
如何在Ubuntu 18.04上安装7Zip

If you’ve ever tried to send large files then you would definitely know about 7Zip. From almost 2 decades now, 7Zip allowed us to get a higher compression ratio. Apart from getting high compression ratio, you can get support for extracting and compressing RAR files on Ubuntu with 7Zip. Apart from the GUI, you have used in Windows computers, 7Zip is also available to use with CLI with p7zip command. There are two other packages which you can install according to your requirement. You can use the p7zip-rar if you have to deal with the RAR files.

如果您曾经尝试发送大文件,那么您一定会对7Zip有所了解。 从现在的近20年开始,7Zip使我们获得了更高的压缩率。 除了获得较高的压缩率外,您还可以使用7Zip在Ubuntu上获得提取和压缩RAR文件的支持。 除了GUI,您已在Windows计算机中使用过,7Zip也可通过p7zip命令与CLI一起使用。 您可以根据需要安装另外两个软件包。 如果必须处理RAR文件,则可以使用p7zip-rar

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate to you how you can install and use 7Zip on Ubuntu 18.04. We will also provide a small tutorial of using 7z on Ubuntu directly from CLI.

在本教程中,我们将向您演示如何在Ubuntu 18.04上安装和使用7Zip。 我们还将提供直接从CLI在Ubuntu上使用7z的小教程。

如何使用CLI在Ubuntu上安装p7zip? (How to Install p7zip on Ubuntu with CLI?)

7Zip is available as a package named as p7zip in the Ubuntu repository. It can be installed with apt or any other package manager on other Linux based systems too.

7Zip作为Ubuntu仓库中名为p7zip的软件包提供。 它也可以与apt或任何其他基于Linux的系统上的软件包管理器一起安装。

First of all, let’s update our Ubuntu system.


sudo apt update

To install 7zip on your Ubuntu server or Desktop, open terminal (Ctrl + T) and enter the following command.

要在Ubuntu服务器或台式机上安装7zip,请打开终端(Ctrl + T)并输入以下命令。

sudo apt install p7zip-full p7zip-rar
Install 7zip on Ubuntu With Command Line

Install 7zip on Ubuntu With Command Line

