


I wrote this article to help you quickly learn CSS and get familiar with the advanced CSS topics.


CSS is often quickly dismissed as an easy thing to learn by developers, or one thing you just pick up when you need to quickly style a page or app. Due to this reason, it’s often learned on-the-fly, or we learn things in isolation right when we have to use them. This can be a huge source of frustration when we find that the tool does not simply do what we want.

CSS通常很快就被开发人员轻松理解,或者当您需要快速设置页面或应用样式时,您会发现其中的一件事。 由于这个原因,它经常是动态学习的,或者当我们不得不使用它们时,我们会孤立地学习事物。 当我们发现该工具不能简单地完成我们想要的操作时,这可能是造成挫败感的巨大原因。

This article will help you get up to speed with CSS and get an overview of the main modern features you can use to style your pages and apps.


I hope to help you get comfortable with CSS and get you quickly up to speed with using this awesome tool that lets you create stunning designs on the Web.


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CSS, a shorthand for Cascading Style Sheets, is one of the main building blocks of the Web. Its history goes back to the 90’s, and along with HTML it has changed a lot since its humble beginnings.

CSS是级联样式表的简写,是Web的主要构建块之一。 它的历史可以追溯到90年代,并且自HTML起步以来就与HTML一起发生了很大变化。

As I’ve been creating websites since before CSS existed, I have seen its evolution.


CSS is an amazing tool, and in the last few years it has grown a lot, introducing many fantastic features like CSS Grid, Flexbox and CSS Custom Properties.

CSS是一个了不起的工具,并且在最近几年中它发展了很多,引入了许多很棒的功能,例如CSS Grid,Flexbox和CSS Custom Properties。

This handbook is aimed at a vast audience.


First, the beginner. I explain CSS from zero in a succinct but comprehensive way, so you can use this book to learn CSS from the basics.

首先是初学者。 我以简洁而全面的方式从零开始解释CSS,因此您可以使用本书从基础知识中学习CSS。

Then, the professional. CSS is often considered like a secondary thing to learn, especially by JavaScript developers. They know CSS is not a real programming language, they are programmers and therefore they should not bother learning CSS the right way. I wrote this book for you, too.

然后,专业。 CSS通常被视为次要学习的东西,特别是JavaScript开发人员。 他们知道CSS不是真正的编程语言,他们是程序员,因此,他们不应该为正确的方式学习CSS。 我也为你写过这本书。

Next, the person that knows CSS from a few years but hasn’t had the opportunity to learn the new things in it. We’ll talk extensively about the new features of CSS, the ones that are going to build the web of the next decade.

接下来,认识CSS的人已经有几年了,但是还没有机会学习其中的新知识。 我们将广泛讨论CSS的新功能,这些功能将用于构建下一个十年的网络。

CSS has improved a lot in the past few years and it’s evolving fast.


Even if you don’t write CSS for a living, knowing how CSS works can help save you some headaches when you need to understand it from time to time, for example while tweaking a web page.


Thank you for getting this ebook. My goal with it is to give you a quick yet comprehensive overview of CSS.

感谢您获得此电子书。 我的目标是为您提供快速而全面CSS概述。



You can reach me via email at [email protected], on Twitter @flaviocopes.

您可以通过[email protected]上的电子邮件 Twitter @flaviocopes与我联系

My website is


目录 (Table of Contents)


CSS (an abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets) is the language that we use to style an HTML file, and tell the browser how should it render the elements on the page.

CSS ( 层叠样式表 ( Cascading Style Sheets )的缩写)是我们用来设置HTML文件样式的语言,它告诉浏览器它应如何呈现页面上的元素。

In this book I talk exclusively about styling HTML documents, although CSS can be used to style other things too.


A CSS file contains several CSS rules.


Each rule is composed by 2 parts:


  • the selector


  • the declaration block


The selector is a string that identifies one or more elements on the page, following a special syntax that we’ll soon talk about extensively.


The declaration block contains one or more declarations, in turn composed by a property and valuepair.

声明块包含一个或多个声明 ,依次由属性对组成。

Those are all the things we have in CSS.


Carefully organising properties, associating them values, and attaching those to specific elements of the page using a selector is the whole argument of this ebook.


CSS看起来如何 (How does CSS look like)

A CSS rule set has one part called selector, and the other part called declaration. The declaration contains various rules, each composed by a property, and a value.

