1. 思路
- 掌握飞机位姿和吊舱位姿
- 解算目标粗略GPS
- 根据该GPS调用在线或离线卫星图
- 将吊舱图像和卫星图进行匹配
- 匹配应当考虑到,吊舱在不同焦距下的视野大小不同,此时与之对应的地图匹配能力大相径庭,因此可以考虑【解算】和【推理】两种方式的匹配,前者可以尽快找到合适的一块卫星图,后者可以准确完成任务
- 无人机吊舱拍摄的pitch角先控制在(-30, +30)度之间
- 通过解算对目标进行精确定位,就很简单了
调用卫星图 | 匹配 |
2. 高权值区
2.1 Cross-View Object Geo-Localization in a Local Region With Satellite Imagery
- 目标定位
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2.2 Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-view Geo-localization
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- 思路一致
2.3 A Novel Geo-Localization Method for UAV and Satellite Images Using Cross-View Consistent Attention
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- 修改UAV获取图像的配色
Column 1 | Column 2 |
2.4 Learning Visual Representation Clusters for Cross-View Geo-Location
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- 不甚理解
2.5 Style Alignment-Based Dynamic Observation Method for UAV-View Geo-Localization
2.6 A Part-aware Attention Neural Network for Cross-view Geo-localization between UAV and Satellite.pdf
- 给出一组图像来做选择题?
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2.7 A Transformer-Based Feature Segmentation and Region Alignment Method For UAV-View Geo-Localization.pdf
- 用到Transformer,需要进一步确定推理时间
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Column 1 | Column 2 |
2.8 Sequence Matching for Image-Based UAV-to-Satellite Geolocalization
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- image sequence很有意思,可以继续往前探索
(a) One-to-all retrieval | (b) Sequence matching |
3. 中间区
Learning to Find the Optimal Correspondence Between SAR and Optical Image Patches
Vision-Based UAV Self-Positioning in Low-Altitude Urban Environments
A Multi-Temporal Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Geo-Localization
4. 低权值区
The First Experimental Study of Monocular Visual Localization for Train using Deep Learning Method
Co-Visual Pattern-Augmented Generative Transformer Learning for Automobile Geo-Localization
A Cross-View Image Matching Method with Feature Enhancement
A cross-modal automatic visual geo-localization framework for a natural environment without GNSS information.pdf
下载不了View Distribution Alignment with Progressive Adversarial Learning for UAV Visual Geo-Localization
下载不了A cross-view geo-localization method guided by relation-aware global attention