












__author__ = 'tsungyi'

import pycocotools._mask as _mask

# Interface for manipulating masks stored in RLE format.
# RLE is a simple yet efficient format for storing binary masks. RLE
# first divides a vector (or vectorized image) into a series of piecewise
# constant regions and then for each piece simply stores the length of
# that piece. For example, given M=[0 0 1 1 1 0 1] the RLE counts would
# be [2 3 1 1], or for M=[1 1 1 1 1 1 0] the counts would be [0 6 1]
# (note that the odd counts are always the numbers of zeros). Instead of
# storing the counts directly, additional compression is achieved with a
# variable bitrate representation based on a common scheme called LEB128.
# Compression is greatest given large piecewise constant regions.
# Specifically, the size of the RLE is proportional to the number of
# *boundaries* in M (or for an image the number of boundaries in the y
# direction). Assuming fairly simple shapes, the RLE representation is
# O(sqrt(n)) where n is number of pixels in the object. Hence space usage
# is substantially lower, especially for large simple objects (large n).
# Many common operations on masks can be computed directly using the RLE
# (without need for decoding). This includes computations such as area,
# union, intersection, etc. All of these operations are linear in the
# size of the RLE, in other words they are O(sqrt(n)) where n is the area
# of the object. Computing these operations on the original mask is O(n).
# Thus, using the RLE can result in substantial computational savings.
# The following API functions are defined:
#  encode         - Encode binary masks using RLE.
#  decode         - Decode binary masks encoded via RLE.
#  merge          - Compute union or intersection of encoded masks.
#  iou            - Compute intersection over union between masks.
#  area           - Compute area of encoded masks.
#  toBbox         - Get bounding boxes surrounding encoded masks.
#  frPyObjects    - Convert polygon, bbox, and uncompressed RLE to encoded RLE mask.
# Usage:
#  Rs     = encode( masks )
#  masks  = decode( Rs )
#  R      = merge( Rs, intersect=false )
#  o      = iou( dt, gt, iscrowd )
#  a      = area( Rs )
#  bbs    = toBbox( Rs )
#  Rs     = frPyObjects( [pyObjects], h, w )
# In the API the following formats are used:
#  Rs      - [dict] Run-length encoding of binary masks
#  R       - dict Run-length encoding of binary mask
#  masks   - [hxwxn] Binary mask(s) (must have type np.ndarray(dtype=uint8) in column-major order)
#  iscrowd - [nx1] list of np.ndarray. 1 indicates corresponding gt image has crowd region to ignore
#  bbs     - [nx4] Bounding box(es) stored as [x y w h]
#  poly    - Polygon stored as [[x1 y1 x2 y2...],[x1 y1 ...],...] (2D list)
#  dt,gt   - May be either bounding boxes or encoded masks
# Both poly and bbs are 0-indexed (bbox=[0 0 1 1] encloses first pixel).
# Finally, a note about the intersection over union (iou) computation.
# The standard iou of a ground truth (gt) and detected (dt) object is
#  iou(gt,dt) = area(intersect(gt,dt)) / area(union(gt,dt))
# For "crowd" regions, we use a modified criteria. If a gt object is
# marked as "iscrowd", we allow a dt to match any subregion of the gt.
# Choosing gt' in the crowd gt that best matches the dt can be done using
# gt'=intersect(dt,gt). Since by definition union(gt',dt)=dt, computing
#  iou(gt,dt,iscrowd) = iou(gt',dt) = area(intersect(gt,dt)) / area(dt)
# For crowd gt regions we use this modified criteria above for the iou.
# To compile run "python build_ext --inplace"
# Please do not contact us for help with compiling.
# Microsoft COCO Toolbox.      version 2.0
# Data, paper, and tutorials available at:
# Code written by Piotr Dollar and Tsung-Yi Lin, 2015.
# Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see coco/license.txt]

iou         = _mask.iou
merge       = _mask.merge
frPyObjects = _mask.frPyObjects

def encode(bimask):
    if len(bimask.shape) == 3:
        return _mask.encode(bimask)
    elif len(bimask.shape) == 2:
        h, w = bimask.shape
        return _mask.encode(bimask.reshape((h, w, 1), order='F'))[0]

def decode(rleObjs):
    if type(rleObjs) == list:
        return _mask.decode(rleObjs)
        return _mask.decode([rleObjs])[:,:,0]

def area(rleObjs):
    if type(rleObjs) == list:
        return _mask.area(rleObjs)
        return _mask.area([rleObjs])[0]

def toBbox(rleObjs):
    if type(rleObjs) == list:
        return _mask.toBbox(rleObjs)
        return _mask.toBbox([rleObjs])[0]


__author__ = 'tsungyi'

import numpy as np
import datetime
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from . import mask as maskUtils
import copy

class COCOeval:
    # Interface for evaluating detection on the Microsoft COCO dataset.
    # The usage for CocoEval is as follows:
    #  cocoGt=..., cocoDt=...       # load dataset and results
    #  E = CocoEval(cocoGt,cocoDt); # initialize CocoEval object
    #  E.params.recThrs = ...;      # set parameters as desired
    #  E.evaluate();                # run per image evaluation
    #  E.accumulate();              # accumulate per image results
    #  E.summarize();               # display summary metrics of results
    # For example usage see evalDemo.m and
    # The evaluation parameters are as follows (defaults in brackets):
    #  imgIds     - [all] N img ids to use for evaluation
    #  catIds     - [all] K cat ids to use for evaluation
    #  iouThrs    - [.5:.05:.95] T=10 IoU thresholds for evaluation
    #  recThrs    - [0:.01:1] R=101 recall thresholds for evaluation
    #  areaRng    - [...] A=4 object area ranges for evaluation
    #  maxDets    - [1 10 100] M=3 thresholds on max detections per image
    #  iouType    - ['segm'] set iouType to 'segm', 'bbox' or 'keypoints'
    #  iouType replaced the now DEPRECATED useSegm parameter.
    #  useCats    - [1] if true use category labels for evaluation
    # Note: if useCats=0 category labels are ignored as in proposal scoring.
    # Note: multiple areaRngs [Ax2] and maxDets [Mx1] can be specified.
    # evaluate(): evaluates detections on every image and every category and
    # concats the results into the "evalImgs" with fields:
    #  dtIds      - [1xD] id for each of the D detections (dt)
    #  gtIds      - [1xG] id for each of the G ground truths (gt)
    #  dtMatches  - [TxD] matching gt id at each IoU or 0
    #  gtMatches  - [TxG] matching dt id at each IoU or 0
    #  dtScores   - [1xD] confidence of each dt
    #  gtIgnore   - [1xG] ignore flag for each gt
    #  dtIgnore   - [TxD] ignore flag for each dt at each IoU
    # accumulate(): accumulates the per-image, per-category evaluation
    # results in "evalImgs" into the dictionary "eval" with fields:
    #  params     - parameters used for evaluation
    #  date       - date evaluation was performed
    #  counts     - [T,R,K,A,M] parameter dimensions (see above)
    #  precision  - [TxRxKxAxM] precision for every evaluation setting
    #  recall     - [TxKxAxM] max recall for every evaluation setting
    # Note: precision and recall==-1 for settings with no gt objects.
    # See also coco, mask, pycocoDemo, pycocoEvalDemo
    # Microsoft COCO Toolbox.      version 2.0
    # Data, paper, and tutorials available at:
    # Code written by Piotr Dollar and Tsung-Yi Lin, 2015.
    # Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see coco/license.txt]
    def __init__(self, cocoGt=None, cocoDt=None, iouType='segm'):
        Initialize CocoEval using coco APIs for gt and dt
        :param cocoGt: coco object with ground truth annotations
        :param cocoDt: coco object with detection results
        :return: None
        if not iouType:
            print('iouType not specified. use default iouType segm')
        self.cocoGt   = cocoGt              # ground truth COCO API
        self.cocoDt   = cocoDt              # detections COCO API
        self.evalImgs = defaultdict(list)   # per-image per-category evaluation results [KxAxI] elements
        self.eval     = {}                  # accumulated evaluation results
        self._gts = defaultdict(list)       # gt for evaluation
        self._dts = defaultdict(list)       # dt for evaluation
        self.params = Params(iouType=iouType) # parameters
        self._paramsEval = {}               # parameters for evaluation
        self.stats = []                     # result summarization
        self.ious = {}                      # ious between all gts and dts
        if not cocoGt is None:
            self.params.imgIds = sorted(cocoGt.getImgIds())
            self.params.catIds = sorted(cocoGt.getCatIds())