CSS 规则集的一部分称为选择器 ,另一部分称为声明 。 声明包含各种规则 ,每个规则由一个属性和一个值组成

In this example, p is the selector, and applies one rule which sets the value 20px to the font-size property:

在此示例中, p是选择器,并应用一个规则,该规则将20px的值设置为font-size属性:

p {
  font-size: 20px;

Multiple rules are stacked one after the other:


p {
  font-size: 20px;

a {
  color: blue;

A selector can target one or more items:


p, a {
  font-size: 20px;

and it can target HTML tags, like above, or HTML elements that contain a certain class attribute with .my-class, or HTML elements that have a specific id attribute with #my-id.


More advanced selectors allow you to choose items whose attribute matches a specific value, or also items which respond to pseudo-classes (more on that later)


分号 (Semicolons)

Every CSS rule terminates with a semicolon. Semicolons are not optional, except after the last rule. But I suggest to always use them for consistency and to avoid errors if you add another property and forget to add the semicolon on the previous line.

每个CSS规则都以分号结尾。 除最后一条规则外,分号不是可选的。 但是我建议始终使用它们来保持一致性,并避免错误(如果您添加了另一个属性而忘记在前一行添加分号)。

格式和缩进 (Formatting and indentation)

There is no fixed rule for formatting. This CSS is valid:

没有固定的格式化规则。 此CSS有效:

  font-size:           20px   ;

but a pain to see. Stick to some conventions, like the ones you see in the examples above: stick selectors and the closing brackets to the left, indent 2 spaces for each rule, have the opening bracket on the same line of the selector, separated by one space.

但很痛苦。 遵循一些约定,如您在上面的示例中看到的那样:坚持选择器和左方括号,在每个规则上缩进2个空格,在选择器的同一行上将开始括号隔开一个空格。

Correct and consistent use of spacing and indentation is a visual aid in understanding your code.



Before moving on, I want to give you a brief recap of the history of CSS.


CSS was grown out of the necessity of styling web pages. Before CSS was introduced, people wanted a way to style their web pages, which looked all very similar and “academic” back in the day. You couldn’t do much in terms of personalisation.

CSS的产生是出于对网页样式的需要。 在引入CSS之前,人们想要一种样式化网页的方式,这些网页在当时看起来都非常相似且具有“学术性”。 就个性化而言,您不能做太多事情。

HTML 3.2 introduced the option of defining colors inline as HTML element attributes, and presentational tags like center and font, but that escalated quickly into a far from ideal situation.

HTML 3.2引入了将内联颜色定义为HTML元素属性以及表示性标签(例如centerfont ,但这种方法很快就升级到了理想的境地。

CSS let us move everything presentation-related from the HTML to the CSS, so that HTML could get back being the format that defines the structure of the document, rather than how things should look in the browser.


CSS is continuously evolving, and CSS you used 5 years ago might just be outdated, as new idiomatic CSS techniques emerged and browsers changed.


It’s hard to imagine the times when CSS was born and how different the web was.


At the time, we had several competing browsers, the main ones being Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

当时,我们有几种竞争的浏览器,主要的是Internet Explorer或Netscape Navigator。

Pages were styled by using HTML, with special presentational tags like bold and special attributes, most of which are now deprecated.


This meant you had a limited amount of customisation opportunities.


The bulk of the styling decisions were left to the browser.


Also, you built a site specifically for one of them, because each one introduced different non-standard tags to give more power and opportunities.


Soon people realised the need for a way to style pages, in a way that would work across all browsers.


After the initial idea proposed in 1994, CSS got its first release in 1996, when the CSS Level 1 (“CSS 1”) recommendation was published.

在1994年提出最初的想法后,CSS于1996年发布了CSS Level 1(“ CSS 1”)建议书,并首次发布。

CSS Level 2 (“CSS 2”) got published in 1998.

CSS Level 2(“ CSS 2”)于1998年发布。

Since then, work began on CSS Level 3. The CSS Working Group decided to split every feature and work on it separately, in modules.


Browsers weren’t especially fast at implementing CSS. We had to wait until 2002 to have the first browser implement the full CSS specification: IE for Mac, as nicely described in this CSS Tricks post:

浏览器在实现CSS方面并不是特别快。 我们必须等到2002年,才能使第一个浏览器实现完整CSS规范:适用于Mac的IE,如本CSS Tricks帖子中所描述的: https//

Internet Explorer implemented the box model incorrectly right from the start, which led to years of pain trying to have the same style applied consistently across browsers. We had to use various tricks and hacks to make browsers render things as we wanted.

