这个仿真程序是一个简单的实验,包括两个节点,基于AdhocMAC信道模型,包含NS3仿真所需常见模型如节点/网络设备/协议栈和应用进程,这里的应用进程Sender 和Receiver,基于UDP的不可靠连接。
- #include <ctime>
- #include <sstream>
- #include "ns3/core-module.h"
- #include "ns3/network-module.h"
- #include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
- #include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
- #include "ns3/internet-module.h"
- #include "ns3/stats-module.h"
- #include "wifi-example-apps.h"
- using namespace ns3;
- using namespace std;
- NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("WiFiDistanceExperiment");
- void TxCallback (Ptr<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> > datac,
- std::string path, Ptr<const Packet> packet) {
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Sent frame counted in " <<
- datac->GetKey ());
- datac->Update ();
- // end TxCallback
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- main
- //----------------------------------------------
- int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
- double distance = 50.0;
- string format ("omnet");
- string experiment ("wifi-distance-test");
- string strategy ("wifi-default");
- string input;
- string runID;
- {
- stringstream sstr;
- sstr << "run-" << time (NULL);
- runID = sstr.str ();
- }
- // Set up command line parameters used to control the experiment.
- CommandLine cmd;
- cmd.AddValue ("distance", "Distance apart to place nodes (in meters).",
- distance);
- cmd.AddValue ("format", "Format to use for data output.",
- format);
- cmd.AddValue ("experiment", "Identifier for experiment.",
- experiment);
- cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "Identifier for strategy.",
- strategy);
- cmd.AddValue ("run", "Identifier for run.",
- runID);
- cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
- if (format != "omnet" && format != "db") {
- NS_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown output format '" << format << "'");
- return -1;
- }
- if (format == "db") {
- NS_LOG_ERROR ("sqlite support not compiled in.");
- return -1;
- }
- #endif
- {
- stringstream sstr ("");
- sstr << distance;
- input = sstr.str ();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Create nodes and network stacks
- //--------------------------------------------
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating nodes.");
- NodeContainer nodes;
- nodes.Create (2);
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing WiFi and Internet stack.");
- WifiHelper wifi;
- WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
- wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac");
- YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
- YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
- wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
- NetDeviceContainer nodeDevices = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, nodes);
- InternetStackHelper internet;
- internet.Install (nodes);
- Ipv4AddressHelper ipAddrs;
- ipAddrs.SetBase ("", "");
- ipAddrs.Assign (nodeDevices);
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Setup physical layout
- //--------------------------------------------
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing static mobility; distance " << distance << " .");
- MobilityHelper mobility;
- Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc =
- CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator>();
- positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
- positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, distance, 0.0));
- mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc);
- mobility.Install (nodes);
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Create a custom traffic source and sink
- //--------------------------------------------
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Create traffic source & sink.");
- Ptr<Node> appSource = NodeList::GetNode (0);
- Ptr<Sender> sender = CreateObject<Sender>();
- appSource->AddApplication (sender);
- sender->SetStartTime (Seconds (1));
- Ptr<Node> appSink = NodeList::GetNode (1);
- Ptr<Receiver> receiver = CreateObject<Receiver>();
- appSink->AddApplication (receiver);
- receiver->SetStartTime (Seconds (0));
- Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Destination",
- Ipv4AddressValue (""));
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Setup stats and data collection
- //--------------------------------------------
- // Create a DataCollector object to hold information about this run.
- DataCollector data;
- data.DescribeRun (experiment,//experiment 是对象
- strategy,//strategy 是被检查的代码或者参数
- input,//2个节点距离
- runID);
- // Add any information we wish to record about this run.
- data.AddMetadata ("author", "tjkopena");
- // Create a counter to track how many frames are generated. Updates
- // are triggered by the trace signal generated by the WiFi MAC model
- // object. Here we connect the counter to the signal via the simple
- // TxCallback() glue function defined above.
- Ptr<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> > totalTx =
- CreateObject<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> >();
- totalTx->SetKey ("wifi-tx-frames");
- totalTx->SetContext ("node[0]");
- Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/MacTx",
- MakeBoundCallback (&TxCallback, totalTx));
- data.AddDataCalculator (totalTx);
- // This is similar, but creates a counter to track how many frames
- // are received. Instead of our own glue function, this uses a
- // method of an adapter class to connect a counter directly to the
- // trace signal generated by the WiFi MAC.
- Ptr<PacketCounterCalculator> totalRx =
- CreateObject<PacketCounterCalculator>();
- totalRx->SetKey ("wifi-rx-frames");
- totalRx->SetContext ("node[1]");
- Config::Connect ("/NodeList/1/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/MacRx",
- MakeCallback (&PacketCounterCalculator::PacketUpdate,
- totalRx));
- data.AddDataCalculator (totalRx);
- // This counter tracks how many packets---as opposed to frames---are
- // generated. This is connected directly to a trace signal provided
- // by our Sender class.