    def _prepare(self):
        Prepare ._gts and ._dts for evaluation based on params
        :return: None
        def _toMask(anns, coco):
            # modify ann['segmentation'] by reference
            for ann in anns:
                rle = coco.annToRLE(ann)
                ann['segmentation'] = rle
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gts=self.cocoGt.loadAnns(self.cocoGt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds))
            dts=self.cocoDt.loadAnns(self.cocoDt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds))

        # convert ground truth to mask if iouType == 'segm'
        if p.iouType == 'segm':
            _toMask(gts, self.cocoGt)
            _toMask(dts, self.cocoDt)
        # set ignore flag
        for gt in gts:
            gt['ignore'] = gt['ignore'] if 'ignore' in gt else 0
            gt['ignore'] = 'iscrowd' in gt and gt['iscrowd']
            if p.iouType == 'keypoints':
                gt['ignore'] = (gt['num_keypoints'] == 0) or gt['ignore']
        self._gts = defaultdict(list)       # gt for evaluation
        self._dts = defaultdict(list)       # dt for evaluation
        for gt in gts:
            self._gts[gt['image_id'], gt['category_id']].append(gt)
        for dt in dts:
            self._dts[dt['image_id'], dt['category_id']].append(dt)
        self.evalImgs = defaultdict(list)   # per-image per-category evaluation results
        self.eval     = {}                  # accumulated evaluation results

    def evaluate(self):
        Run per image evaluation on given images and store results (a list of dict) in self.evalImgs
        :return: None
        tic = time.time()
        print('Running per image evaluation...')
        p = self.params
        # add backward compatibility if useSegm is specified in params
        if not p.useSegm is None:
            p.iouType = 'segm' if p.useSegm == 1 else 'bbox'
            print('useSegm (deprecated) is not None. Running {} evaluation'.format(p.iouType))
        print('Evaluate annotation type *{}*'.format(p.iouType))
        p.imgIds = list(np.unique(p.imgIds))
        if p.useCats:
            p.catIds = list(np.unique(p.catIds))
        p.maxDets = sorted(p.maxDets)

        # loop through images, area range, max detection number
        catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats else [-1]

        if p.iouType == 'segm' or p.iouType == 'bbox':
            computeIoU = self.computeIoU
        elif p.iouType == 'keypoints':
            computeIoU = self.computeOks
        self.ious = {(imgId, catId): computeIoU(imgId, catId) \
                        for imgId in p.imgIds
                        for catId in catIds}

        evaluateImg = self.evaluateImg
        maxDet = p.maxDets[-1]
        self.evalImgs = [evaluateImg(imgId, catId, areaRng, maxDet)
                 for catId in catIds
                 for areaRng in p.areaRng
                 for imgId in p.imgIds
        self._paramsEval = copy.deepcopy(self.params)
        toc = time.time()
        print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format(toc-tic))

    def computeIoU(self, imgId, catId):
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gt = self._gts[imgId,catId]
            dt = self._dts[imgId,catId]
            gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId,cId]]
            dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId,cId]]
        if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) ==0:
            return []
        inds = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dt], kind='mergesort')
        dt = [dt[i] for i in inds]
        if len(dt) > p.maxDets[-1]:

        if p.iouType == 'segm':
            g = [g['segmentation'] for g in gt]
            d = [d['segmentation'] for d in dt]
        elif p.iouType == 'bbox':
            g = [g['bbox'] for g in gt]
            d = [d['bbox'] for d in dt]
            raise Exception('unknown iouType for iou computation')

        # compute iou between each dt and gt region
        iscrowd = [int(o['iscrowd']) for o in gt]
        ious = maskUtils.iou(d,g,iscrowd)
        return ious

    def computeOks(self, imgId, catId):
        p = self.params
        # dimention here should be Nxm
        gts = self._gts[imgId, catId]
        dts = self._dts[imgId, catId]
        inds = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dts], kind='mergesort')
        dts = [dts[i] for i in inds]
        if len(dts) > p.maxDets[-1]:
            dts = dts[0:p.maxDets[-1]]
        # if len(gts) == 0 and len(dts) == 0:
        if len(gts) == 0 or len(dts) == 0:
            return []
        ious = np.zeros((len(dts), len(gts)))
        sigmas = p.kpt_oks_sigmas
        vars = (sigmas * 2)**2
        k = len(sigmas)
        # compute oks between each detection and ground truth object
        for j, gt in enumerate(gts):
            # create bounds for ignore regions(double the gt bbox)
            g = np.array(gt['keypoints'])
            xg = g[0::3]; yg = g[1::3]; vg = g[2::3]
            k1 = np.count_nonzero(vg > 0)
            bb = gt['bbox']
            x0 = bb[0] - bb[2]; x1 = bb[0] + bb[2] * 2
            y0 = bb[1] - bb[3]; y1 = bb[1] + bb[3] * 2
            for i, dt in enumerate(dts):
                d = np.array(dt['keypoints'])
                xd = d[0::3]; yd = d[1::3]
                if k1>0:
                    # measure the per-keypoint distance if keypoints visible
                    dx = xd - xg
                    dy = yd - yg
                    # measure minimum distance to keypoints in (x0,y0) & (x1,y1)
                    z = np.zeros((k))
                    dx = np.max((z, x0-xd),axis=0)+np.max((z, xd-x1),axis=0)
                    dy = np.max((z, y0-yd),axis=0)+np.max((z, yd-y1),axis=0)
                e = (dx**2 + dy**2) / vars / (gt['area']+np.spacing(1)) / 2
                if k1 > 0:
                    e=e[vg > 0]
                ious[i, j] = np.sum(np.exp(-e)) / e.shape[0]
        return ious

    def evaluateImg(self, imgId, catId, aRng, maxDet):
        perform evaluation for single category and image
        :return: dict (single image results)
        p = self.params
        if p.useCats:
            gt = self._gts[imgId,catId]
            dt = self._dts[imgId,catId]
            gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId,cId]]
            dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId,cId]]
        if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) ==0:
            return None

        for g in gt:
            if g['ignore'] or (g['area']<aRng[0] or g['area']>aRng[1]):
                g['_ignore'] = 1
                g['_ignore'] = 0