Internet Explorer从一开始就错误地实现了框模型,这导致多年来试图在浏览器中始终使用相同样式的痛苦。 我们必须使用各种技巧和黑客手段来使浏览器呈现所需的东西。

Today things are much, much better. We can just use the CSS standards without thinking about quirks, most of the time, and CSS has never been more powerful.

今天的情况好多了。 大多数情况下,我们无需考虑怪癖就可以使用CSS标准,而CSS从未如此强大。

We don’t have official release numbers for CSS any more now, but the CSS Working Group releases a “snapshot” of the modules that are currently considered stable and ready to be included in browsers. This is the latest snapshot, from 2018:

我们现在没有CSS的正式发布号,但是CSS工作组发布了一些模块的“快照”,这些模块目前被认为是稳定的并且可以包含在浏览器中。 这是自2018年以来的最新快照: https//

CSS Level 2 is still the base for the CSS we write today, and we have many more features built on top of it.

CSS Level 2仍然是我们今天编写CSS的基础,并且我们在其之上构建了更多功能。


CSS is attached to an HTML page in different ways.


The link tag is the way to include a CSS file. This is the preferred way to use CSS as it's intended to be used: one CSS file is included by all the pages of your site, and changing one line on that file affects the presentation of all the pages in the site.

link标记是包含CSS文件的方式。 这是按预期使用CSS的首选方式:站点的所有页面都包含一个CSS文件,更改该文件的一行会影响站点中所有页面的显示。

To use this method, you add a link tag with the href attribute pointing to the CSS file you want to include. You add it inside the head tag of the site (not inside the body tag):

要使用此方法,请添加一个带有href属性的link标签,该标签指向要包含CSS文件。 您将其添加到网站的head标签中(而不是body标签中):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myfile.css">

The rel and type attributes are required too, as they tell the browser which kind of file we are linking to.


2:使用style标签 (2: using the style tag)

Instead of using the link tag to point to separate stylesheet containing our CSS, we can add the CSS directly inside a style tag. This is the syntax:

无需使用link标记指向包含我们CSS的单独样式表,而是可以将CSS直接添加到style标记中。 这是语法:

...our CSS...

Using this method we can avoid creating a separate CSS file. I find this is a good way to experiment before “formalising” CSS to a separate file, or to add a special line of CSS just to a file.

使用这种方法,我们可以避免创建单独CSS文件。 我发现这是一种在将CSS“形式化”到单独文件之前进行实验或在文件中添加一行特殊CSS的好方法。

3:内联样式 (3: inline styles)

Inline styles are the third way to add CSS to a page. We can add a style attribute to any HTML tag, and add CSS into it.

内联样式是将CSS添加到页面的第三种方法。 我们可以将style属性添加到任何HTML标记,然后在其中添加CSS。

<div style="">...</div>



<div style="background-color: yellow">...</div>


A selector allows us to associate one or more declarations to one or more elements on the page.


基本选择器 (Basic selectors)

Suppose we have a p element on the page, and we want to display the words into it using the yellow color.


We can target that element using this selector p, which targets all the element using the p tag in the page. A simple CSS rule to achieve what we want is:

我们可以针对使用该选择器元素p ,瞄准所有使用的元素p在页面标签。 实现我们想要的简单CSS规则是:

p {
  color: yellow;

Every HTML tag has a corresponding selector, for example: div, span, img.

每个HTML标签都有一个对应的选择器,例如: divspanimg

If a selector matches multiple elements, all the elements in the page will be affected by the change.


HTML elements have 2 attributes which are very commonly used within CSS to associate styling to a specific element on the page: class and id.

HTML元素具有2个属性,它们在CSS中非常常用于将样式与页面上的特定元素相关联: classid

There is one big difference between those two: inside an HTML document you can repeat the same class value across multiple elements, but you can only use an id once. As a corollary, using classes you can select an element with 2 or more specific class names, something not possible using ids.

两者之间有一个很大的区别:在HTML文档中,您可以跨多个元素重复相同的class值,但是只能使用一次id 。 因此,使用类可以选择具有2个或更多个特定类名的元素,而使用id则无法实现。

Classes are identified using the . symbol, while ids using the # symbol.