- Ptr<PacketCounterCalculator> appTx =
- CreateObject<PacketCounterCalculator>();
- appTx->SetKey ("sender-tx-packets");
- appTx->SetContext ("node[0]");
- Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Tx",
- MakeCallback (&PacketCounterCalculator::PacketUpdate,
- appTx));
- data.AddDataCalculator (appTx);
- // Here a counter for received packets is directly manipulated by
- // one of the custom objects in our simulation, the Receiver
- // Application. The Receiver object is given a pointer to the
- // counter and calls its Update() method whenever a packet arrives.
- Ptr<CounterCalculator<> > appRx =
- CreateObject<CounterCalculator<> >();
- appRx->SetKey ("receiver-rx-packets");
- appRx->SetContext ("node[1]");
- receiver->SetCounter (appRx);
- data.AddDataCalculator (appRx);
- /**
- * Just to show this is here...
- Ptr<MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator<uint32_t> > test =
- CreateObject<MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator<uint32_t> >();
- test->SetKey("test-dc");
- data.AddDataCalculator(test);
- test->Update(4);
- test->Update(8);
- test->Update(24);
- test->Update(12);
- **/
- // This DataCalculator connects directly to the transmit trace
- // provided by our Sender Application. It records some basic
- // statistics about the sizes of the packets received (min, max,
- // avg, total # bytes), although in this scenaro they're fixed.
- Ptr<PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator> appTxPkts =
- CreateObject<PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator>();
- appTxPkts->SetKey ("tx-pkt-size");
- appTxPkts->SetContext ("node[0]");
- Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Tx",
- MakeCallback
- (&PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator::PacketUpdate,
- appTxPkts));
- data.AddDataCalculator (appTxPkts);
- // Here we directly manipulate another DataCollector tracking min,
- // max, total, and average propagation delays. Check out the Sender
- // and Receiver classes to see how packets are tagged with
- // timestamps to do this.
- Ptr<TimeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator> delayStat =
- CreateObject<TimeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator>();
- delayStat->SetKey ("delay");
- delayStat->SetContext (".");
- receiver->SetDelayTracker (delayStat);
- data.AddDataCalculator (delayStat);
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Run the simulation
- //--------------------------------------------
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
- Simulator::Run ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Generate statistics output.
- //--------------------------------------------
- // Pick an output writer based in the requested format.
- Ptr<DataOutputInterface> output = 0;
- if (format == "omnet") {
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating omnet formatted data output.");
- output = CreateObject<OmnetDataOutput>();
- } else if (format == "db") {
- NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating sqlite formatted data output.");
- output = CreateObject<SqliteDataOutput>();
- #endif
- } else {
- NS_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown output format " << format);
- }
- // Finally, have that writer interrogate the DataCollector and save
- // the results.
- if (output != 0)
- output->Output (data);
- // Free any memory here at the end of this example.
- Simulator::Destroy ();
- // end main
- }
二 创建节点和网络模型
三 安装协议栈,并分配IP
四 设置移动模型,这里为静止,并给定初始位置
五 安装应用,这里安装Sender / Receiver,自定义的见examples/stats/wifi-example-apps.h|cc
六 数据统计与收集,这是本文重点,下面具体分析。
1 记录发端帧传输(基WIFI MAC对界)
通过CounterCalculator(src/stats/model/basic-data-calculators.h )类实现计数,利用Trace机制,当节点0上wifiNetDevice/Mac/MacTx变化(source),通过Config::Connect关联,定义的TxCallback作为sink函数调用,导致CounterCalculator::update调用即m_count++从而起到计数功能;
2 记录收端帧传输(基WIFI MAC对界)
3 记录发端分组传输
4 记录收端分组接收
由于收端应用Receiver没有定义traced source,故这里没有采用Trace机制,而是直接利用Receiver:;SetCounter直接操作,通过SetCounter显示类型转换,j将appRx赋值给Receiver内部计数器,从而实现计数
以上均是通过PacketConterCalculator(src/network/utils/或者CounterCalculator(src/stats/model/basic-data-calculators.h )实现传输单元的计数,\下一个将通过引入PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator (src/network/utils/packet-data-calculators.h|cc)和MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator(src/stats/model/basic-data-calculators.h)实现单元内大小的记录。
5 记录发端分组大小
6 记录端到端产生分组时的延迟
七 运行程序命令
八 统计结果输出
九 控制脚本实现最后运行
通过 一个简单的控制脚本实现该仿真程序在不同距离下大量重复(作为输入)实验后运行画图。可参考example/stats/以后自己写多个不同输入下重复仿真项目时可参考这个)。该运行脚本每次都是基于一个不同的距离作为输入,收集每次仿真结果到SQLite数据库,其中对于每个距离输入,进行5次重复实验以减小波动。全部仿真完成只需几十秒,在完成存储到数据库后,可通过SQLite命令行进行SQL查询。并调用 wifi-example.gnuplot画图
- cd /NS3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/examples/stats
- ./
产生data.db数据库,wifi-default.data和wifi-default.eps图 图是对应距离下的丢包率以表征WiFi模型性能。