I've had some problems with Vista over the last week, but I'm in communication with a few folks at Microsoft who are helping me work through them.
I've also got word that the FinePrint guys are actively working on getting FP to work under Vista. More on that soon.
我也有话说,FinePrint家伙正在积极努力使FP在Vista下工作。 很快会有更多。
But what I'm really digging is ReadyBoost. My wife has a little machine we got for $399 that has 512megs of RAM I think. It has a Windows Experience Index of 1.0 if that gives you some kind of idea of what we're dealing with.
但是我真正要挖掘的是ReadyBoost。 我的妻子有一台小机器,我们以399美元的价格购得,我认为它具有512兆内存。 如果您对我们正在处理的内容有某种了解,它的Windows体验指数为1.0 。
It was doing OK, acting like a slightly slower XP machine. It's had no crashes, blue screens or driver troubles. It's beating on the hard drive though.
表现还不错,就像运行速度稍慢的XP机器一样。 它没有崩溃,蓝屏或驱动程序故障。 虽然它在硬盘上跳动。
I'm loving the idea of ReadyBoost. I told my wife I added more memory to the system, but that's not correct. ReadyBoost takes a FAST (keyword: FAST) USB Flash Drive and adds it into the SuperFetch/PreFetch mix.
我喜欢ReadyBoost的想法。 我告诉我的妻子,我在系统中添加了更多的内存,但这是不正确的。 ReadyBoost使用FAST(关键字:FAST)USB闪存驱动器,并将其添加到SuperFetch / PreFetch混合中。
According to the ReadyBoost FAQ, a RANDOM 4k read from flash is about 10x faster than from the HDD. Remember we're adding a storage device that isn't as fast as the Hard Drive for big linear files, but it can SEEK around faster than the HDD. When the system is under pressure - that means, in part, disk contention - the system is more responsive.
根据ReadyBoost常见问题解答,从闪存读取RANDOM 4k的速度比从HDD读取速度快10倍。 请记住,我们添加的存储设备的速度不如大型线性文件的硬盘驱动器快,但它的查找速度比HDD快。 当系统承受压力时(部分而言,这意味着磁盘争用),系统响应速度更快。
This is brilliant for me because I'm all about multitasking...I regularly have 100+ things going in Task Manager and I'm whipping between them. However, my machine has 2GIGs of RAM and I'm not necessarily the ideal candidate. My wife, however, runs Excel, Word, IE, and Solitaire on a slower machine and already she's noticed a difference with a 2 gig USB drive connected. My gut says that under load with 4-5 big apps running her system is probably 20-30% faster and the disk is noticeably faster. Again, this is a 512 meg machine with a 2 gig USB disk.
这对我来说是很棒的,因为我全神贯注于多任务处理...我经常在任务管理器中运行100多项事情,并且在它们之间鞭打。 但是,我的机器具有2GIG RAM,不一定是理想的选择。 但是,我的妻子在较慢的计算机上运行Excel,Word,IE和Solitaire,并且她已经注意到连接2 gig USB驱动器会有所不同。 我的直觉说,在运行她的系统的4-5个大应用程序的负载下,速度可能会提高20-30%,磁盘速度明显更快。 同样,这是一台具有2 gig USB磁盘的512兆计算机。
Check out Grant Gibson's growing database of USB Flash Drives/Keys that are compatible with ReadyBoost.
查看Grant Gibson不断增长的与ReadyBoost兼容的USB闪存盘/密钥数据库。
I went over to MWAVE.COM and picked up three Apacer Handy Steno 2gig USB Flash Drives for under $48 each and have them running in my Tablet, Desktop and my wife's machine. I haven't noticed a different in my machine, but my wife's machine . The Apacer Steno is reportedly the USB Drive that Microsoft uses internally for testing, so it's a "reference ideal." It IS wicked fast.
我去了MWAVE.COM,以低于48美元的价格购买了三个Apacer Handy Steno 2gig USB闪存盘,让它们在我的平板电脑,台式机和妻子的电脑上运行。 我没有注意到我的机器有什么不同,但是我妻子的机器却没有。 据报道,Apacer Steno是Microsoft内部用于测试的USB驱动器,因此它是“参考理想”。 它是邪恶的。
Do be aware of these gotchas I experienced on Vista RC1:
请注意我在Vista RC1上遇到的这些陷阱:
- You MAY need to run the Speed Test from the ReadyBoost tab in the Properties window more than once to get success. Make sure your system is as quiescent as possible while the few second long test runs. 您可能需要多次从“属性”窗口中的“ ReadyBoost”选项卡运行速度测试,才能获得成功。 在进行几秒钟的长时间测试时,请确保您的系统尽可能静止。
- Don't RENAME (change the Volume Label) on your USB Drive once you've set it up. You'll confuse Windows and while the SuperFetch cache file will still exist, it won't be used. 设置好后,请勿在USB驱动器上重命名(更改卷标)。 您会混淆Windows,而SuperFetch缓存文件仍然存在,但不会使用它。
- I inserted the USB key, and got the "AutoPlay" option to "Speed up your system." 我插入USB密钥,并获得“自动播放”选项以“加快系统速度”。
- I clicked and configured. 我单击并配置。
- Then I said to myself, "self, let's rename this drive 'READYBOOST' so I won't mess with it." 然后我对自己说:“自我,让我们将该驱动器重命名为'READYBOOST',这样我就不会弄乱它。”
- So I did, and went back to the Properties dialog for the drive and it had forgotten that it was READYBOOSTIFIED. I changed the name back and things worked again. 因此,我做完了,然后返回到驱动器的“属性”对话框,但它忘记了它已准备就绪。 我改回了名字,事情又恢复了。
Moral: Change your drive's name before you boostify.
I'll post some speed comparisons as we use these machines more. However, if you have less than a gig of ram, getting a fast USB key should just be compulsory.
随着我们更多地使用这些机器,我将发布一些速度比较。 但是,如果您的RAM不足一技之遥,则必须强制使用快速USB密钥。
THOUGHT: It'd be cool to have a USB port facing straight up in the air on the motherboard inside the case. Of course, one day someone will release motherboards with this built in, just like ReadyDrive.
思路:将USB端口笔直地朝上放在机箱内部主板上,这很酷。 当然,总有一天,有人会像ReadyDrive一样发布内置有此功能的主板。