使用标识类. 符号,而id使用#符号。

Example using a class:


<p class="dog-name">

.dog-name {
  color: yellow;

Example using an id:


<p id="dog-name">

#dog-name {
  color: yellow;
组合选择器 (Combining selectors)

So far we’ve seen how to target an element, a class or an id. Let’s introduce more powerful selectors.

到目前为止,我们已经了解了如何定位元素,类或ID。 让我们介绍更强大的选择器。

使用类或ID定位元素 (Targeting an element with a class or id)

You can target a specific element that has a class, or id, attached.


Example using a class:


<p class="dog-name">
</p> {
  color: yellow;

Example using an id:


<p id="dog-name">

p#dog-name {
  color: yellow;

Why would you want to do that, if the class or id already provides a way to target that element? You might have to do that to have more specificity. We’ll see what that means later.

如果类或id已经提供了一种针对该元素的方法,那么为什么要这么做呢? 您可能需要这样做才能具有更多的特异性。 稍后我们将了解这意味着什么。

针对多个类别 (Targeting multiple classes)

You can target an element with a specific class using .class-name, as you saw previously. You can target an element with 2 (or more) classes by combining the class names separated with a dot, without spaces.

如前所述,您可以使用.class-name定位具有特定类的元素。 通过组合用点分隔的类名(不带空格),可以将元素指定为2个(或更多)类。



<p class="dog-name roger">

.dog-name.roger {
  color: yellow;
结合类和ID (Combining classes and ids)

In the same way, you can combine a class and an id.




<p class="dog-name" id="roger">

.dog-name#roger {
  color: yellow;
分组选择器 (Grouping selectors)

You can combine selectors to apply the same declarations to multiple selectors. To do so, you separate them with a comma.

您可以组合选择器以将相同的声明应用于多个选择器。 为此,请用逗号分隔它们。



  My dog name is:
<span class="dog-name">

p, .dog-name {
  color: yellow;

You can add spaces in those declarations to make them more clear:


.dog-name {
  color: yellow;
使用选择器跟随文档树 (Follow the document tree with selectors)

We’ve seen how to target an element in the page by using a tag name, a class or an id.


You can create a more specific selector by combining multiple items to follow the document tree structure. For example, if you have a span tag nested inside a p tag, you can target that one without applying the style to a span tag not included in a p tag:

您可以通过组合多个项目来遵循文档树结构来创建更具体的选择器。 举例来说,如果你有一个span嵌套在一个标记内p标签,你就可以指定一个不应用样式,以一个span不包括在标签p标签:

  My dog name is:
  <span class="dog-name">

p span {
  color: yellow;

See how we used a space between the two tokens p and span.


This works even if the element on the right is multiple levels deep.


To make the dependency strict on the first level, you can use the > symbol between the two tokens:


p > span {
  color: yellow;

In this case, if a span is not a first children of the p element, it's not going to have the new color applied.


Direct children will have the style applied:


    This is yellow
      This is not yellow

Adjacent sibling selectors let us style an element only if preceded by a specific element. We do so using the + operator:

相邻的同级选择器使我们仅在元素前面有特定元素的情况下才能为其设置样式。 我们使用+运算符:



p + span {
  color: yellow;

This will assign the color yellow to all span elements preceded by a p element:


<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<span>This is a yellow span</span>

We have a lot more selectors we can use:


  • attribute selectors

  • pseudo class selectors

  • pseudo element selectors


We’ll find all about them in the next sections.



Cascade is a fundamental concept of CSS. After all, it’s in the name itself, the first C of CSS — Cascading Style Sheets — it must be an important thing.

级联是CSS的基本概念。 毕竟,它的名字本身就是CSS的第一个C语言(层叠样式表),它必须是一件重要的事情。

What does it mean?


Cascade is the process, or algorithm, that determines the properties applied to each element on the page. Trying to converge from a list of CSS rules that are defined in various places.

级联是确定应用于页面上每个元素的属性的过程或算法。 尝试从各地定义CSS规则列表中收敛。

It does so taking in consideration:


  • specificity

  • importance

  • inheritance

  • order in the file


It also takes care of resolving conflicts.


Two or more competing CSS rules for the same property applied to the same element need to be elaborated according to the CSS spec, to determine which one needs to be applied.


Even if you just have one CSS file loaded by your page, there is other CSS that is going to be part of the process. We have the browser (user agent) CSS. Browsers come with a default set of rules, all different between browsers.

