


Today’s article is all about the best Antivirus for Linux. But if Linux is so secure, why do we need to have an Antivirus, right?

今天的文章都是关于最好的Linux防病毒软件。 但是,如果Linux如此安全,为什么我们需要安装防病毒软件呢?

You’re right! However, Linux powers more than 70% of the web servers in the world. And hackers are highly motivated to create powerful viruses to penetrate those server security systems. Though it’s not as easy as it is with Windows, given the default security setup of Linux, it’s also not impossible.

你是对的! 但是,Linux为全球超过70%的Web服务器提供支持。 黑客极有动机制造强大的病毒来渗透这些服务器安全系统。 尽管它不像Windows那样简单,但是考虑到Linux的默认安全设置,这也不是没有可能。

An accidental execution of a script can infect your system. And that’s exactly where an automated anti-virus system can help. It keeps a consistent watch on your system activities and blocks any malicious activity before it can cause a problem!

脚本的意外执行会感染您的系统。 这正是自动化防病毒系统可以提供帮助的地方。 它可以始终监视您的系统活动,并在可能引起问题之前阻止任何恶意活动!

Let’s look at some of the best Antivirus systems for your Linux!


#10。 Avast Antivirus –适用于Linux的高端防病毒软件 (#10. Avast Antivirus – A high-end antivirus for Linux)


This is one of the very well known antivirus software across the globe! It’s currently available for businesses and is a paid software which is why we’ve kept it at the bottom of the list.

这是全球知名的防病毒软件之一! 它目前可用于企业,并且是一种付费软件,这就是我们将其放在列表底部的原因。

Avast has one of the best virus signature database in the entire list and if you’re a business planning to buy an antivirus to secure your servers, this would be a good investment.


You can simply download the package from their official website and run it to get Avast installed on your system.


Steps for installing on Ubuntu:


#9。 Chkrootkit –从根本上保护系统的工具 (#9. Chkrootkit – Tool to defend your system from root)
