
archlinux 浏览器 flash 无法使用解决过程-暂时已正常使用


安装 flash player

Adobe官方微博官宣,重橙网络会负责国内flash player的独家发行与维护工作。

There are two types of browser plugins, based on the plugin API they use:

Netscape plugin API (NPAPI): these plugins work in some smaller browsers (Firefox and Chromium do not support these plugins).
Pepper plugin API (PPAPI): these plugins work in Chromium, Opera and Vivaldi. (Firefox does not support these plugins).

Warning: Adobe Flash Player support ended on 31 December 2020. As a result, the NPAPI and PPAPI plugins are no longer supported in any browser. Additionally, the project will no longer receive any bug fixes or security updates. [1]
An older standalone version can be installed with the flashplayer-standaloneAUR package. This package predates the hard coded end-of-life clock being inserted in Flash Player and therefore continues to work.


new method:

1. yaou