        # sort dt highest score first, sort gt ignore last
        gtind = np.argsort([g['_ignore'] for g in gt], kind='mergesort')
        gt = [gt[i] for i in gtind]
        dtind = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dt], kind='mergesort')
        dt = [dt[i] for i in dtind[0:maxDet]]
        iscrowd = [int(o['iscrowd']) for o in gt]
        # load computed ious
        ious = self.ious[imgId, catId][:, gtind] if len(self.ious[imgId, catId]) > 0 else self.ious[imgId, catId]

        T = len(p.iouThrs)
        G = len(gt)
        D = len(dt)
        gtm  = np.zeros((T,G))
        dtm  = np.zeros((T,D))
        gtIg = np.array([g['_ignore'] for g in gt])
        dtIg = np.zeros((T,D))
        if not len(ious)==0:
            for tind, t in enumerate(p.iouThrs):
                for dind, d in enumerate(dt):
                    # information about best match so far (m=-1 -> unmatched)
                    iou = min([t,1-1e-10])
                    m   = -1
                    for gind, g in enumerate(gt):
                        # if this gt already matched, and not a crowd, continue
                        if gtm[tind,gind]>0 and not iscrowd[gind]:
                        # if dt matched to reg gt, and on ignore gt, stop
                        if m>-1 and gtIg[m]==0 and gtIg[gind]==1:
                        # continue to next gt unless better match made
                        if ious[dind,gind] < iou:
                        # if match successful and best so far, store appropriately
                    # if match made store id of match for both dt and gt
                    if m ==-1:
                    dtIg[tind,dind] = gtIg[m]
                    dtm[tind,dind]  = gt[m]['id']
                    gtm[tind,m]     = d['id']
        # set unmatched detections outside of area range to ignore
        a = np.array([d['area']<aRng[0] or d['area']>aRng[1] for d in dt]).reshape((1, len(dt)))
        dtIg = np.logical_or(dtIg, np.logical_and(dtm==0, np.repeat(a,T,0)))
        # store results for given image and category
        return {
                'image_id':     imgId,
                'category_id':  catId,
                'aRng':         aRng,
                'maxDet':       maxDet,
                'dtIds':        [d['id'] for d in dt],
                'gtIds':        [g['id'] for g in gt],
                'dtMatches':    dtm,
                'gtMatches':    gtm,
                'dtScores':     [d['score'] for d in dt],
                'gtIgnore':     gtIg,
                'dtIgnore':     dtIg,

    def accumulate(self, p = None):
                Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in self.eval
                :param p: input params for evaluation
                :return: None
        print('Accumulating evaluation results...')
        tic = time.time()
        if not self.evalImgs:
            print('Please run evaluate() first')
        # allows input customized parameters
        if p is None:
            p = self.params
        p.catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats == 1 else [-1]
        T = len(p.iouThrs)  ##设置的iou阈值的个数
        R = len(p.recThrs)  ##设置的召回的recThrs阈值的个数
        K = len(p.catIds) if p.useCats else 1
        A = len(p.areaRng)
        M = len(p.maxDets)
        precision = -np.ones(
            (T, R, K, A, M))  # -1 for the precision of absent categories ##这个是存储不同的rec值下的p值,相当于存储了pr曲线的采样点
        recall = -np.ones((T, K, A, M))
        precision_s = -np.ones((T, K, A, M))  ##真实的精确率值
        scores = -np.ones((T, R, K, A, M))

        # create dictionary for future indexing
        _pe = self._paramsEval
        catIds = _pe.catIds if _pe.useCats else [-1]
        setK = set(catIds)
        setA = set(map(tuple, _pe.areaRng))
        setM = set(_pe.maxDets)
        setI = set(_pe.imgIds)
        # get inds to evaluate
        k_list = [n for n, k in enumerate(p.catIds) if k in setK]
        m_list = [m for n, m in enumerate(p.maxDets) if m in setM]
        a_list = [n for n, a in enumerate(map(lambda x: tuple(x), p.areaRng)) if a in setA]
        i_list = [n for n, i in enumerate(p.imgIds) if i in setI]
        I0 = len(_pe.imgIds)
        A0 = len(_pe.areaRng)

            self.evalImgs = [evaluateImg(imgId, catId, areaRng, maxDet)
                for catId in catIds
                for areaRng in p.areaRng
                for imgId in p.imgIds
        # retrieve E at each category, area range, and max number of detections
        for k, k0 in enumerate(k_list):  ##类别的索引下标遍历
            Nk = k0 * A0 * I0
            for a, a0 in enumerate(a_list):  ##aRng的遍历
                Na = a0 * I0
                for m, maxDet in enumerate(m_list):
                    E = [self.evalImgs[Nk + Na + i] for i in i_list]
                    E = [e for e in E if not e is None]
                    if len(E) == 0:
                    dtScores = np.concatenate([e['dtScores'][0:maxDet] for e in E])

                    # different sorting method generates slightly different results.
                    # mergesort is used to be consistent as Matlab implementation.
                    inds = np.argsort(-dtScores, kind='mergesort')
                    # (每张图片特定类别、aRng取置信度从大到小的maxDet个框)
                    # 的置信度拉成一位数组,然后再次从大到小排列;
                    dtScoresSorted = dtScores[inds]
                    dtm = np.concatenate([e['dtMatches'][:, 0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:, inds]
                    dtIg = np.concatenate([e['dtIgnore'][:, 0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:, inds]
                    gtIg = np.concatenate([e['gtIgnore'] for e in E])  ##gtIg维度是(图片个数,G)
                    npig = np.count_nonzero(gtIg == 0)  ##gt不ignore的个数
                    if npig == 0:

                    tps = np.logical_and(dtm, np.logical_not(dtIg))
                    fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dtm), np.logical_not(dtIg))

                    tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=float)
                    fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=float)

                    for t, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)):
                        tp = np.array(tp)
                        fp = np.array(fp)
                        nd = len(tp)
                        rc = tp / npig
                        pr = tp / (fp + tp + np.spacing(1))
                        q = np.zeros((R,))  ##特定召回率下的precision值(pr曲线)
                        ss = np.zeros((R,))  ##特定召回率下的对应的bbox的置信度

