● An interface that declares the methods and properties of the class and names its superclass
● An implementation that actually defines the class (contains the code that implements its methods)
类的定义包括接口的声明与实现两部分,有时候可以利用category 特性把类的定义拆开成几个文件.
A single file can declare or implement more than one class. Nevertheless, it’s customary to have a separate interface file for each class, if not also a separate implementation file. Keeping class interfaces separate better reflects their status as independent entities.
Interface and implementation files typically are named after the class. The name of the implementation file has the .m extension, indicating that it contains Objective-C source code. The interface file can be assigned any other extension. Because it’s included in other source files, the name of the interface file usually has the
.h extension typical of header files. For example, the Rectangle class would be declared in Rectangle.h and defined in Rectangle.m.
实现文件命名通常是类后加.m 结尾,暗示包含Object C 代码,而接口文件则可以任意的后缀,除.m, 通常是.h . Rectangle 类:Rectangle.h and Rectangle.m.
Class Interface
接口的声明一编译指令@interface 开始,@end结束,所有的Object c 编译指令都是以@开始的.
The declaration of a class interface begins with the compiler directive @interface and ends with the directive @end. (All Objective-C directives to the compiler begin with “@”.)
@interface ClassName : ItsSuperclass
// Method and property declarations.
The first line of the declaration presents the new class name and links it to its superclass. The superclass defines the position of the new class in the inheritance hierarchy, as discussed under “Inheritance” (page 19). Methods and properties for the class are declared next, before the end of the class declaration. The names of
methods that can be used by class objects, class methods, are preceded by a plus sign:
+ alloc; //类对象方法以+ 作为前缀标志
The methods that instances of a class can use, instance methods, are marked with a minus sign:
- (void)display; //实例方法则以-
虽然不是一个通常的做法,我们可以定义相同的类方法名与实例方法名, 但我们往往是定义相同的方法名称跟实例变量名,以用来暗示该方法返回这个实例变量.
Although it’s not a common practice, you can define a class method and an instance method with the same name. A method can also have the same name as an instance variable, which is more common, especially if the method returns the value in the variable. For example, Circle has a radius method that could match a
radius instance variable.
Method return types are declared using the standard C syntax for casting one type to another:
- (float)radius;
Parameter types are declared in the same way:
- (void)setRadius:(float)aRadius; //注意方法名是包括:冒号的.
If a return or parameter type isn’t explicitly declared, it’s assumed to be the default type for methods and messages—an id. The alloc method illustrated earlier returns id.
When there’s more than one parameter, the parameters are declared within the method name after the colons. Parameters break the name apart in the declaration, just as in a message. For example:
- (void)setWidth:(float)width height:(float)height; //方法名称是:setWidth:height: ///:也是算到方法名称中的.:height 也是方法名的一部分.
Methods that take a variable number of parameters declare them using a comma and ellipsis points, just as a
function would:
- makeGroup:group, ...;
Property declarations take the form: //属性的声明
@property (attributes) Type propertyName;
Properties are discussed in more detail in “Declared Properties” (page 62).
Note Historically, the interface required declarations of a class’s instance variables, the data structures that are part of each instance of the class. These were declared in braces after the @interface declaration and before method declarations:
@interface ClassName : ItsSuperclass //历史版本的Object C 类声明中实例变量是放到
// Instance variable declarations. //这里的,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{括号里}, 方法的声明前....
// Method and property declarations.
Instance variables represent an implementation detail, and should typically not be accessed outside of the class itself. Moreover, you can declare them in the implementation block or synthesize (合成) them using declared properties. Typically you should not, therefore, declare instance variables in the public
interface and so you should omit the braces.
@interface ClassName : ItsSuperclass //Object 2.0 后,就可以忽略{} 了...通过declared properties
// Method and property declarations.
Importing the Interface (P35)
The interface file must be included in any source module that depends on the class interface—that includesany module that creates an instance of the class, sends a message to invoke a method declared for the class,or mentions an instance variable declared in the class. The interface is usually included with the #importdirective:
#import "Rectangle.h"
This directive is identical to #include, except that it makes sure that the same file is never included morethan once. It’s therefore preferred and is used in place of #include in code examples throughoutObjective-C–based documentation.
To reflect the fact that a class definition builds on the definitions of inherited classes, an interface file begins by importing the interface for its superclass:
使用指令#import 可以在引入接口的声明,作用跟#include 是一样的,只是#import 可以避免重复引用。
#import "ItsSuperclass.h" // 通常一个类的声明都是从引用他的父类的接口文件开始的。
@interface ClassName : ItsSuperclass
// Method and property declarations.
This convention means that every interface file includes, indirectly, the interface files for all inherited classes.When a source module imports a class interface, it gets interfaces for the entire inheritance hierarchy that theclass is built upon.
Note that if there is a precomp—a precompiled header—that supports the superclass, you may prefer toimport the precomp instead.
Referring to Other Classes
一个类的接口声明通过引入其父类隐式的包含所有的继承类,从根类NSObject 到该类的直接父类,如果
在类的声明中引用到了其他不在这个继承链的类,则需要显式的引入其接口文件,或使用@class 指令
An interface file declares a class and, by importing its superclass, implicitly contains declarations for all inherited classes, from NSObject on down through its superclass. If the interface mentions classes not in this hierarchy,it must import them explicitly or declare them with the @class directive:
This directive simply informs the compiler that “Rectangle” and “Circle” are class names. It doesn’t import their interface files.
An interface file mentions class names when it statically types instance variables, return values, and parameters.For example, this declaration
@class Rectangle, Circle; //告诉编译器这两条是类。
- (void)setPrimaryColor:(NSColor *)aColor;
mentions the NSColor class.
因为这种声明只是简单的使用这个类名作为一种类型,而不依赖任何类的接口声明(其方法,实例变量),@class 告诉编译器足够的前向信息
Because declarations like this simply use the class name as a type and don’t depend on any details of the class interface (its methods and instance variables), the @class directive gives the compiler sufficient forewarning of what to expect. However, when the interface to a class is actually used (instances created, messages sent),the class interface must be imported. Typically, an interface file uses @class to declare classes, and the corresponding implementation file imports their interfaces (since it needs to create instances of those classesor send them messages).
The @class directive minimizes the amount of code seen by the compiler and linker, and is therefore the simplest way to give a forward declaration of a class name. Being simple, it avoids potential problems that may come with importing files that import still other files. For example, if one class declares a statically typed instance variable of another class, and their two interface files import each other, neither class may compile correctly.
The Role of the Interface
The purpose of the interface file is to declare the new class to other source modules (and to other programmers).It contains information they need to work with the class (programmers might also appreciate a littledocumentation).
The interface file tells users how the class is connected into the inheritance hierarchy and what otherclasses—inherited or simply referred to somewhere in the class—are needed. 接口文件告诉用户这个类如何接入到继承链,和其他需要引用到的类
Through its list of method declarations, the interface file lets other modules know what messages can besent to the class object and instances of the class. Every method that can be used outside the class definitionis declared in the interface file; methods that are internal to the class implementation can be omitted. 虽然只是列出方法的声明,但接口文件可以让其他模块知道哪些消息可以发送,拥有哪些实例变量,还有一段不知道要告诉方法的作用域,需要实践,,,,,?????