

What I want to do is ask the user if they want to create a new or select an existing Excel workbook. Selecting an existing file is no problem. However I get an error saying "Your file appears not to be a valid OLE2 document" as soon as I create a name for a new Excel file.

public void selectExcelFile() {

String excelFileName = null; // the name/directory/address of the excel file created/selected

FileInputStream excelFileIn = null; // allows us to connect to the Excel file so we can read it

FileOutputStream excelFileOut = null; // allows us to connect to the Excel file so we can write to it

ExcelFileUtility eUtil = new ExcelFileUtility(); // used open an excel file

if(columnsQuery != null) {

try {

excelFileName = eUtil.getFile(FileExtensions.XLS); // file extension = ".xls"

if(excelFileName != null) {

excelFileIn = new FileInputStream(new File(excelFileName));

workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileIn);


excelFileOut = new FileOutputStream(excelFileName);


// close everything






catch (IOException e) {



catch (SQLException e) {





And then:

public String getFile(String extension) {

String result = null;

if(extension != null) {

int choice = askIfNewFile();

if(choice == 0) { // yes, create new file

result = createFile(extension);


else { // no, select existing file

result = getFileLocation();



else {

System.out.println("No file extension.");


return result;


public String createFile(String extension) throws IOException {

String newFileName = "";

File newFile = null;

boolean isCreated = false;

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Creating a New ." + extension + " File");

String result = null;

String dir = getFileDirectory();

System.out.println("DIR: " + dir);

if(dir != null) {

while(newFileName.isEmpty() || newFileName == null) {

// Used WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName to validate file name

// Please replace if there is a better option

newFileName = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame, "Enter new ." + extension + " file name:"));


newFile = new File(dir + "\\" + newFileName + "." + extension);