                        if nd:
                            recall[t, k, a, m] = rc[-1]
                            precision_s[t, k, a, m] = pr[-1]
                            recall[t, k, a, m] = 0
                            precision_s[t, k, a, m] = 0

                        # numpy is slow without cython optimization for accessing elements
                        # use python array gets significant speed improvement
                        pr = pr.tolist()
                        q = q.tolist()

                        for i in range(nd - 1, 0, -1):
                            if pr[i] > pr[i - 1]:
                                pr[i - 1] = pr[i]

                        inds = np.searchsorted(rc, p.recThrs, side='left')
                            for ri, pi in enumerate(inds):
                                q[ri] = pr[pi]
                                ss[ri] = dtScoresSorted[pi]
                        precision[t, :, k, a, m] = np.array(q)
                        scores[t, :, k, a, m] = np.array(ss)

        self.eval = {
            'params': p,
            'counts': [T, R, K, A, M],
            'date':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
            'precision': precision,  ##(T,R,K,A,M)
            'recall': recall,  ##(T,K,A,M)
            'precision_s': precision_s,
            'scores': scores,  ##(T,R,K,A,M)
        toc = time.time()
        print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format(toc - tic))

    def summarize(self):
        Compute and display summary metrics for evaluation results.
        Note this functin can *only* be applied on the default parameter setting

        def _summarize(ap=1, iouThr=None, areaRng='all', maxDets=100, catId=self.params.catIds):
            precision   = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M)) # -1 for the precision of absent categories ##这个是存储不同的rec值下的p值,相当于存储了pr曲线的采样点
            recall      = -np.ones((T,K,A,M))
            precision_s = -np.ones((T,K,A,M))   ##真实的精确率值
            p = self.params
            iStr = ' {:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} ] = {:0.3f}'
            # titleStr = 'Average Precision' if ap == 1 else 'Average Recall'
            # typeStr = '(AP)' if ap==1 else '(AR)'
            # titleStr = 'Average Precision' if ap == 1 else 'Average Recall'
            # typeStr = '(AP)' if ap==1 else '(AR)'
            iouStr = '{:0.2f}:{:0.2f}'.format(p.iouThrs[0], p.iouThrs[-1]) \
                if iouThr is None else '{:0.2f}'.format(iouThr)

            aind = [i for i, aRng in enumerate(p.areaRngLbl) if aRng == areaRng]
            mind = [i for i, mDet in enumerate(p.maxDets) if mDet == maxDets]

            cind = [i for i, cat in enumerate(p.catIds) if cat in catId]

            if ap == 1:
                titleStr = 'Average P-R curve Area'
                typeStr = '(mAP)'
                # dimension of precision: [TxRxKxAxM]
                s = self.eval['precision']
                # IoU
                if iouThr is not None:
                    t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0]
                    s = s[t]
                # s = s[:,:,:,aind,mind]
                s = s[:, :, cind, aind, mind]
            elif ap == 0:
                titleStr = 'Average Recall'
                typeStr = '(AR)'
                # dimension of recall: [TxKxAxM]
                s = self.eval['recall']
                if iouThr is not None:
                    t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0]
                    s = s[t]
                # s = s[:,:,aind,mind]
                s = s[:, cind, aind, mind]

                titleStr = 'Average Precision'
                typeStr = '(AP)'
                # dimension of precision: [TxKxAxM]
                s = self.eval['precision_s']
                # IoU
                if iouThr is not None:
                    t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0]
                    s = s[t]
                # s = s[:,:,aind,mind]
                s = s[:, cind, aind, mind]

            if len(s[s > -1]) == 0:
                mean_s = -1
                mean_s = np.mean(s[s > -1])
            # print(iStr.format(titleStr, typeStr, iouStr, areaRng, maxDets, mean_s))
            if s.shape[-1] > 1:
                iStr += ", per category = {}"
                mean_axis = (0,)
                if ap == 1:
                    mean_axis = (0, 1)
                # elif ap == 2:
                #     mean_axis=(0,1)
                per_category_mean_s = np.mean(s, axis=mean_axis).flatten()
                with np.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True, sign=" ", floatmode="fixed"):
                    print(iStr.format(titleStr, typeStr, iouStr, areaRng, maxDets, mean_s, per_category_mean_s))
                print(iStr.format(titleStr, typeStr, iouStr, areaRng, maxDets, mean_s, ""))
            return mean_s
        def _summarizeDets():
            stats = np.zeros((18,))
            stats[0] = _summarize(1)
            stats[1] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.5, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[2] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.75, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[3] = _summarize(1, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[4] = _summarize(1, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[5] = _summarize(1, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[6] = _summarize(0, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
            stats[7] = _summarize(0, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[1])
            stats[8] = _summarize(0, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[9] = _summarize(0, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[10] = _summarize(0, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[11] = _summarize(0, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[12] = _summarize(2, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
            stats[13] = _summarize(2, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[1])
            stats[14] = _summarize(2, iouThr=iou,maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[15] = _summarize(2, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[16] = _summarize(2, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            stats[17] = _summarize(2, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
            return stats
        def _summarizeKps():
            stats = np.zeros((10,))
            stats[0] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20)
            stats[1] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5)
            stats[2] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75)
            stats[3] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium')
            stats[4] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='large')
            stats[5] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20)
            stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5)
            stats[7] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75)
            stats[8] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium')
            stats[9] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='large')
            return stats
        if not self.eval:
            raise Exception('Please run accumulate() first')
        iouType = self.params.iouType
        if iouType == 'segm' or iouType == 'bbox':
            summarize = _summarizeDets
        elif iouType == 'keypoints':
            summarize = _summarizeKps
        self.stats = summarize()

    def __str__(self):

class Params:
    Params for coco evaluation api
    def setDetParams(self):
        self.imgIds = []
        self.catIds = []
        # np.arange causes trouble.  the data point on arange is slightly larger than the true value
        self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.recThrs = np.linspace(.0, 1.00, int(np.round((1.00 - .0) / .01)) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.maxDets = [1, 10, 100]
        self.areaRng = [[0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2], [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]]
        self.areaRngLbl = ['all', 'small', 'medium', 'large']
        self.useCats = 1

    def setKpParams(self):
        self.imgIds = []
        self.catIds = []
        # np.arange causes trouble.  the data point on arange is slightly larger than the true value
        self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.recThrs = np.linspace(.0, 1.00, int(np.round((1.00 - .0) / .01)) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.maxDets = [20]
        self.areaRng = [[0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2]]
        self.areaRngLbl = ['all', 'medium', 'large']
        self.useCats = 1
        self.kpt_oks_sigmas = np.array([.26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62,.62, 1.07, 1.07, .87, .87, .89, .89])/10.0

    def __init__(self, iouType='segm'):
        if iouType == 'segm' or iouType == 'bbox':
        elif iouType == 'keypoints':
            raise Exception('iouType not supported')
        self.iouType = iouType
        # useSegm is deprecated
        self.useSegm = None


from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval as _COCOeval改为from .mycocoval import COCOeval as _COCOeval


# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
# This file add snake case alias for coco api

import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import pycocotools
from pycocotools.coco import COCO as _COCO
# from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval as _COCOeval
from .mycocoval import COCOeval as _COCOeval

class COCO(_COCO):
    """This class is almost the same as official pycocotools package.

