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MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.aii.adapter.rfc.afcommunication.RfcAFWException: RfcAdapter: receiver channel has static errors: caused by: com.sap.aii.adapter.rfc.RfcAdapterException: error initializing RfcClientPool:com.sap.aii.adapter.rfc.core.repository.RfcRepositoryException: RfcException: [null]
message: ##.#####,####
Return code: RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION(3)
error group: 103
检查RFC类型Communication Channel的配置,优先检查 IP、密码等配置错误
2、REST Oauth 2.0 Token验证失败
MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.adapter. rest.ejb.common.exception. HttpCallException: HTTP OAUTH 2.0 RESOURCE OWNER PASSWORD CREDENTIALS GRANT call to http://xxxxx/services/oauth2/token?xxxx not successful. Error while processing Authorization request!
如果通过Postman等第三方工具验证没问题的情况下,优先排查对方系统的账号及密码是否有特殊字符的情况,因为SAP PI 的密码处理时对特殊字符转义异常,避免 # !等。
Special character '&' in string by JSON format was converted to - & ;
如果报文中涉及特殊字符,建议强制使用 CDATA 包含,这样就不会出现转换问题了。
4、ID JNLP打开后显示空白,无法正常加载(DBeaver影响,卸载即可)
生产机ID JNLP 突然出问题,无法正常打开,后通过JAVA Web Application的调试,发现 client.jar 加载异常。
相关参考信息:SAP Help Portal
经过排查,最近安装了多个软件,依次删除后,发现DBeaver 数据库管理软件会影响PI控件。
5、Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
详细报错信息可通过xpi_inspector 检查。
当然,优先考虑SAP NOTES,一般会有解释。
2538934 - Handshake is failing in AS Java when connecting to a server which onlysupports TLS_ECDHE ciphers
排查字段清单不匹配、特殊字符的问题,如果是REST 方式,检查SM59 TCP/IP 连接配置中 Unicode 配置 (必须勾选Unicode),RFC Sender Channel 同样要勾选 Unicode。
7、REST - Target XSD requires a value
Values missing in queue context. Target XSD requires a value for this element, but the target-field mapping does not create one.
详细报错:Transmitting the message using connection RFC_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: Error encountered while executing mapping: com.sap.aii.af.service.mapping.MappingException: Mapping failed in runtimeRuntime Exception when executing application mapping program com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_IFPP223_Res_; Details: com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.IllegalInstanceException; Cannot create target element /ns1:ZZPP_GET_SIP_FORECAST_DATA.Response. Values missing in queue context. Target XSD requires a value for this element, but the target-field mapping does not create one. Check whether the XML instance is valid for the source XSD, and whether the target-field mapping fulfils the requirement of the target XSD
PI 无异常报错,但是在Response环节 AM Caption 数据正常 BI caption 是空的。
这两种报错都是因为在Receiver CC中 Data Format 处理有问题,这里主要是 返回数据格式设置中 Element Name and Element Namespace 设置有问题。
我们需要根据 MM Response 中的设置。比如我们这边是根据MT做Mapping,就需要使用MT对应的namespace。