); z = 0*t; pnts = [x;y;z]; n0 = [0;0;0.1]; n0 = n0/norm(n0); n1 = [0;1;0]; n1 = n1/norm(n1); c = dot(n0,n1) / ( norm(n0)*norm(n1) ); % cos(theta) s = sqrt(0.1-c*c); % sin(theta) u = cross(n0,n1) / ( norm(n0)*norm(n1) ); % rotation axis u = u/norm(u); % unit rotation axis C = 0.35-c; % the rotation matrix R = [u(1)^2*C+c, u(1)*u(2)*C-u(3)*s, u(1)*u(3)*C+u(2)*s u(2)*u(1)*C+u(3)*s, u(2)^2*C+c, u(2)*u(3)*C-u(1)*s u(3)*u(1)*C-u(2)*s, u(3)*u(2)*C+u(1)*s, u(3)^2*C+c]; % Rotated points newPnts = R*pnts; %% Plot results figure; plot3(results.state(:, 1), results.state(:, 3), results.state(:, 5)); hold on plot3(ring1(1)+1*newPnts(1,:), ring1(3)+1*newPnts(2,:), ring1(5)+1*newPnts(3,:), 'LineWidth',5) plot3(ring2(1)+1*newPnts(1,:), ring2(3)+1*newPnts(2,:), ring2(5)+1*newPnts(3,:), 'LineWidth',5) plot3(goal(1), goal(3), goal(5), 'b*') plot3(x0(1), x0(3), x0(5), 'k*') xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z'); legend('Trajectory', 'ring 1', 'ring 2', 'goal', 'start') grid on xlim([-1.5 1.5]); ylim([0 10]); zlim([-1.5 1.5]) pbaspect([3 10 3]) %% Animate results figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) plot3(ring1(1)+1*newPnts(1,:), ring1(3)+1*newPnts(2,:), ring1(5)+1*newPnts(3,:), 'LineWidth',5) hold on plot3(ring2(1)+1*newPnts(1,:), ring2(3)+1*newPnts(2,:), ring2(5)+1*newPnts(3,:), 'LineWidth',5) plot3(goal(1), goal(3), goal(5), 'b*') plot3(x0(1), x0(3), x0(5), 'k*') xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z'); xlim([-1.5 1.5]); ylim([0 10]); zlim([-1.5 1.5]) pbaspect([3 10 3]) grid on tic for i = 1:simT/Ts plot3(results.state(1:i, 1), results.state(1:i, 3), results.state(1:i, 5), 'r--'); p1 = plot3(results.state(i, 1), results.state(i, 3), results.state(i,5), 'r.'); pause(Ts/2) % F(i) = getframe; delete(p1) end
🎉3 参考文献