即使您的页面仅加载了一个CSS文件,其他CSS也将成为该过程的一部分。 我们有浏览器(用户代理)CSS。 浏览器带有一组默认规则,所有浏览器之间都有所不同。

Then your CSS comes into play.


Then the browser applies any user stylesheet, which might also be applied by browser extensions.


All those rules come into play while rendering the page.


We’ll now see the concepts of specificity and inheritance.



What happens when an element is targeted by multiple rules, with different selectors, that affect the same property?


For example, let’s talk about this element:


<p class="dog-name">

We can have


.dog-name {
  color: yellow;

and another rule that targets p, which sets the color to another value:


p {
  color: red;

And another rule that targets Which rule is going to take precedence over the others, and why?

另一个针对规则。 哪个规则将优先于其他规则,为什么?

Enter specificity. The more specific rule will win. If two or more rules have the same specificity, the one that appears last wins.

输入特异性。 更具体的规则将获胜 。 如果两个或多个规则具有相同的特异性,则最后出现的那个将获胜

Sometimes what is more specific in practice is a bit confusing to beginners. I would say it’s also confusing to experts that do not look at those rules that frequently, or simply overlook them.

有时,实践中更具体的内容对于初学者来说有些混乱。 我要说的是,那些不经常查看或忽略这些规则的专家也会感到困惑。

如何计算特异性 (How to calculate specificity)

Specificity is calculated using a convention.


We have 4 slots, and each one of them starts at 0: 0 0 0 0 0. The slot at the left is the most important, and the rightmost one is the least important.

我们有4个插槽,每个插槽都从0: 0 0 0 0 0 。 左侧的插槽最重要,最右侧的插槽最不重要。

Like it works for numbers in the decimal system: 1 0 0 0 is higher than 0 1 0 0.

就像它适用于十进制系统中的数字一样: 1 0 0 0高于0 1 0 0

插槽1 (Slot 1)

The first slot, the rightmost one, is the least important.


We increase this value when we have an element selector. An element is a tag name. If you have more than one element selector in the rule, you increment accordingly the value stored in this slot.

当我们有一个元素选择器时,我们增加这个值。 元素是标签名称。 如果规则中有多个元素选择器,则相应地增加此插槽中存储的值。



p {}                    /* 0 0 0 1 */
span {}                 /* 0 0 0 1 */
p span {}               /* 0 0 0 2 */
p > span {}             /* 0 0 0 2 */
div p > span {}         /* 0 0 0 3 */
插槽2 (Slot 2)

The second slot is incremented by 3 things:


  • class selectors

  • pseudo-class selectors

  • attribute selectors


Every time a rule meets one of those, we increment the value of the second column from the right.




.name {}                 /* 0 0 1 0 */
.users .name {}          /* 0 0 2 0 */
[href$='.pdf'] {}        /* 0 0 1 0 */
:hover {}                /* 0 0 1 0 */

Of course slot 2 selectors can be combined with slot 1 selectors:


div .name {}             /* 0 0 1 1 */
a[href$='.pdf'] {}       /* 0 0 1 1 */
.pictures img:hover {}   /* 0 0 2 1 */

One nice trick with classes is that you can repeat the same class and increase the specificity. For example:

类的一个不错的技巧是,您可以重复相同的类并增加特异性。 例如:

.name {}              /* 0 0 1 0 */ {}         /* 0 0 2 0 */ {}    /* 0 0 3 0 */
插槽3 (Slot 3)

Slot 3 holds the most important thing that can affect your CSS specificity in a CSS file: the id.

插槽3在CSS文件中保留了可能影响CSS特异性的最重要的内容: id

Every element can have an id attribute assigned, and we can use that in our stylesheet to target the element.




#name {}                    /* 0 1 0 0 */
.user #name {}              /* 0 1 1 0 */
#name span {}               /* 0 1 0 1 */
插槽4 (Slot 4)

Slot 4 is affected by inline styles. Any inline style will have precedence over any rule defined in an external CSS file, or inside the style tag in the page header.

广告位4受内联样式的影响。 任何内联样式都将优先于外部CSS文件或页面标题中的style标签内定义的任何规则。



<p style="color: red">Test</p> /* 1 0 0 0 */

Even if any other rule in the CSS defines the color, this inline style rule is going to be applied. Except for one case — if !important is used, which fills the slot 5.