    It implements some snake case function aliases. So that the COCO class has
    the same interface as LVIS class.

    def __init__(self, annotation_file=None):
        if getattr(pycocotools, '__version__', '0') >= '12.0.2':
                'mmpycocotools is deprecated. Please install official pycocotools by "pip install pycocotools"',  # noqa: E501
        self.img_ann_map = self.imgToAnns
        self.cat_img_map = self.catToImgs

    def get_ann_ids(self, img_ids=[], cat_ids=[], area_rng=[], iscrowd=None):
        return self.getAnnIds(img_ids, cat_ids, area_rng, iscrowd)

    def get_cat_ids(self, cat_names=[], sup_names=[], cat_ids=[]):
        return self.getCatIds(cat_names, sup_names, cat_ids)

    def get_img_ids(self, img_ids=[], cat_ids=[]):
        return self.getImgIds(img_ids, cat_ids)

    def load_anns(self, ids):
        return self.loadAnns(ids)

    def load_cats(self, ids):
        return self.loadCats(ids)

    def load_imgs(self, ids):
        return self.loadImgs(ids)

# just for the ease of import
COCOeval = _COCOeval

class COCOPanoptic(COCO):
    """This wrapper is for loading the panoptic style annotation file.

    The format is shown in the CocoPanopticDataset class.

        annotation_file (str, optional): Path of annotation file.
            Defaults to None.

    def __init__(self, annotation_file: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        super(COCOPanoptic, self).__init__(annotation_file)

    def createIndex(self) -> None:
        """Create index."""
        # create index
        print('creating index...')
        # anns stores 'segment_id -> annotation'
        anns, cats, imgs = {}, {}, {}
        img_to_anns, cat_to_imgs = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
        if 'annotations' in self.dataset:
            for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:
                for seg_ann in ann['segments_info']:
                    # to match with instance.json
                    seg_ann['image_id'] = ann['image_id']
                    # segment_id is not unique in coco dataset orz...
                    # annotations from different images but
                    # may have same segment_id
                    if seg_ann['id'] in anns.keys():
                        anns[seg_ann['id']] = [seg_ann]

            # filter out annotations from other images
            img_to_anns_ = defaultdict(list)
            for k, v in img_to_anns.items():
                img_to_anns_[k] = [x for x in v if x['image_id'] == k]
            img_to_anns = img_to_anns_

        if 'images' in self.dataset:
            for img_info in self.dataset['images']:
                img_info['segm_file'] = img_info['file_name'].replace(
                    '.jpg', '.png')
                imgs[img_info['id']] = img_info

        if 'categories' in self.dataset:
            for cat in self.dataset['categories']:
                cats[cat['id']] = cat

        if 'annotations' in self.dataset and 'categories' in self.dataset:
            for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:
                for seg_ann in ann['segments_info']:

        print('index created!')

        self.anns = anns
        self.imgToAnns = img_to_anns
        self.catToImgs = cat_to_imgs
        self.imgs = imgs
        self.cats = cats

    def load_anns(self,
                  ids: Union[List[int], int] = []) -> Optional[List[dict]]:
        """Load anns with the specified ids.

        ``self.anns`` is a list of annotation lists instead of a
        list of annotations.

            ids (Union[List[int], int]): Integer ids specifying anns.

            anns (List[dict], optional): Loaded ann objects.
        anns = []

        if hasattr(ids, '__iter__') and hasattr(ids, '__len__'):
            # self.anns is a list of annotation lists instead of
            # a list of annotations
            for id in ids:
                anns += self.anns[id]
            return anns
        elif type(ids) == int:
            return self.anns[ids]


# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import datetime
import itertools
import os.path as osp
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.evaluator import BaseMetric
from mmengine.fileio import dump, get_local_path, load
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger
from terminaltables import AsciiTable

from mmdet.datasets.api_wrappers import COCO, COCOeval, COCOevalMP
from mmdet.registry import METRICS
from mmdet.structures.mask import encode_mask_results
from ..functional import eval_recalls

class CocoMetric(BaseMetric):
    """COCO evaluation metric.

    Evaluate AR, AP, and mAP for detection tasks including proposal/box
    detection and instance segmentation. Please refer to for more details.

        ann_file (str, optional): Path to the coco format annotation file.
            If not specified, ground truth annotations from the dataset will
            be converted to coco format. Defaults to None.
        metric (str | List[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Valid metrics
            include 'bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', and 'proposal_fast'.
            Defaults to 'bbox'.
        classwise (bool): Whether to evaluate the metric class-wise.
            Defaults to False.
        proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Numbers of proposals to be evaluated.
            Defaults to (100, 300, 1000).
        iou_thrs (float | List[float], optional): IoU threshold to compute AP
            and AR. If not specified, IoUs from 0.5 to 0.95 will be used.
            Defaults to None.
        metric_items (List[str], optional): Metric result names to be
            recorded in the evaluation result. Defaults to None.
        format_only (bool): Format the output results without perform
            evaluation. It is useful when you want to format the result
            to a specific format and submit it to the test server.
            Defaults to False.
        outfile_prefix (str, optional): The prefix of json files. It includes
            the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix".
            If not specified, a temp file will be created. Defaults to None.
        file_client_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
            corresponding backend in mmdet <= 3.0.0rc6. Defaults to None.
        backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
            corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
        collect_device (str): Device name used for collecting results from
            different ranks during distributed training. Must be 'cpu' or
            'gpu'. Defaults to 'cpu'.
        prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric
            names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators.
            If prefix is not provided in the argument, self.default_prefix
            will be used instead. Defaults to None.
        sort_categories (bool): Whether sort categories in annotations. Only
            used for `Objects365V1Dataset`. Defaults to False.
        use_mp_eval (bool): Whether to use mul-processing evaluation
    default_prefix: Optional[str] = 'coco'

    def __init__(self,
                 ann_file: Optional[str] = None,
                 metric: Union[str, List[str]] = 'bbox',
                 classwise: bool = True,
                 proposal_nums: Sequence[int] = (100, 300, 1000),
                 iou_thrs: Optional[Union[float, Sequence[float]]] = None,
                 metric_items: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                 format_only: bool = False,
                 outfile_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
                 file_client_args: dict = None,
                 backend_args: dict = None,
                 collect_device: str = 'cpu',
                 prefix: Optional[str] = None,
                 sort_categories: bool = False,
                 use_mp_eval: bool = False) -> None:
        super().__init__(collect_device=collect_device, prefix=prefix)
        # coco evaluation metrics
        self.metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric]
        allowed_metrics = ['bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', 'proposal_fast']
        for metric in self.metrics:
            if metric not in allowed_metrics:
                raise KeyError(
                    "metric should be one of 'bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', "
                    f"'proposal_fast', but got {metric}.")

