1、sql 语法
select m, n
from (
select row_number () over (partition by m order by n desc) rn,--以m分组,分组内以n倒序排列求每组中各自的序号
m, n
from table
where ...
) w
where w.rn <=10;序号小于10
order by m, n desc
select StatDate, OrderCount, AmountTotal, CustomerUnitPrice from ( select row_number () over (partition by t.StatDate order by t.AmountTotal desc) rn, * from ( select CONVERT(varchar(7), AuditTime, 120) StatDate, FBM_USER_ID CustomerId, Count(1) OrderCount, sum(isnull(FBM_BLL_BOOK_TOTAL,0)) AmountTotal, case when sum(isnull(FBM_BLL_BOOK_TOTAL,0)) >0 then Round((sum(isnull(FBM_BLL_BOOK_TOTAL,0)) / Count(1) + 0.0), 4) else 0 end as CustomerUnitPrice from F_CUST_BOOK_MSTR b where auditStatus=2 and AuditTime is not null and AuditTime>='2017-06-01' group by CONVERT(varchar(7), AuditTime, 120),FBM_USER_ID ) t ) tt where rn <=10 order by StatDate desc
select w.media_id
from (
select row_number () over (partition by b.platform order by a.play_count desc) rn, ---以platform分组,分组内以play_count倒序排列求每组中各自的序号
b.platform, a.play_count,a.media_id
from musems_music_play_count a
LEFT JOIN musems_media_information b on a.media_id = b.id
WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.state = 1
) w
where w.rn <=30 -- 序号小于30
order by w.platform asc, w.play_count desc