即使CSS中的任何其他规则定义了颜色,也将应用此内联样式规则。 除一种情况外-如果使用!important ,则填充插槽5。

重要性 (Importance)

Specificity does not matter if a rule ends with !important:


p {
  font-size: 20px!important;

That rule will take precedence over any rule with more specificity


Adding !important in a CSS rule is going to make that rule more important than any other rule, according to the specificity rules. The only way another rule can take precedence is to have !important as well, and have higher specificity in the other less important slots.

根据特殊性规则,在CSS规则中添加!important将使该规则比其他任何规则都更加重要。 另一个规则可以优先的唯一方法就是也要具有!important ,并且在其他不那么重要的广告位中具有更高的特异性。

提示 (Tips)

In general you should use the amount of specificity you need, but not more. In this way, you can craft other selectors to overwrite the rules set by preceding rules without going mad.

通常,您应该使用所需的特异性,但不能更多。 这样,您可以精心制作其他选择器以覆盖之前的规则设置的规则,而不会发疯。

!important is a highly debated tool that CSS offers us. Many CSS experts advocate against using it. I find myself using it especially when trying out some style and a CSS rule has so much specificity that I need to use !important to make the browser apply my new CSS.

!important是CSS为我们提供的备受争议的工具。 许多CSS专家主张不要使用它。 我发现自己正在使用它,尤其是在尝试某种样式时,并且CSS规则具有如此高的特异性,以至于我需要使用!important来使浏览器应用我的新CSS。

But generally, !important should have no place in your CSS files.

但通常, !important在CSS文件中不应放置任何位置。

Using the id attribute to style CSS is also debated a lot, since it has a very high specificity. A good alternative is to use classes instead, which have less specificity, and so they are easier to work with, and they are more powerful (you can have multiple classes for an element, and a class can be reused multiple times).

使用id属性设置CSS样式也存在很多争议,因为它具有很高的特异性。 一个很好的选择是使用类,因为它们的特异性较低,因此更易于使用,并且功能更强大(您可以为一个元素使用多个类,并且一个类可以多次重用)。

计算特异性的工具 (Tools to calculate the specificity)

You can use the site to perform the specificity calculation for you automatically.


It’s useful especially if you are trying to figure things out, as it can be a nice feedback tool.



When you set some properties on a selector in CSS, they are inherited by all the children of that selector.


I said some, because not all properties show this behaviour.

我说了一些 ,因为并非所有属性都显示此行为。

This happens because some properties make sense to be inherited. This helps us write CSS much more concisely, since we don’t have to explicitly set that property again on every single child.

发生这种情况是因为可以继承某些属性。 这有助于我们更加简洁地编写CSS,因为我们不必在每个孩子上都再次显式设置该属性。

Some other properties make more sense to not be inherited.


Think about fonts: you don’t need to apply the font-family to every single tag of your page. You set the body tag font, and every child inherits it, along with other properties.

考虑一下字体:您无需将font-family应用于页面的每个标签。 设置body标记字体,每个子代都会继承它,以及其他属性。

The background-color property, on the other hand, makes little sense to be inherited.

另一方面, background-color属性几乎没有意义。

继承的属性 (Properties that inherit)

Here is a list of the properties that do inherit. The list is non-comprehensive, but those rules are just the most popular ones you’ll likely use:

这是确实继承的属性的列表。 该列表并不全面,但是这些规则只是您可能会使用的最受欢迎的规则:

  • border-collapse

  • border-spacing

  • caption-side

  • color

  • cursor

  • direction

  • empty-cells

  • font-family

  • font-size

  • font-style

  • font-variant

  • font-weight

  • font-size-adjust

  • font-stretch

  • font

  • letter-spacing

  • line-height

  • list-style-image

  • list-style-position

  • list-style-type

  • list-style

  • orphans

  • quotes

  • tab-size

  • text-align

  • text-align-last

  • text-decoration-color

  • text-indent

  • text-justify

  • text-shadow

  • text-transform

  • visibility

  • white-space

  • widows

  • word-break

  • word-spacing


I got it from this nice Sitepoint article on CSS inheritance.


强制属性继承 (Forcing properties to inherit)

What if you have a property that’s not inherited by default, and you want it to, in a child?


In the children, you set the property value to the special keyword inherit.




body {
    background-color: yellow;

p {
  background-color: inherit;
强制属性不继承 (Forcing properties to NOT inherit)

On the contrary, you might have a property inherited and you want to avoid so.