        # do class wise evaluation, default False
        self.classwise = classwise
        # whether to use multi processing evaluation, default False
        self.use_mp_eval = use_mp_eval

        # proposal_nums used to compute recall or precision.
        self.proposal_nums = list(proposal_nums)

        # iou_thrs used to compute recall or precision.
        if iou_thrs is None:
            iou_thrs = np.linspace(
                .5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True)
        self.iou_thrs = iou_thrs
        self.metric_items = metric_items
        self.format_only = format_only
        if self.format_only:
            assert outfile_prefix is not None, 'outfile_prefix must be not'
            'None when format_only is True, otherwise the result files will'
            'be saved to a temp directory which will be cleaned up at the end.'

        self.outfile_prefix = outfile_prefix

        self.backend_args = backend_args
        if file_client_args is not None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The `file_client_args` is deprecated, '
                'please use `backend_args` instead, please refer to'
                ''  # noqa: E501

        # if ann_file is not specified,
        # initialize coco api with the converted dataset
        if ann_file is not None:
            with get_local_path(
                    ann_file, backend_args=self.backend_args) as local_path:
                self._coco_api = COCO(local_path)
                if sort_categories:
                    # 'categories' list in objects365_train.json and
                    # objects365_val.json is inconsistent, need sort
                    # list(or dict) before get cat_ids.
                    cats = self._coco_api.cats
                    sorted_cats = {i: cats[i] for i in sorted(cats)}
                    self._coco_api.cats = sorted_cats
                    categories = self._coco_api.dataset['categories']
                    sorted_categories = sorted(
                        categories, key=lambda i: i['id'])
                    self._coco_api.dataset['categories'] = sorted_categories
            self._coco_api = None

        # handle dataset lazy init
        self.cat_ids = None
        self.img_ids = None

    def fast_eval_recall(self,
                         results: List[dict],
                         proposal_nums: Sequence[int],
                         iou_thrs: Sequence[float],
                         logger: Optional[MMLogger] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        """Evaluate proposal recall with COCO's fast_eval_recall.

            results (List[dict]): Results of the dataset.
            proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Proposal numbers used for
            iou_thrs (Sequence[float]): IoU thresholds used for evaluation.
            logger (MMLogger, optional): Logger used for logging the recall
            np.ndarray: Averaged recall results.
        gt_bboxes = []
        pred_bboxes = [result['bboxes'] for result in results]
        for i in range(len(self.img_ids)):
            ann_ids = self._coco_api.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.img_ids[i])
            ann_info = self._coco_api.load_anns(ann_ids)
            if len(ann_info) == 0:
                gt_bboxes.append(np.zeros((0, 4)))
            bboxes = []
            for ann in ann_info:
                if ann.get('ignore', False) or ann['iscrowd']:
                x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox']
                bboxes.append([x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h])
            bboxes = np.array(bboxes, dtype=np.float32)
            if bboxes.shape[0] == 0:
                bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4))

        recalls = eval_recalls(
            gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, logger=logger)
        ar = recalls.mean(axis=1)
        return ar

    def xyxy2xywh(self, bbox: np.ndarray) -> list:
        """Convert ``xyxy`` style bounding boxes to ``xywh`` style for COCO

            bbox (numpy.ndarray): The bounding boxes, shape (4, ), in
                ``xyxy`` order.

            list[float]: The converted bounding boxes, in ``xywh`` order.

        _bbox: List = bbox.tolist()
        return [
            _bbox[2] - _bbox[0],
            _bbox[3] - _bbox[1],

    def results2json(self, results: Sequence[dict],
                     outfile_prefix: str) -> dict:
        """Dump the detection results to a COCO style json file.

        There are 3 types of results: proposals, bbox predictions, mask
        predictions, and they have different data types. This method will
        automatically recognize the type, and dump them to json files.

            results (Sequence[dict]): Testing results of the
            outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the
                prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json files will be named
                "somepath/xxx.bbox.json", "somepath/xxx.segm.json",

            dict: Possible keys are "bbox", "segm", "proposal", and
            values are corresponding filenames.
        bbox_json_results = []
        segm_json_results = [] if 'masks' in results[0] else None
        for idx, result in enumerate(results):
            image_id = result.get('img_id', idx)
            labels = result['labels']
            bboxes = result['bboxes']
            scores = result['scores']
            # bbox results
            for i, label in enumerate(labels):
                data = dict()
                data['image_id'] = image_id
                data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i])
                data['score'] = float(scores[i])
                data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label]

            if segm_json_results is None:

            # segm results
            masks = result['masks']
            mask_scores = result.get('mask_scores', scores)
            for i, label in enumerate(labels):
                data = dict()
                data['image_id'] = image_id
                data['bbox'] = self.xyxy2xywh(bboxes[i])
                data['score'] = float(mask_scores[i])
                data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label]
                if isinstance(masks[i]['counts'], bytes):
                    masks[i]['counts'] = masks[i]['counts'].decode()
                data['segmentation'] = masks[i]

        result_files = dict()
        result_files['bbox'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json'
        result_files['proposal'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.bbox.json'
        dump(bbox_json_results, result_files['bbox'])

        if segm_json_results is not None:
            result_files['segm'] = f'{outfile_prefix}.segm.json'
            dump(segm_json_results, result_files['segm'])

        return result_files

    def gt_to_coco_json(self, gt_dicts: Sequence[dict],
                        outfile_prefix: str) -> str:
        """Convert ground truth to coco format json file.

            gt_dicts (Sequence[dict]): Ground truth of the dataset.
            outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the
                prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json file will be named
            str: The filename of the json file.
        categories = [
            dict(id=id, name=name)
            for id, name in enumerate(self.dataset_meta['classes'])
        image_infos = []
        annotations = []

        for idx, gt_dict in enumerate(gt_dicts):
            img_id = gt_dict.get('img_id', idx)
            image_info = dict(
            for ann in gt_dict['anns']:
                label = ann['bbox_label']
                bbox = ann['bbox']
                coco_bbox = [
                    bbox[2] - bbox[0],
                    bbox[3] - bbox[1],

                annotation = dict(
                    id=len(annotations) +
                    1,  # coco api requires id starts with 1
                    iscrowd=ann.get('ignore_flag', 0),
                    area=coco_bbox[2] * coco_bbox[3])
                if ann.get('mask', None):
                    mask = ann['mask']
                    # area = mask_util.area(mask)
                    if isinstance(mask, dict) and isinstance(
                            mask['counts'], bytes):
                        mask['counts'] = mask['counts'].decode()
                    annotation['segmentation'] = mask
                    # annotation['area'] = float(area)

        info = dict(
            description='Coco json file converted by mmdet CocoMetric.')
        coco_json = dict(
        if len(annotations) > 0:
            coco_json['annotations'] = annotations
        converted_json_path = f'{outfile_prefix}.gt.json'
        dump(coco_json, converted_json_path)
        return converted_json_path