You can use the revert keyword to revert it. In this case, the value is reverted to the original value the browser gave it in its default stylesheet.

您可以使用revert关键字将其还原。 在这种情况下,该值将还原为浏览器在其默认样式表中为其提供的原始值。

In practice this is rarely used, and most of the times you’ll just set another value for the property to overwrite that inherited value.


其他特殊值 (Other special values)

In addition to the inherit and revert special keywords we just saw, you can also set any property to:


  • initial: use the default browser stylesheet if available. If not, and if the property inherits by default, inherit the value. Otherwise do nothing.

    initial :使用默认的浏览器样式表(如果有)。 如果不是,并且该属性默认继承,则继承该值。 否则什么都不做。

  • unset: if the property inherits by default, inherit. Otherwise do nothing.

    unset :如果属性默认继承,则继承。 否则什么都不做。


From any CSS file you can import another CSS file using the @import directive.


Here is how you use it:


@import url(myfile.css)

url() can manage absolute or relative URLs.


One important thing you need to know is that @import directives must be put before any other CSS in the file, or they will be ignored.


You can use media descriptors to only load a CSS file on the specific media:


@import url(myfile.css) all;
@import url(myfile-screen.css) screen;
@import url(myfile-print.css) print;


We already introduced several of the basic CSS selectors: using element selectors, class, id, how to combine them, how to target multiple classes, how to style several selectors in the same rule, how to follow the page hierarchy with child and direct child selectors, and adjacent siblings.


In this section we’ll analyze attribute selectors, and we’ll talk about pseudo class and pseudo element selectors in the next 2 sections.


属性存在选择器 (Attribute presence selectors)

The first selector type is the attribute presence selector.


We can check if an element has an attribute using the [] syntax. p[id] will select all p tags in the page that have an id attribute, regardless of its value:

我们可以使用[]语法检查元素是否具有属性。 p[id]将选择页面中具有id属性的所有p标记,无论其值如何:

p[id] {
  /* ... */
确切的属性值选择器 (Exact attribute value selectors)

Inside the brackets you can check the attribute value using =, and the CSS will be applied only if the attribute matches the exact value specified:


p[id="my-id"] {
  /* ... */
匹配属性值部分 (Match an attribute value portion)

While = lets us check for exact value, we have other operators:


  • *= checks if the attribute contains the partial


  • ^= checks if the attribute starts with the partial


  • $= checks if the attribute ends with the partial


  • |= checks if the attribute starts with the partial and it's followed by a dash (common in classes, for example), or just contains the partial


  • ~= checks if the partial is contained in the attribute, but separated by spaces from the rest


All the checks we mentioned are case sensitive.


If you add an i just before the closing bracket, the check will be case insensitive. It's supported in many browsers but not in all, check

如果在右括号之前添加i ,则该检查将不区分大小写。 许多浏览器都支持它,但并非所有浏览器都支持,请检查


Pseudo classes are predefined keywords that are used to select an element based on its state, or to target a specific child.


They start with a single colon :.


They can be used as part of a selector, and they are very useful to style active or visited links, for example, change the style on hover, focus, or target the first child, or odd rows. Very handy in many cases.

它们可以用作选择器的一部分,它们对于设置活动或访问链接的样式非常有用,例如,在悬停时更改样式,将焦点对准或定位第一个子对象或奇数行。 在许多情况下非常方便。

These are the most popular pseudo classes you will likely use:


Let’s do an example. A common one, actually. You want to style a link, so you create a CSS rule to target the a element:

让我们做一个例子。 实际上,这是常见的一种。 您想要设置链接的样式,因此创建一个CSS规则以a元素为目标:

a {
  color: yellow;

Things seem to work fine, until you click one link. The link goes back to the predefined color (blue) when you click it. Then when you open the link and go back to the page, now the link is blue.

一切正常,直到您单击一个链接。 单击链接后,该链接将返回到预定义的颜色(蓝色)。 然后,当您打开链接并返回页面时,现在链接为蓝色。

Why does that happen?


Because the link when clicked changes state, and goes in the :active state. And when it's been visited, it is in the :visited state. Forever, until the user clears the browsing history.

因为单击链接时会更改状态,并进入:active状态。 当它被访问时,它处于:visited状态。 直到用户清除浏览历史记录为止。

So, to correctly make the link yellow across all states, you need to write