    # TODO: data_batch is no longer needed, consider adjusting the
    #  parameter position
    def process(self, data_batch: dict, data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None:
        """Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed
        results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will be used to
        compute the metrics when all batches have been processed.

            data_batch (dict): A batch of data from the dataloader.
            data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of data samples that
                contain annotations and predictions.
        for data_sample in data_samples:
            result = dict()
            pred = data_sample['pred_instances']
            result['img_id'] = data_sample['img_id']
            result['bboxes'] = pred['bboxes'].cpu().numpy()
            result['scores'] = pred['scores'].cpu().numpy()
            result['labels'] = pred['labels'].cpu().numpy()
            # encode mask to RLE
            if 'masks' in pred:
                result['masks'] = encode_mask_results(
                    pred['masks'].detach().cpu().numpy()) if isinstance(
                        pred['masks'], torch.Tensor) else pred['masks']
            # some detectors use different scores for bbox and mask
            if 'mask_scores' in pred:
                result['mask_scores'] = pred['mask_scores'].cpu().numpy()

            # parse gt
            gt = dict()
            gt['width'] = data_sample['ori_shape'][1]
            gt['height'] = data_sample['ori_shape'][0]
            gt['img_id'] = data_sample['img_id']
            if self._coco_api is None:
                # TODO: Need to refactor to support LoadAnnotations
                assert 'instances' in data_sample, \
                    'ground truth is required for evaluation when ' \
                    '`ann_file` is not provided'
                gt['anns'] = data_sample['instances']
            # add converted result to the results list
            self.results.append((gt, result))

    def compute_metrics(self, results: list) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Compute the metrics from processed results.

            results (list): The processed results of each batch.

            Dict[str, float]: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of
            the metrics, and the values are corresponding results.
        logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()

        # split gt and prediction list
        gts, preds = zip(*results)

        tmp_dir = None
        if self.outfile_prefix is None:
            tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            outfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results')
            outfile_prefix = self.outfile_prefix

        if self._coco_api is None:
            # use converted gt json file to initialize coco api
  'Converting ground truth to coco format...')
            coco_json_path = self.gt_to_coco_json(
                gt_dicts=gts, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix)
            self._coco_api = COCO(coco_json_path)

        # handle lazy init
        if self.cat_ids is None:
            self.cat_ids = self._coco_api.get_cat_ids(
        if self.img_ids is None:
            self.img_ids = self._coco_api.get_img_ids()

        # convert predictions to coco format and dump to json file
        result_files = self.results2json(preds, outfile_prefix)

        eval_results = OrderedDict()
        if self.format_only:
  'results are saved in '
            return eval_results

        for metric in self.metrics:
  'Evaluating {metric}...')

            # TODO: May refactor fast_eval_recall to an independent metric?
            # fast eval recall
            if metric == 'proposal_fast':
                ar = self.fast_eval_recall(
                    preds, self.proposal_nums, self.iou_thrs, logger=logger)
                log_msg = []
                for i, num in enumerate(self.proposal_nums):
                    eval_results[f'AR@{num}'] = ar[i]
                log_msg = ''.join(log_msg)

            # evaluate proposal, bbox and segm
            iou_type = 'bbox' if metric == 'proposal' else metric
            if metric not in result_files:
                raise KeyError(f'{metric} is not in results')
                predictions = load(result_files[metric])
                if iou_type == 'segm':
                    # Refer to  # noqa
                    # When evaluating mask AP, if the results contain bbox,
                    # cocoapi will use the box area instead of the mask area
                    # for calculating the instance area. Though the overall AP
                    # is not affected, this leads to different
                    # small/medium/large mask AP results.
                    for x in predictions:
                coco_dt = self._coco_api.loadRes(predictions)

            except IndexError:
                    'The testing results of the whole dataset is empty.')

            if self.use_mp_eval:
                coco_eval = COCOevalMP(self._coco_api, coco_dt, iou_type)
                coco_eval = COCOeval(self._coco_api, coco_dt, iou_type)

            coco_eval.params.catIds = self.cat_ids
            coco_eval.params.imgIds = self.img_ids
            coco_eval.params.maxDets = list(self.proposal_nums)
            coco_eval.params.iouThrs = self.iou_thrs

            # mapping of cocoEval.stats
            coco_metric_names = {
                'mAP_50_95': 0,
                'mAP_50': 1,
                'mAP_75': 2,
                'mAP_s': 3,
                'mAP_m': 4,
                'mAP_l': 5,
                'AR@100': 6,
                'AR@300': 7,
                'AR@1000': 8,
                'AR_s@1000': 9,
                'AR_m@1000': 10,
                'AR_l@1000': 11
            metric_items = self.metric_items
            if metric_items is not None:
                for metric_item in metric_items:
                    if metric_item not in coco_metric_names:
                        raise KeyError(
                            f'metric item "{metric_item}" is not supported')

            if metric == 'proposal':
                coco_eval.params.useCats = 0
                if metric_items is None:
                    metric_items = [
                        'AR@100', 'AR@300', 'AR@1000', 'AR_s@1000',
                        'AR_m@1000', 'AR_l@1000'

                for item in metric_items:
                    val = float(
                    eval_results[item] = val
                if self.classwise:  # Compute per-category AP
                    # Compute per-category AP
                    # from
                    precisions = coco_eval.eval['precision']
                    # precision: (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets)
                    assert len(self.cat_ids) == precisions.shape[2]
                    assert len(self.cat_ids) == precisions_s.shape[1]
                    assert len(self.cat_ids) == recalls.shape[1]
                    results_per_category = []
                    s = []
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[14], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[8], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[1], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[2], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[0], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[3], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[4], 3)}')
                    s.append(f'{round(stats[5], 3)}')
                    for idx, cat_id in enumerate(self.cat_ids):
                        # area range index 0: all area ranges
                        # max dets index -1: typically 100 per image
                        nm = self._coco_api.loadCats(cat_id)[0]
                        precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0, -1]
                        precision = precision[precision > -1]
                        if precision.size:
                            ap_o = np.mean(precision)
                            ap_o = float('nan')
                        precision_s = precisions_s[0, idx, 0, -1]
                        recall = recalls[0, idx, 0, -1]
                        t.append(f'{round(precision_s, 3)}')
                        t.append(f'{round(recall, 3)}')
                        eval_results[f'{nm["name"]}_precision'] = round(ap_o, 3)

                        # indexes of IoU  @50 and @75
                        for iou in [0, 5]:
                            precision = precisions[iou, :, idx, 0, -1]
                            precision = precision[precision > -1]
                            if precision.size:
                                ap = np.mean(precision)
                                ap = float('nan')
                            t.append(f'{round(ap, 3)}')
                        t.append(f'{round(ap_o, 3)}')
                        # indexes of area of small, median and large
                        for area in [1, 2, 3]:
                            precision = precisions[:, :, idx, area, -1]
                            precision = precision[precision > -1]
                            if precision.size:
                                ap = np.mean(precision)
                                ap = float('nan')
                            t.append(f'{round(ap, 3)}')

                    num_columns = len(results_per_category[0])
                    results_flatten = list(
                    headers = [
                        'category','Precision','Recall',  'mAP_50', 'mAP_75','mAP_50_95', 'mAP_s',
                        'mAP_m', 'mAP_l'
                    results_2d = itertools.zip_longest(*[
                        for i in range(num_columns)
                    table_data = [headers]
                    table_data += [result for result in results_2d]
                    table = AsciiTable(table_data)
          '\n' + table.table)

                if metric_items is None:
                    metric_items = [
                        'mAP_50_95', 'mAP_50', 'mAP_75', 'mAP_s', 'mAP_m', 'mAP_l'

                for metric_item in metric_items:
                    key = f'{metric}_{metric_item}'
                    val = coco_eval.stats[coco_metric_names[metric_item]]
                    eval_results[key] = float(f'{round(val, 3)}')

                ap = coco_eval.stats[:6]
      '{metric}_mAP_copypaste: {ap[0]:.3f} '
                            f'{ap[1]:.3f} {ap[2]:.3f} {ap[3]:.3f} '
                            f'{ap[4]:.3f} {ap[5]:.3f}')

        if tmp_dir is not None:
        return eval_results


test_evaluator = dict(
    metric=['bbox', 'segm'],
    ann_file=data_root + 'annotations.json',



03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - Evaluating bbox...
Loading and preparing results...
DONE (t=0.00s)
creating index...
index created!
Running per image evaluation...
Evaluate annotation type *bbox*
DONE (t=0.01s).
Accumulating evaluation results...
DONE (t=0.01s).
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.413, per category = [ 0.600  0.320  0.466  0.266]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.575, per category = [ 0.814  0.477  0.711  0.297]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.419, per category = [ 0.713  0.277  0.451  0.234]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.353, per category = [ 0.605  0.325  0.482  0.000]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.444, per category = [ 0.592  0.378  0.473  0.333]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.339, per category = [ 0.240  0.357  0.357  0.400]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.773, per category = [ 0.920  0.714  0.857  0.600]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.773, per category = [ 0.920  0.714  0.857  0.600]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.426, per category = [ 0.647  0.483  0.575  0.000]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.636, per category = [ 0.720  0.550  0.650  0.625]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.673, per category = [ 0.857  0.714  0.833  0.286]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.329, per category = [ 0.489  0.286  0.400  0.143]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.321, per category = [ 0.479  0.286  0.375  0.143]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.251, per category = [ 0.443  0.229  0.333  0.000]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.218, per category = [ 0.276  0.196  0.259  0.139]
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - 
| category | Precision | Recall | mAP_50 | mAP_75 | mAP_50_95 | mAP_s | mAP_m | mAP_l |
| intact   | 0.479     | 0.92   | 0.814  | 0.713  | 0.6       | nan   | 0.605 | 0.592 |
| slight   | 0.286     | 0.714  | 0.477  | 0.277  | 0.32      | nan   | 0.325 | 0.378 |
| severe   | 0.375     | 0.857  | 0.711  | 0.451  | 0.466     | nan   | 0.482 | 0.473 |
| collapse | 0.143     | 0.6    | 0.297  | 0.234  | 0.266     | nan   | 0.0   | 0.333 |
| all      | 0.321     | 0.773  | 0.575  | 0.419  | 0.413     | -1.0  | 0.353 | 0.444 |
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - bbox_mAP_copypaste: 0.413 0.575 0.419 -1.000 0.353 0.444
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - Evaluating segm...
Loading and preparing results...
DONE (t=0.00s)
creating index...
index created!
Running per image evaluation...
Evaluate annotation type *segm*
DONE (t=0.02s).
Accumulating evaluation results...
DONE (t=0.01s).
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.394, per category = [ 0.565  0.310  0.511  0.189]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.542, per category = [ 0.746  0.477  0.711  0.234]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.460, per category = [ 0.713  0.222  0.671  0.234]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.303, per category = [ 0.567  0.135  0.509  0.000]
 Average P-R curve Area (mAP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.460, per category = [ 0.588  0.465  0.537  0.248]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.289, per category = [ 0.240  0.357  0.357  0.200]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.693, per category = [ 0.800  0.714  0.857  0.400]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.693, per category = [ 0.800  0.714  0.857  0.400]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.410, per category = [ 0.600  0.417  0.625  0.000]
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.574, per category = [ 0.650  0.550  0.670  0.425]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.637, per category = [ 0.857  0.714  0.833  0.143]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.302, per category = [ 0.426  0.286  0.400  0.095]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.293, per category = [ 0.417  0.286  0.375  0.095]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000, per category = [-1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.161, per category = [ 0.321  0.132  0.192  0.000]
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.271, per category = [ 0.326  0.275  0.353  0.131]
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - 
| category | Precision | Recall | mAP_50 | mAP_75 | mAP_50_95 | mAP_s | mAP_m | mAP_l |
| intact   | 0.417     | 0.8    | 0.746  | 0.713  | 0.565     | nan   | 0.567 | 0.588 |
| slight   | 0.286     | 0.714  | 0.477  | 0.222  | 0.31      | nan   | 0.135 | 0.465 |
| severe   | 0.375     | 0.857  | 0.711  | 0.671  | 0.511     | nan   | 0.509 | 0.537 |
| collapse | 0.095     | 0.4    | 0.234  | 0.234  | 0.189     | nan   | 0.0   | 0.248 |
| all      | 0.293     | 0.693  | 0.542  | 0.46   | 0.394     | -1.0  | 0.303 | 0.46  |
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - segm_mAP_copypaste: 0.394 0.542 0.460 -1.000 0.303 0.460
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - Results has been saved to results.pkl.
03/01 16:01:41 - mmengine - INFO - Epoch(test) [7/7]    coco/intact_precision: 0.5650  coco/slight_precision: 0.3100  coco/severe_precision: 0.5110  coco/collapse_precision: 0.1890  coco/bbox_mAP_50_95: 0.4130  coco/bbox_mAP_50: 0.5750  coco/bbox_mAP_75: 0.4190  coco/bbox_mAP_s: -1.0000  coco/bbox_mAP_m: 0.3530  coco/bbox_mAP_l: 0.4440  coco/segm_mAP_50_95: 0.3940  coco/segm_mAP_50: 0.5420  coco/segm_mAP_75: 0.4600  coco/segm_mAP_s: -1.0000  coco/segm_mAP_m: 0.3030  coco/segm_mAP_l: 0.4600  data_time: 1.7243  time: 2.2589


  1. COCO评估输出指定某类AP或者输出每个类别AP结果_coco api打印出所有类别的ap值-CSDN博客
  2. mmdet 3.x 打印各类指标-CSDN博客
  3. COCOAPI评价指标解析及改进_cocoapi评分很低-CSDN博客
  4. COCO - Common Objects in Context (